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Oh dear AG:

Feeling your 'feelings' is so tough....I can so relate....just from the other side of the continuum....For me, I cannot (perhaps will not) eat when I am feeling stressed or overwhelmed.....I struggled with anorexia for about 20 years....and to some degree still have a difficult time 'feeling my feeling' are so right when you say that the terrible way that you are feeling is a real indication that you are making progress.....I am so glad that you were able to make your way here to the forum to express your 'feelings'!
congrats about the 21 pound lost..

yes feeling your eelings is def. difficult...

Im attending a chronic pain group right now using ACT- acceptance and comittment Therapy which is aimed towards having your feelings, goodm bad. all of them and pain.. it is what it is type thing.. having thoughts but not necessarily the need to respond to what they say and things like that... but mostly its about being present with whats in your body as it occures.... it's very interesting...
it's too soon however their are things I like about it...

still not great with the whole 'acceptance of pain' with how it is... ... living and dealing with the present mind of pain, feelings and emotuoions isnt my cup of tea.... lol... gee wonder why....

so time will tell but im trying... .I do like some of the themes so far in terms of being accepting of what you feel and mindful of it all as well as realizing that what youyr brain says isnt something you have to react too.... its what it says.. but than you can say okay thanks brain for sharing that, now i will do this or that.... I like that...

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