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The PsychCafe
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I have been thinking about this and wanted to say this. There are extremely, incredible people on this forum. Some who are just beginning their journey and others, who have hit a few bumps along the regards to the process of therapy. There are those of us who are in the throes of deeply painful places and are doing our best to master what we can. There are others who have healed or experienced healing at a deeper level than some of us.

I would like to think I am sensitive to others, attentive to others. The truth is, sometimes I am not. Sometimes, between school, the business and family...I feel I can not give one more single thing. Sometimes it is nice to be able to have someone come alongside you and say, "Let me help you carry your burden."

We all view ourselves in the best possible light, when it comes to what we do for others. Perhaps, from this forum, I have taken more than I have given. My questions many, responses few. I realize at times, I am very set in seeing things a certain way. I can be dismissive, saying things don' t matter, when they truly do.

I may not reply to every post but it doesn't mean I don't value the kindness that has been shown towards me. Some of us heal when we give, even when it is from our own pain.

If anyone has felt slighted by my lack of replies to their response, I apologize. It truly was not my intent. I will try and be more conscientious of replies and responding to them. I really believe this is an amazing group of people who truly care for the those that share their struggles, littany of questions and occassional attitudes Wink

Thank you for listening.

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I think all of us could (or should) write your post - we are all the same really.

What I like about your posts is that they always intrigue me, challenge me, makes me think, question my own situation. Whenever i see NEW TOPIC by TAS on my email inbox - I always open it with anticipation because you always challenge me in a good way.

A healthy forum needs people of all different backgrounds, journeys, ages and stages, cultures, experiences, outlooks, etc - and you are one person in this family.

So i always appreciate your input - no matter what format that takes.

Thanks TAS,
I also find your threds very interesting and have reflected many feelings I have also had at times.
I think everyone has a time when they can give and a time when they need to take.
That what this forum is about, helping others when you can, and reciving the support and advice from others when you are in need.
Nobody here is counting!
I think people it helps people to feel good when they are in aposition to help others.
But very nicely written post! Hug two

I luved ur post, thank you. I feel like I've done a lot of taking from everyone here & I'm waiting to be thrown off the forum bec of the huge sucking vacuum sound coming from me. I do need to reply more to others & their needs. Even if it's just encouragement I now know how good that feels to read. Thank you for reminding meSmiler
(((TAS))) you may give in ways you don't realize. we're all in different stages, and sometimes those stages advance and sometimes they go backwards and sometime we are in a position to offer support or advice and other times we we need that from others. your posts are raw and insightful and as you are struggling with your issues you are honest enough to share your views, which encourages others to be more insightful and empathic. we're all valuable here, no matter where we are in our journey.

that said, i'm echoing Liese's question ... Smiler
Ok Tas, you are a tough nut but it is an endearing toughness. I'm sure your T knows this also. What you have shown me on this forum, is that you aren't afraid to self-reflect. I learn from that, about my ability to do the same. I learn about me from reading your posts. As others have said, you bring up thought provoking ideas.

From when you first started posting, I would have bet you wouldn't have lasted long on here and in therapy. You proved me completely wrong. That is where that toughness helps. Keep posting. There are so many smart and kind people on here to help. Hang in there.
Hey gang! Smiler I literally just came in the door...I have been gone since 7:30 am and it is now 9:30 p.m. I will reply after my first class tomorrow to each of you.

To answer Liese's question and those who echoed it Wink I did go to the appointment and he was very understanding. He did a lot of the talking as I shut down...I coyld hardly even make eye contact with him...

I am typing this from my phone.


Instead of creating more new replies...I am just going to address each of you in one post Smiler

SomeDays...thank you! I appreciate what you said about my posts being challenging...that is exactly how I see therapy, challenging! Wink's interesting to see how we each have our own experiences and yet, the similarities in the way we feel about them is so strikingly common at times. Thank you for your kind words.

Catalyst...right back at ya Wink

Thank you SCARS09...I love this forum and it's welcoming, healing community.

Mudd...I hope you are seeing better days Smiler No worries, take what you need. At some point, you will be able to give what is needed, as well Smiler

Outsider...thank you! Hope you are doing well and thank you for taking the time to read my posts...

Becca...yes, tough. Sometimes to my own detriment. Wink He does see it I am sure...but I think he defintely is more stubborn than me...I think I have met my match.

Smiler To all.
I´m a little late to this but I just wanted to say what a nice post that was, TAS. Smiler I don´t know you well enough yet but it´s nice to know that we all have that sense of unity and solidarity through this. On my part, I have been bad about replying to things (and that is because they ignite triggers in me) but I´ll try to be better about that.


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