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I wrote the following on my blog last night and I wanted to share it here so I am going to cut and paste it.

I’ve had three sessions with M since the holiday break. The first one I talked about Christmas and some of the funny moments as well as touching on the difficult ones. During the second I managed to talk honestly about my marriage. I’ve touched on the problems I am having in my relationship with my husband but briefly and in little detail. In the past when I’ve talked about it with M I felt that he supported my husband and thought that the problems we had were caused by me. So sessions about my marriage usually started with me talking about a disagreement or an issue I had with my husband and then no matter what M said; if he asked a question or reflected back my feelings, or looked concerned, I would think he blames me and start to shut down. M would ask me more questions and I feel like he was trying to corner me so I would stop answering. Then sometime after the session I would email him and say I felt like you were blaming me when you said …. and he would reply and explain what he meant or expand on what he was thinking. This happened over and over.

Last week I spoke for the entire session telling M stories from the last three months. I told him about fights we had and things I had said. I talked about my frustration and my fear that my marriage was only getting worse the more I tried to express my feelings and share myself with my husband. He didn’t have very much time to respond because I talked so much which is very unusual. After the session I started to worry that I hadn’t given a very balanced description of things to M. I had blamed my husband too much and not acknowledged the fact that I can be a bitch sometimes. Interestingly I didn’t worry that M thought things were my fault. I couldn’t recall one word or look or pause that suggested that M blamed me. I was surprised.

When I went to my session on Monday we started by discussing the suggestion M had made a few months ago that my husband and I meet with M to do some couple therapy. M told me that after hearing me talk more about the issues and hearing me discuss the strategies I had used in my discussions with my husband and things hadn’t improved he wasn’t sure that meeting with him would be helpful. He thought that perhaps it might be better for my husband and I to see a different therapist who could help us work through things. He asked me questions about whether there was a time in our relationship when we had been able to communicate more effectively? when he wasn’t so reactive? what marriage therapy in the past was like? was my husband able to talk about his feelings with the marriage therapist? at home after sessions? etc. I can’t say that I didn’t have thoughts cross my mind like he doesn’t want to work with us because he thinks we are irreparable or he is asking if my husband talked about his feelings differently with a therapist than when alone with me because he thinks I”m uncaring or self-absorbed and didn’t ask but I didn’t get caught up in those thoughts. I didn’t leave his office replaying the session in my mind until it seemed to prove that M was blaming me. I had no urgent need to email M to clarify what he meant when he said …

I know it probably doesn’t seem like a very big deal to have three sessions with your therapist that don’t result in a minor crisis of feeling like your therapist blames you for your problems, or doesn’t like you, or thinking of quitting therapy but I think this might be the longest I have gone in 4.5 years of therapy without a minor crisis. I am not anxious about my session tomorrow. I am not worried that it will be my last session or something unexpected will explode and ruin my relationship with him. It feels different. It has changed. I guess it is probably too much to hope that it will last but I had to write it down now while I felt it. I think M is trying to help me and he isn’t trying to get away from me, no I don’t just think it I BELIEVE it.
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I think it's a big deal too. What's great is that you notice the improvement. Sometimes with therapy it's hard to notice when, how and if you've grown and it's nice once in a while to have tangible proof of that.

FWIW, my T thought both my H and I had/have baggage and that we should work with separate therapists first before doing marriage counseling. Maybe that's where M was going with that after hearing how your husband reacts to you?

Hug two
incognito.. this was really nice to read about. It seems that you are feeling safer with your T and you are allowing him (as your attachment figure) to regulate your emotions so that you are not feeling so anxious after your sessions. I know it seems like we go to therapy for long periods of time when nothing happens or changes for us and then... all of a sudden you can feel the change and you begin to notice things. That is a great feeling.

I recently had this happen to me. For such a long time I was pushing my T away, refusing to believe that he could help me, struggling with trust issues, etc. I would despair because I could not FEEL his care or empathy. Mostly I was just numb but then I would have meltdowns later that night or the next day. I would then call him and he would calm me down. His calls ALWAYS helped to regulate me. it was just recently with my horrible crisis at work and the awful struggle to not fall apart during all the changes, the workload and losing my office that I became much closer to my T. It took a LOT from him to get me through this crisis but he was there for me like M is there for you all the time. And then, suddenly, I stopped pushing him away, I began to feel his care and empathy. I was not anxious went I walked into his office. I began to smile at him more. We are closer now and the attachment is stronger.

But if you asked me exactly what caused the change I couldn't pinpoint anything in particular. Maybe it was him being there, or being consistent, or my being more able to take in what he was giving me freely and to FEEL him with me.

It sounds to me like some of this is happening for you too. I am really happy for you and I hope it continues. I think a really good thing to do would be to tell M exactly what you wrote here. It will help him to feel even closer to you and you to him and the bond will get stronger and when that happens YOU will get stronger and less anxious.

Let us know what happens tomorrow. Good luck.

Thanks for sharing my progress BLT, anon, Liese and TN. My internet was down for several hours on wednesday night and I didn't get to read your comments before my session. I didn't talk to him about how I felt during my session (instead we talked more about my relationship with my husband) but I called him and spoke to him on the phone on Thursday at lunch (he actually answered which always amazes me). I told him that I wasn't feeling as blamed by him in our discussion and I was calmer and it felt weird. He said maybe I've reached a point where a different level of vigilance is required and that he had noticed that I was speaking more freely. Then I thanked him and said I would see him Monday.

However, I still feel weird, like there is something missing. It is like having phantom limb pain and I worry that I am not upset at him. Does that sound crazy? Unfortunately after we spoke on the phone I found out that the funding for my position has been cut and I will likely be out of work by summer 2012 and I started a consultation at a trauma assessment clinic this week so I have new stressors. I can't even feel comfortable feeling okay now.

That's an interesting explanation he gave you. I've had a similar experience lately. I used to have to check in often to make sure he wasn't sick of me. I think I've gotten to the point where I really trust that he's not sick of me and we talk more about the stuff that is happening in my life as opposed to my relationship with him.

Funny that you say that it feels like something is missing because I did feel like that for a while and still do to some extent. It's like, for me, all the drama is finally over and I'm experiencing him on just an even keel. It's different. Not bad but it's just that I've never experienced relationships like that before.

I suppose that it's probably the same for me, that I don't have to be as hypervigilant anymore.

Good luck with the assessment. Please let us know how it goes.

Is there any chance you might not lose your job or is it a definite?

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