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It's scary to say but I think I could get used to staying here more & more. That I'd like to stay feels even more of a betrayel. I don't need to think about the monotonous mom stuff & I've been told my kids "have never been better."
Few of us here have a chance to leave. Some are here for 3-5 yrs or longer. A small fraction of us are here for under a yr. so it's the same faces, same clothes, same voices, same fights, same problems. Some I know better than others & there's some that give TMI while sitting next to them for an activity or something. Stuff is blurted out w/ no filters; hurtful things even. Some lead to fights. There's a lot of fights but there's a lot of guys too. My old roomie is beautiful & guys fall over her to get her attention. Whoever thought it was a good idea to put women & men together must not have thought of hormones.

Theres 4 young men that have banded together & call themselves the rowdy boys. That they are, w/ their cat calls, comments & sexual jokes. They love to get that rise out of someone.
Then I look @ the staff. They look so worn out & tired as if to say its not important unless your bleeding. They seem to do the bare minimum physically, like even walk the halls. There's areas that are off camera blind spots that we all kno about & easily missed. They always have too much paper pushing to do & computer work. To get one pill takes about 6-7 pieces of paper & 3 binders. If it frustrates me I'm sure it does them. They never seem available. If you pest them, like I used to do, they get behind schedule & some patients are extremely rigid in their schedules. It can cause a meltdown for them. Kind of like a domino effect.
I have befriended a "rowdy boy" who was curious @ all the time I spend in the art T room. It's my usual go to place & I often have several projects going. Very few use the room. He came in last wk wanting to make something for his GF he was going to see for his 1st visit. He's only 18 but tries to act much older. I was making hair ties & bows etc for my girls so he made one too.

So for an hr I wasn't thinking & it was so nice. It's easy to go into comatose mode & just follow along. Line up for this then for that then this group then ur own session w/ pd or T; it's the same everyday & very sterile. In a way it's nice, reliable, comfortable & then sometimes I miss "color" in my life. But the longer I'm here the more I feel like I belong here. I like vanilla. I couldn't hurt people if i was kept here. I couldn't touch that world on the outside & usually when I do I eff it up so staying here would benefit others.
I've asked & surprisingly received a 24 hr pass for Saturday. Problem is I'm not sure I wanto use it or have anywhere to go. I don't have family around & I don't have my car; not that I could just sign myself out. Pd has to sign off on everything. He said he's glad I asked for one..."shows initiative." That would b great if I knew where I was going. It's easier just to stay here.
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hi, (((mudd))). i hope you're doing ok. i was in ip treatment for a couple of months when i was 17, and as much as i hated it, it did become somewhat of a "comfortable" place. nobody else to take care of, just kind of in your own little microcosm, and life is simpler in some aspects. again, as much as i hated it, it was scary to be released back into the wild.

take the 24 hours and go somewhere. i would think it would be good for you to get out and get a hotel/motel room and just take life in stride with nobody else to worry about but yourself. but only do it if you're comfortable and confident. it might be good for you.

be well, and keep us posted. ((((mudd))))
Thanks CD
It is like a microcosm but an artificial one & it feels like the work I'm doing here is artificial too. Everything sounds great in a normal environment, but just adding my immediate family turns all the work upside down.
I like your idea of getting out myself. I think I could do it, but for right now I'm staying here.
Thanks CD for ur reply
indeed, family is a bitch! when i returned home (my situation was different than yours), it was the "changed" me coming home to an unchanged situation. it was very difficult. family DOES turn things upside down. you're smart to think about those things now, and hopefully are talking about your concerns with your T. you have good support from your pdoc, take advantage now! thinking about you ((((mudd))))
I was in a hospital for 2 months not so long ago and sadly I would have been happy to stay there forever. It was super expensive and part of the work I have to do requires autonomy, so staying in wasn't an option. I feel so weird that I kind of wish I was there.

I know what you mean about the groups that form. In general the groups weren't nice - as a group - but one on one most of the people wre ok. I was never in one of the groups, just like always. But I did sort of make some friends.

And wow it took me until just before I left to learn how peaceful the art T room was! I was having a panic attack and to try to interrupt it I tagged along with a guy who was going over. I deid this thing that you scratch off with a plastic thing to reveal a picture. Just calmly quietly slowly uncovering this picture, something a 4 year old could do, but it made me feel so much better.

Sorry it's just amazing that others feel this way about the hospital too.

You're so right - inside the triggers are eliminated so we start feeling better. Well hopefully that's not the only thing we get - because theose triggers are sitting there waiting when we come out, but it seems more shocking.

I send you wishes for good luck, and you will be in a much better state when those triggers hit than you were in when you got to the hospital. So when you leave, take it slowly for as long as you need to.

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