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I feel a little bad about posting again after not responding individually to each sweet, kind, and meaningful responses I received to my last post. I actually spent a long time writing out such a reply, only to have it swallowed somewhere into the belly of the cybercreature.

I apologize for not having redone that. Let me just tell you:

--I read your replies over and over, and they gave me strength.

--I felt surprised at the degree of grounding receiving so many perspectives lent me.
I want to redo my responses, just put it off because it was draining the first time. I still plan to do it, but am not in the right frame of mind right now.

So…I hope you can forgive another post.

I am a mess right now. One more week until my T returns, and I feel like cancelling. To punish her? Because it hurts to realize again how much my sessions mean to me, knowing that they don’t mean that much to her? I’m like a little kid who hits an adult, incapable of actually causing harm.

And I resent that.

And I am tired.

My husband is away on business, and my kids are SO DEMANDING. I love them. Of course. They are the sun, the moon, the stars, the beauty of the earth. But they have so many problems! And I am in so much pain. I’m so tired of being endlessly patient and kind. Okay, I am not really that, but I try to be, and it wears me out! My oldest has struggled extensively with substance abuse. My youngest came with a host of issues that require a constant stream of patience. Since day one. When I took her for an evaluation as a younger child, I was surprised to learn that she did not have autism. She has her own unique bundle, and my therapist constantly reminds me of how much I have accomplished with her.

I love her. I am grateful for her. But I am not able to give and give and give and

Where am I??? Where am I in this? My close friend needs me. I feel guilty if I do not spend enough time with her. My kids need me.

My brother and his wife came upon hard times, and they and their baby moved in with us. They need me. I adore my tiny niece and like spending regular time with her.

But I am turning invisible.

My husband is gone.

My kids are acting spoiled and selfish.

My mother died recently.

School is starting back up. Surprisingly, maybe, my internship is one area where I do not feel stressed—probably the only one. It gives me so much joy to share in my clients’ successes and I like offering support when they are hard on themselves.

I need my therapist there to remind me of the blurred areas that actually represent success that I can’t see right now, and I need her support!! I just need her to reach out her hand, figuratively, and remind me of what she sees when she looks at me. Because what I feel when I experience me is intolerable right now.

My family needs, needs, needs so much and my bucket is empty. I just want to sleep. Maybe for a year or so.

A big thing that is probably actually little that has me discouraged: an unpleasant interaction with a professor over email. I told her I had to take my daughter to the doctor. She advised me to reschedule. I did not, because my daughter really needed that appointment. So—her first impression of me is as a person who does not listen or care about her input.
So tired!!!!!!!
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You, my Exploring bundle of literary beauty, are on overload.
Sometimes when we most need to stop and catch our breath - we can't. Either because we feel obligated to keep going like the energizer bunny or we don't recognize it.
I have 3 special needs children as well and yeah I am so there with you. I feel lost and invisible many times.
and btw - I would have kept my child's appt as well. It's not that you didn't listen or didn't value her input; it was about needs and prioritizing.
Deep breaths - only one more week until your t is back. DON'T cancel!!
Thank you, Pengs and Lucy. Smiler

Pengs--seeing your avatar just naturally cheers me up, and along with that I have to say how charming your nickname for your children is (from other posts of yours.) Pengles. I like that (my autocorrect thinks it should be pebbles.)Maybe mine could be junior explorers?

I gratefully accept the cyberhug and like the image of it as a mini-top-off. Just thinking about it is helpful. Smiler

Lucy, your response made me smile right from the first line. "My Exploring bundle of literary beauty"--did I get that right? What an endearing compliment! You're no slouch yourself, kid. Smiler

You hit the proverbial nail on the head (where else would you hit it?) when you assessed my condition as "on overload." I have a hard time recognizing what is a normal amount of stress and what is too much, because every amount of exertion feels hurculean. Roadmarching 25 miles in a day? Tough. Writing three papers in one overnight session? Tough. Surviving a day of emotionally flooding by watching Psych all day? Tough. It's all equally tough. Each day. No matter what it brings, because life is very hard.

Not that I am glad you have struggles with your children, but it feels good that you understand. Special needs kids pull so much out of you. Has anyone ever said to you, "I couldn't do it" or, better yet, "Thank God I didn't have a child like that"? First of all, no one gave me a choice, and secondly, my child is still precious.

The "energizer bunny" comment kept the smile going, by the way.

And--I guess you are right--it is better not to cancel. I appreciate the encouragement, although I am still irritated with my T. Smiler

((Pengs, Lucy))
Not that I am glad you have struggles with your children, but it feels good that you understand. Special needs kids pull so much out of you. Has anyone ever said to you, "I couldn't do it" or, better yet, "Thank God I didn't have a child like that"? First of all, no one gave me a choice, and secondly, my child is still precious.

and I've gotten "well, better you than me".

Two of my children are adopted and I've even been told I should give them back because they are 'too much' for me. Breaks my heart - no, it shatters my heart. Into a gazillion pieces.
I tell myself if that's how they truly feel - then yeah - I'm glad they weren't blessed with special children. But it still hurts.

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