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I am so sorry to write again on here, but I am feeling so bad, My T said in the text we be in touch this week ,
ok so I sent him short e-mail about 3 hours ago to ask when next appointment is and my T did not reply yet and now I am really starting to crash down,

I have been seeing him for some years , and I am so trying to think he is not dumping me, and so on .. And NOT sending him another mail or text, but give him time to reply ,,, I just cant do this anymore, I got the news also i am not working this month and I just think I can´t take anymore .. He said we meet every 2 week and I just sent him in the is the next session next monday because he cancelled this monday this week. Gosh I really thought this would not bother me so much, but it does..
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How long does it normally take to respond? My T will usually get back to me the same day (if I contact her during her hours). If she doesn't I do follow up and it's good to ask.

I know you don't want to contact your T again - but if you decide to you could always write about your feelings right now.

Did you specifically ask your T either to respond or to answer a question? Sometimes if we passively ask or hope someone will assume something it can backfire and hurt us as a result. I'm not sure if that's the case but if so is definitely encourage talking again.

This stuff can be so painful... I can hear the stress and anxiety Frowner please don't be sorry to post - it seems a little quiet here but it can help.
It has been like if my T is going to answear my e-mail my T does it within the hour, but it can be that he is not near his appointment book or something.

I don´t want to push my T too much, . I wish I could not feel so afraid of this, I don´t think it is fair on my T that I feel so insecure , my T has been there, I wish I just would not think this..

I hope he responds to you soon as well.

I have to say I don't understand how you are "pushing" your T here. You are trying to get in contact with him because you reached the end of the time frame he gave you. You didn't start emailing on the first day. What is something is wrong and he didn't receive your emails? Do you have another way to reach him that he is okay with? My T told me that if he hadn't responded to an email within a few hours while he was in his office then I should call and leave a message asking him to contact me/respond to the email. He doesn't respond when he isn't in his office and I've never had a cell number so I can text him so the boundaries are clear. I think it is reasonable and to be expected that you are upset by his silence.
hi incognito..

ok I have been seeing my T for some years and many times he does reply ,I just sometimes afraid he will dump me if I push him enough, I don't think the does not see my mails , I do have my T mobile phone and he does not want to use text, (told me long time ago) he did send me text to cancell the session, but ok , but he knows also how I am , If he reply to my mail he does it within the hour. I did try to talk to my freind about his but she does not understand me , and it made thinks worse,
(((ANNA)) I feel very bad for you. That is such a painful thing to deal with. I realize T's have to have boundaries, but sometimes I really wish they would be somewhat flexible with their boundaries depending on the Clients needs. My T is very strict as well. I only have an emergency number, and no contact with him other then a true emergency. Keep talking with us, and you will get through this. You are stronger then you think. Warm Hugs
Thanks Eme an red T.

MY T sais in the text that he would be in contact in the week, so I did send my T mail in the end of the week, If I dond't hear , I wil send short text on monday morning, I don't know why my T was not in the office maybei my T was ill or something, well my T knows how this is inporting to me, but now I am getting were maybei its just best to quit .

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