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This might be the beginning of the end. H just now told me that our insurance has changed as of the first of the year. As in, we switched insurance companies. He says he told me about this before. . . he did not. He told me our plan was changing but I assumed we were with the same company. I asked if therapy would still be covered and he said yes, and then explained the differences in plans which didn't seem significant so I didn't think much of it.

Now I realize we are with a different insurance company altogether, and I just checked T's website. . . this is *not* listed as one of the ones she accepts! I emailed her to ask about it just in case. Heck, I was not thinking I'd be losing her this soon but maybe it's the end.

I'm shaking as I write this. Wonder when I will hear back from her.

As Buzz Lightyear says, "One minute, you think you're running the whole galaxy. . . " sigh.
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hic... i hope your T is able to work with you on this. you may be able to get reimbursement out of network for her if you approach the insurance company for an exception claiming you are in the middle of important work right now and cannot change Ts. Your T would have to be supportive on this and hopefully she knows how to "work" the insurance people to get you the exception.

I know you are scared and upset and I do understand that terror.... but don't panic until you exhaust all other options first.

Hang in there and do some research.

Thank, TN. I am feeling a bit calmer and have been weighing options. Our old plan would pay a decent percentage of out of network expenses, but there is no out of network coverage under this plan. (Which H did tell me, but it didn't concern me at the time because I was thinking we were with the same company and T was in network!) The idea of seeking an exception would not have occurred to me and I'm glad you mentioned it. I will bring it up with my T if it becomes necessary.

Of course, ideally I will hear that she takes this insurance and her website simply doesn't reflect that. Ts are not necessarily known for their up to date websites, yes?

Worst case scenario, we could afford to pay out of pocket for once a month therapy. I was not quite ready to switch to once a month yet, but it's better than saying goodbye altogether, I think. Of course this is a sad misfiring of H's idea to save a few dollars by switching insurance companies! We're locked into this plan for a year now. Can't believe we were both so careless. I should have been paying more attention to this, he should have communicated better, blah blah 2020 hindsight.

Hoping T will email me back tomorrow.
hi HIC. i'm so sorry you're dealing with this. i had the same issue a year ago, where my company switched insurance companies and it was one that T did not accept. as TN said, there is a 'continuance of care' or something like that which could be a possibility. like my T said "changing therapists isn't like changing underwear" ... T cracks (cracked) me up. what my T ended up doing was going with the new shitty insurance company. i think it may have been easier and quicker for him as he was with the shitty insurance company, but only for a specific large company in his area, if that makes any sense.

anyway, i wish you the best and that everything works out fine. i know that's a tough and emotional spot to be in. keep us posted.
Thanks (((Liese))) and (((CD))). And lol @ the underwear, CD. Smiler I'm glad that your T decided to accept that insurance company. Maybe mine will do the same. I am a long term client and likely to continue as one for awhile. I just don't know all that's involved for them to register with an insurance company. Does anyone else?

I haven't heard back from T and am wondering how long to wait before I bother her again about this. Technically, it isn't urgent, as I don't have another session scheduled till the 17th, however I would really like to know sometime before that session how it is going to be paid for! I'm thinking maybe email her again mid next week if I don't hear from her first. . . ?

Any thoughts?

I don't want to be a pain and I fear T is already a little annoyed at me as I was in an off mood at my last session. It was one of those frustrating not terribly productive ones.

Thanks again, peoples, for the support. Smiler
HIC, i really don't know for sure, but it seems to me from conversations with T a year ago that the speediness depends greatly on the insurance company you're dealing with. some are better at it, and some not so much. i'd give until Monday. if you haven't heard anything by noon i think it would be okay to call/text/email. this could be semi-urgent depending on the insurance company. that's my opinion. good luck ((( HIC ))). keep us posted.
Thanks for chiming in, CD. This is obviously on my mind a lot and I'm feeling all noble for not pestering T with more emailage about it over the weekend, lol! Maybe I will go ahead and write Monday afternoon like you suggest, though, if I haven't heard from her first. It's within the realm of possibility that she never read my email (cuz I'm thinking this is one she'd acknowledge if she had read it). Well. . . we'll see.

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