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The PsychCafe
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Hi All,

It is with great sadness that I have to tell you all that I am going to be taking a break from the forum, including moderating. I have been struggling with this decision for a while; there are some new projects I am considering taking up but am finding myself not having the time between all of my present endeavors. So I had to make the difficult decision of what to give up.

Part of this decision was also realizing that it was taxing at times to be the sole moderator. With my leaving, Shrinklady and myself came up with a plan to assemble a team of co-moderators, each of whom will take responsibility for one or two of the forums. Splitting the task of moderating means no one person will be overly burdened. I am very grateful for the volunteers listed below, who are stepping into this responsibility.

Starfish - Introductions and Chit- Chat
Catalyst - Coffee Talk and enabling Members for Private Forums
True North - Questions about Therapy and the Science of Psychology
Blanket Girl - Personal Stories
Room2Grow - ACOA and Substance Abuse
Consider the Lillies - Book Forum
Janedoe - Sensitive Issues
Scared to Risk Myself - Mental Health forums

I want to take this chance to say thank you to everyone in this amazing community, you have offered me so much love, support and care in my time here. Being here has been an integral part of my healing and I would not have been able to heal as much as I have without the support and input of the members of psychcafe. It has truly been a privilege and an honor to be both a member here and moderator. I have so appreciated all the words of encouragement and thanks I have received from so many here, they meant more than you can know. I wish you all well on your healing journey and it is my hope that you will all come to live fully and with joy. Please take good care of each other (silly to say as I already know you will). And know that whether I am posting or not, I care very deeply for the members here. You are, each and every one of you, of infinite worth. I am grateful for my time walking alongside of you.

I am not certain of my long term plans and I will be keeping my membership active so if anyone wishes to contact me you can do so by PMing me here or by using the email link on my blog.

all my love,

Attachment Girl

PS This is also posted in the Announcements section, wanted to make sure that everyone saw it Smiler
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

AG... reading this has made me teary. You will be greatly missed around here. We go back a long way on this Board and I learned a lot from you.

I understand that you need to do what is best for you and you have grown so much in the past few years that I think it's time for you to spread your wings. I hope your future projects bring you joy and satisfaction.

I am honored that you and Shrinklady would consider me for co-moderator. I hope I can do as good a job as you have done. I have big shoes to fill.

I will continue to follow your blog and wish only good and happy things for you. You know you are always welcome back here if you should decide the time is right to return or just visit.

Many hugs

I'm going to miss you here and hold with me all the wonderful things I've learned about life and navigating the rocky, happy and absurd process of therapy through your willingness to share.

I have a pretty good feeling your new endeavors will be lucky to have you travel them and your successes and displays of courage there will be many.

xoxooxox and good luck,
^_^ Cat
Obviously others knew this was coming but this comes as quite a shock to me! I can certainly understand your need to prioritise your many activities but selfishly wish the forum wasn't a casualty!! You've been such a caring, sharing member and balanced moderator - you will missed very much!!

Best of luck and satisfaction with your new challenges and your continued personal growth.

Morgs xx
awww, ((( AG ))), you will be greatly missed, indeed. your beautiful way with words together with your wisdom and compassion have been such a blessing to me personally as well as to the forum. i am so sorry to see you go, but i wish you the absolute best in whatever you do. please come back from time to time and let us know you're still kicking.

it's good to see that the responsibility of moderating has not only been divided, but has fallen into the hands of some very capable, smart and compassionate people. i know they will all do a fabulous job.

AG, take care!
AG,I too wish you the very best. Every time I posted, I felt confident that you were looking out for my best interests and of those reading the posts.

I would like to second closed doors comments on the forum members you picked to co-moderate. Those members you picked are all really, really intelligent, kind, gentle and most importantly, tolerant. Thank you for leaving this forum in good hands. Best of luck and please don't become a complete stranger to us.
I will miss you, AG. Frowner Hug two However, I'm sure moderating this forum was a heck of a job for just one person; happy to see the responsibility has been divided amongst several members, and I'm confident they will do a stellar job of moderating for us all. Continuing the legacy.

Long live the forum! Smiler Hope you will continue to drop by and post sometimes. Best wishes for the journey ahead!
Thank you all so much, this has been harder than I expected, especially with everyone
being so lovely.

(((Smiley))) I will miss you too, you have been an important part of my life for a while now.
Please take good care of yourself and keep coming here; I know you struggle with
feeling like healing is beyond you, but I don't believe that for a minute!

(((TN)) Thank you! We do go back a long way (before either of us was here. Eeker)
and I hope we go a long way forward. Smiler I have always appreciated your love and support;
you have been such a help in my healing. And I know that you are going to make an
awesome moderator, I love the thought of you sharing all that knowledge. But I do
want to say I didn;t think it was nice bringing up my big feet in public! Big Grin

(((Cat))) Thank you for both your kindness and well wishes! I'm very glad we've been
able to travel together for a time and will carry my own wonderful things I've learned
from you.

(((Strm))) Thank you, the feeling is very mutual. Having your support and insight
has helped me so much along the way. Whenever I hear the phrase "you rock" I think
of you! Big Grin

(((Morgs))) Sorry for the shock. I wanted to have people in place before I announced
I was leaving so they had a bit of a heads up but not much, this has moved very quickly
and I swore everyone to secrecy that knew so I could let everyone know at once. And
Morgs, may I say thank you? You have unfailingly been there to support me with so
much encouragement and love, it meant so much. As did all those reminders to breathe!
Take good care of yourself. And talk more, you deserve support too (getting cheeky
on my way out. Smiler)

((Kashley))) I'll miss you too (but will be popping round to your blog!). I have
so enjoyed and been inspired by watching your growth and healing. I hope you continue
to grow stronger and move through your pain, there is healing ahead of you.

(((BG))) I'm going to hold you responsible for shorting out my keyboard. You have
always been such a mature, introspective, wise person that I had no idea I could
have helped you that much. I kind of wanted to BE you when I grew up. Thank you for
this. The help was mutual.

((R2G)) You're another one that it has been a joy to watch grow and heal. You work
much harder than you give yourself credit for. Thank you for such kind words.

(((Summer))) Thank you, I've really enjoyed knowing you and have been impressed with
your strength as you have continued to heal through some real adversity.

(((CD))) Thank you so much, I was really moved by what you wrote. I have so enjoyed
getting to know you since you've started posting and am glad that you are here. And
thank you for your support for the new moderators, I am sure that what you wrote
is an encouragement for them. Leaving is much easier knowing they're on the job.
Smiler Take good care of yourself.

(((Landa))) I wish our time walking together would have been longer, thank you for
what you said. I do plan on continuing to share on the blog, please come by. Smiler

(((Becca))) Thank you so much, it means so much to know that you felt that way. I
have really appreciated all your support. and am happy to know that you'll also be
supporting the new moderators, who I think you did an excellent job describing. Smiler

(((Hopeful))) Glad to be of help! Take good care of yourself.

(((HIC))) Yes, it could be a bit of work, but it was joyfully done and more than
repaid me for what I put in. As clear as I am that I am doing the right thing, there
is a lot of sadness knowing that it has come to an end, even if just for a time.
Thank you for all your support and your kind words for the incoming moderators. You
have my best wishes also, can't wait to see what you all do with the place. Smiler

(((Starfishy))) You have always been so absolutely lovely, thank you for all your help and support.

You all really are the best people in the world.

to all

Last edited by Attachment Girl
wow AG this is quite a shock for me, I didn't see it coming! I understand your reasons for stepping down as a mod, i can only imagine the amount of effort and time it takes for that task and I'm really happy to see other great people replacing you on that task. However I hope I'll still be able to see you around the forums providing comfort and helpful advice, don't abandon us please!

I'm so grateful for earlier this year coming across your blog (which ended up leading me here) and your wise words, I was feeling a mess and so confused with my first time in therapy and reading your story helped so much. If today I'm a braver and more confident person it's also because of you and your positive influence and example, I want you to know that.
Dearest AG,

Well, I read this a few days ago and have just been unable to process it - I'm in a bit of denial, I guess! Just feels like a bad dream, and I'm waiting for you to post again, this time saying, "Belated April Fools!!! Just kidding everyone!! I'm still here, nothing's changing!!"

But then denial only works for so long, and then reality sinks in. Frowner

Trying to not get emotional again....

Thank you, AG, for being REAL here - for sharing intimate parts of your life with all of us, a bunch of strangers sharing the common bond of emotional pain. You have shared freely of your loving and generous heart, and given strength to many of us in our weakness. I can honestly say that short of T, you have led me to more healing than anyone else in my life, and I am so grateful!

Sharing "intellectually" is helpful, but it's your sharing from the heart that has been so healing.

Hurray that you are continuing with your blog, and some other projects as well. And hurray that this leave of absence is just temporary.

We'll not be strangers, ever.
Hug two

Love to you,
(((Eliana))) sorry for the shock. I have been thinking about this for some time (it was not an easy decision to make, nor has it been an easy decision to carry through on) but understand there was no way to know it was on my mind.

Thank you for what you said about being a braver and more confident person for having read about my journey (I don't think you give yourself enough credit, you had to do the work Smiler) as it is in the hope of helping others that I write what I do. It means the world to me to hear this.

(((Starry))) I have no way to respond, thank you so much for what you have so generously said. I am humbled and grateful to have been able to help you this way. I do want you to know that it really isn't me, that the source of healing is something beyond me, but I am very grateful to be a conduit. And I am only passing on that which I have also been given. I wish you all the best and am very glad to hear we'll never be strangers.

(((Puppet))) Thank you for the kind words, so glad to hear that you were helped by me and my T. I really get it when it comes to my T. Big Grin Thanks for taking the time to say so.

Thanks BLT, the same to you, I hope the volunteer work is going well for you!

(((incognito))) I understand, I know how hard it was to write the goodbye. This forum and you, have been such an important part of my life and healing, that it is a struggle to find adequate words. Thank you for what you wrote. And no worries, definitely be keeping up the blog.

Please take good care of yourself, and don't give up hope. I know therapy has been frustrating for you, but I KNOW you can heal.


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