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Got the worst stomach flu of my life! I got so dehydrated that I couldn't even open my eyes when the light was on b/c my head hurt so bad. Then I just laid over the toilet dry heaving and moaning from the pain b/c there was nothing left in me after the whole night of getting sick. H took me to Emergency room. They hydrated me on IV fluids for seven hours and pumped me full of anti nausea meds. I am finally on the mend now. Not 100 percent, but somewhat. The whole situation (long story and not ready to explain yet) got me in contact with old T. First time I have talked to her since I left therapy. It was calming for me. It helped me at the time. I don't know how I feel about it now though. Hhhmmmm...strange the way things happen sometimes.
Anyways, I hope you all had a better Easter than me!!
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((((Kmay))) that sounds like a really horrible way to spend Easter,I am glad that you are getting better and hope it doesn't take long to make a full recovery.

Its understandable that you would find old T's presence reassuring going through something like that and even more understandable that you might be having different feelings now. From where I am sitting it seems like you are trying to disengage but she's not helping much (even if you reached out to her, it feels like she is doing what makes her feel better in being able to comfort you, rather than what is good for you in the long run, which is to have it really be over or at least over enough right now for you to heal).

Thanks Friends,

I am still down for the count Frowner Not as bad as I was on Easter but man oh man, I can't ever remember feeling like this. I tried going to work yesterday but only made it until Noon. I missed Monday and today. I was so nervous about missing b/c I have a new boss and am working for a new Company that bought my old one out and I am afraid to start off on the wrong foot. I saw my Primary care for a follow up today and she wrote me out for the rest of the week but I am going to try to go in tomorrow.

AG - Yes, I do agree with you. I can sense the old feelings of desperation for her very slowly creeping back in. I am keeping my distance for now. It's hard. The whole thing is hard and messy but I am trying.

Thanks to all.

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