On Monday I will be spending the whole day in T's company outside the office. It really isn't as bad as it sounds, but it is still kicking up some anxiety for me.
Once a year my T hosts an all-day-long group therapy outing to an amusement park. She does it mainly for her youth clients, and they have goals they are supposed to be working on such as social skills, organizational/time planning skills, etc. My daughter and son are both invited this year.
I was not initially invited to go along, and at first I was bothered by that because I knew T would need some adult chaperones, and she has invited me as a parent to other group outings with my kids, so why not this one too? I talked to my T about it, and she said I was not invited because (1) its very expensive for a person who doesn't have insurance that will cover it [me], and (2) she generally doesn't like to take parents on this trip because the kids pair up with each other and go their separate ways so there is little parent-child interaction. I was still a little jealous because I knew another adult client who might be invited, but I accepted her reasons and put it aside.
Last session, however, T changed her story and said now I *might* be invited to go, if I still wanted to, because she would need more drivers if they couldn’t secure a shuttle bus rental to transport 15 kids. She also mentioned that the other adult client I referred to above had been invited to go (although I'm sure she's not driving) and that the only other adults would be T and her husband.
This is kicking up some stuff for me. First, it was still a *maybe* invitation, and it seemed to be based upon what would be helpful for T . True, I have no obligation to say yes, because there are other adults T could easily ask to drive. But the fact is that I wasn't invited until after she found some useful purpose for me. On the other hand, it may be that she is using this purpose as a way to justify waiving part or all of my costs (for park admittance, meals, T's time, etc.) and make it affordable for me since I don't have insurance and she bills the trip as the equivalent of 3 or 4 sessions, because I think chaperones as a rule don’t have to pay their own way (although I have yet to work this out with her to be certain).
Another thing I immediately began to worry about is that her husband is going. I have never met her husband, and in all of my hours of googling that I once did, her husband is the only immediate family member of hers for which I never found a picture. I found pictures of T and all her kids and grandkids, but not hubby. Somehow that makes me feel more unprepared to meet him or talk to him. Has anyone else ever met their T’s spouse? And if so, what was your experience of it?
Yet another thing I've fretted about is my jealousy over that other adult client who has been invited to come. It is the same client whom T thought had SU'ed recently. I seem to have some sort of immature competition for T's attention going on with her. And guess who I am going to be paired up with if T is with her hubby? Yep, that client. It's not like she is mean or scary, but she is also wary of me, and distant. And we will be together from morning til dark.
Today I found out that for sure I am invited to drive/go. But even though I will be feeling insecure inside, I’m sure I’ll put on a show of being mature since my kids will be there. That will be motivation not to regress too much, right? To not throw tantrums inside the park, haha. It sounds like I am complaining as I read what I have just written, so why don't I just decide not to go, right? But how many of you would turn down an opportunity to be with your T all day long, even if it wasn't one-on-one?