Thank you poppet for my hugs...hugs are always welcome!
I also agree with what you say about needing to fill the void ourselves...I'm
sort of on that page but now I'm such a super-duper, self aware, good self-esteem
kinda girl...why won't T be friends with me?
I'm a nightmare-I agree with what you're saying, I know it intellectually, but I'm
so not willing to let go of the fantasy of being friends. Liese-I'm hoping I can get to
grips with it and work through it in the next few months. I certainly wouldn't want
to end until it's been looked at and hopefully worked through. If I get to that
point CD, I'll let you know the point of it, but right now I'm right where you
are-I could have written your post!!
I've emailed my T today with all my thoughts and feelings about this. She replied
really quickly and said to trust I would be ok. She then phoned me and was
very reassuring, said she understood how I felt and we would work through it
together for as long as it took for me to be ok with ending. She said it was
good to be upfront and honest about my feelings and she was glad I'd shared.
She's only ever called me once in between sessions. It was reassuring to hear her
voice and have her be totally normal with me as I'd jumped in to a big shame pit
for being so needy and wanty and telling her exactly what I wished for.