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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to post about today’s session. I don’t know if it’s okay to post about every session, but I really want to share again so I hope you will humor me. I suppose I will quiet down in time.

I started out talking about how discouraged I’d been feeling about my marriage again. How we started therapy a year ago and not only are things not better, they’re worse. Frowner I filled her in on how we got married, and gave her my background, that I’ve always been attracted to the “wrong” guy and I thought being married to the “right” guy for long enough would somehow change me. But it didn’t, so I started seeking therapy so I could change my heart to make it get over the old BF and love my husband instead.

She had a good laugh at this (do your T's laugh at you too?), and said it doesn’t really work that way. We have to start from where the feelings really are. So I gave her the background on why and how we got married, and what that’s been like over the years with me just shutting down and running away and growing more distant, and how that finally brought me to therapy.

Then I told her more about my feelings for my former T and for my ex-BF, and also for a guy I was “in love” with for a couple of years at work. We talked about what characteristics draw me in, and how I feel and respond to those. This led to the many thoughts I’ve had this week about what happened with my former T and how it was a reenactment of my relationships with other men. There was a book I read this weekend that described the dynamics perfectly from both sides, so I brought that and read some of it to her.

I told her about how I struggled again this week over feelings of guilt and shame regarding my former T. I read her a part of General Theory of Love that described what I thought my former T was doing in therapy. It talks about how a T has to enter into a patient’s world in order to establish a limbic connection so that they will have enough influence to eventually effect change. My former T knew I wasn’t emotionally attached to my husband because I had told him that. I had also told him I often felt like running, and that I felt a connection to him (my T). On the occasions when he said things that were a little inappropriate, or when something about his manner seemed a bit seductive, I reasoned that he was indulging me a little bit in order to establish that connection so that he could influence me later on. I didn’t think it really meant anything more than that, for several reasons, one of which is because he responded positively to my reports of trying to establish connections with my husband. But in the end this was all very confusing because even though I thought I kept it straight intellectually, emotionally I began wanting to be special to him, and for the little comments and mannerisms to mean something. My reaction to the termination made that very clear.

My T repeated something she said last week, that it sounds like I was not given a chance to tell the clinic how I was hurt by what happened. And I said that’s right, not only that, but it’s as if they didn’t want to hear it. I tried to tell the couples T, then my former T and new T at the transfer meeting, then finally the couples T again, but the few things I did manage to get out were denied, minimized, or ignored. It was as if they didn’t want to hear it. And I was far too emotional and uncertain to push very much. So there was a lot I didn’t get to say.

She had two responses to this. First, she offered to accompany me on a visit back to that clinic to say what I need to say in order to heal. Not that there’s any rush to do it, or any pressure to do it at all, but she just wanted me to know that she’d be willing to go as my advocate if I ever decided I wanted to do that. Something to keep in mind. I don’t know if I’ll ever do that but I was grateful for the offer. There’s no way I could ever go back there alone. And I don’t know if it would be healing. Right now their response would mean a lot to me and would probably just result in more injury. But it feels good to know she’s there for me.

Her other response was to ask me what the clinic’s attitude about the transfer reminded me of. We talked about how it reminded me of my ex-BF and my parents, which evolved into a discussion of my longing for a father. This tied back to my former T because even though I never got to tell him, many of the feelings I was having for him were fatherly in nature. I told her how confusing that felt alongside the erotic transference. And we talked about how important fathers are, and what good fathering does for a daughter, and she validated the feelings that had come up with my former T as being good and right. And that hit a nerve about the abandonment and I then I cried and talked about how it felt to be abandoned by all of them.

When I finished crying, she told me that crying is good, that my tears were “beautiful”, that my face had the look of a little girl’s, wondering where her father was. And that there’s nothing wrong with that.

It is such a relief to be able to be real about where I’m at and be accepted right there. Not only to not be judged, but to be told that my feelings are good. That there’s a reason for them, and it doesn’t mean I’m defective. That it’s not my imagination, that there really was a need that didn’t get met. You would think that this would spark off self-pity, but it doesn’t. It just feels like relief to have verified what I’ve known deep down all along. Relief from judging myself. Relief to feel what I really feel instead of intellectualizing it away. And hope that I will pass through these feelings to true acceptance, instead of intellectualization masquerading as acceptance.

It’s been a good day. Big Grin

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SG... thank you for posting your session and I think it is perfectly fine and good that you do so if you want to share. I found your post very uplifting and I think you have truly found the T that you need to work through your grief and attachment. I am really and truly happy for you. The fact that she offered to accompany you back to the clinic speaks volumes as to how mistreated you were by them.

As for me... I didn't have a very good session at all. I took a risk by telling my T about my feelings of leaving therapy and tried to explain why. Let's just say it did not go well. I may post about it later on my "leaving" thread if I can bring myself to.

Please know that I am really happy that your session went so well.

Happy Dance!!! Smiler Big Grin Wink Cool Razzer Big Grin

I am so very glad you found this T! There's no stopping you now. And thank you so much for sharing this, it's such an encouragement for people who have had a bad experience with a T that there are good ones out there and you can find them and go on to heal despite not getting what you need from your first T.

((((((True North))))))))
If I had a magic wand I'd wave it. And if you need the HTML slapper I can loan it to you for your next session.

Has anyone out there ever been afraid to share something positive that has happened, because if they do, the “goodness” of it will evaporate? The reason I ask is because today’s session with my T went really, really well, and I want to share it. But there is that weird fear there, like I want to hoard the goodness that happened. I’m going to ignore it and share anyway. Big Grin

When I first sat down I noticed a book on her shelf I hadn’t seen before, The Drama of the Gifted Child by Alice Miller. I just read it and got so much out of it, so I asked her about it and she said they studied it at school and wasn’t it a really good book? So we talked for a few minutes about that and I just love that she read it and liked it. Smiler I want to get my own copy so I can read it and absorb more of it.

I really opened up a lot with her today. I guess it helps that I’ve been feeling so overwhelmed lately. Just the last 10 years or so. Roll Eyes Like I never do anything good enough, and the harder I try, the worse it gets. I spent some time telling her how I’m doing a lot of things badly (wife, mother, employee, church member, sister, friend, etc.). And that’s not just all in my mind – there’s a lot of truth to it. So then I go into therapy to try to work on whatever it is that’s holding me back...and then I “fail” at that too, when I was working so hard to get it right. I’ve been keeping from posting on this board lately because I just keep circling back to feeling bad about what happened with my former T and I don’t want to sound like a broken record. And now I’m getting afraid that she’s going to eventually get sick of me, too.

I told her I’ve been wanting to quit therapy with her before she can get sick of me and get rid of me. I asked her, as I’m crying, is there anything I could do to get terminated? What is her policy? She was so kind about it. First, she told me to look at her, because I had been covering my eyes. (By the way, I think T’s should get big-time points for taking the time and risk to do this. It is so important for trust and intimacy!!!). Then she reassured me that termination would always be my choice. She also said that coming in and being real is what therapy is all about, and that it takes a lot of patients a lot longer to get this real with her, and that it’s refreshing to hear. It was a relief to hear this.

Something about the way she responded also sparked off some anger at my former T for trying to make me think I had been doing something wrong in the therapy with him. She reassured me that I had only been doing the right thing in talking about my feelings. It felt so good to express the anger and to get validated like that. I had been thinking about asking her to do some role-playing with me (Mrs. P gave me the idea in one of her threads – thanks Mrs. P! Wink ), where I could say what I didn’t get to say to my former T, as a way of processing the anger (instead of actually going back to the clinic and talking to him, which I don’t think would do any good and could actually cause more harm). But this worked just fine.

At the end of the session she asked me what I was doing for Christmas. I told her, and then I was quiet for a minute, wanting to ask what she was doing but not wanting to violate boundaries. Then I decided to ask anyway. She had no problem answering that and I think what she disclosed is okay in the context of the therapy. We had a good laugh over part of it, which was kind of a bonding moment because the gist of it was that her family isn’t perfect, either. I felt honored that she answered at all because she didn’t have to. And then, she even offered to give me a hug, which is the first time that she’s done that. I would never have asked. But I accepted it gratefully.

So, let's see...I guess the goodness hasn't evaporated after all Big Grin

By the way, I hope you don't mind but I can't help talking about at least one of you (and usually more) at every session. You're just naturally "there" in the therapy with me. So I really do think of you all as my homies, my peeps, my on-line therapy buds. And I'm so very grateful that you are here!!! Big Grin

Originally posted by strummergirl:
I’ve been keeping from posting on this board lately because I just keep circling back to feeling bad about what happened with my former T and I don’t want to sound like a broken record. And now I’m getting afraid that she’s going to eventually get sick of me, too.

SG, I for one have noticed you haven't been around as much lately, and I've missed you! You have so much worthwhile to contribute on this board! You've never sounded like a broken record to me, but even if you did, so what? Some things need to be hashed out over and over, from every possible angle, until healing is complete. (That's what I am trying to tell myself, anyway.) Wink Not every post on this board is helpful or applicable to every reader, but if it helps even one person (especially if YOU are that person) then something really good has taken place. And often times, many more than one are positively affected.

Originally posted by strummergirl:
I told her I’ve been wanting to quit therapy with her before she can get sick of me and get rid of me. I asked her, as I’m crying, is there anything I could do to get terminated? What is her policy? She was so kind about it. First, she told me to look at her, because I had been covering my eyes. (By the way, I think T’s should get big-time points for taking the time and risk to do this. It is so important for trust and intimacy!!!). Then she reassured me that termination would always be my choice. She also said that coming in and being real is what therapy is all about, and that it takes a lot of patients a lot longer to get this real with her, and that it’s refreshing to hear. It was a relief to hear this....

At the end of the session she asked me what I was doing for Christmas. I told her, and then I was quiet for a minute, wanting to ask what she was doing but not wanting to violate boundaries. Then I decided to ask anyway. She had no problem answering that and I think what she disclosed is okay in the context of the therapy. We had a good laugh over part of it, which was kind of a bonding moment because the gist of it was that her family isn’t perfect, either. I felt honored that she answered at all because she didn’t have to. And then, she even offered to give me a hug, which is the first time that she’s done that. I would never have asked. But I accepted it gratefully.

I love the way you tell about your sessions. I can imagine it so vividly, almost like I'm watching it transpire on TV. I love that your T responded to your being real by being real herself. Personally, I find that writing about my sessions helps me to hold onto the experience longer. So I hope you get the same benefit - that you can hold on to these feelings from this session. Thanks for sharing!

I am SO happy for you...! I just want to give you the biggest hug (((((SG))))) and pat on the back! Heck - I'm going to get up and jump up and down like a school girl... Big Grin Even dance around a bit! It sounds like you and your T are heading in the right direction and she is not going to give up on you.

Attunement - it looks like it is there - huh? Doesn't that just feel great? And I love the fact that she asked you to look at her before she continued. My T does that sometimes and it makes me feel very connected when I look into her eyes (especially when I am emotional) and I can feel her reach out to me through her eyes...

SG, I'm very glad you shared the "goodness" Wink I kind of needed a little goodness right now.

I think if you share the goodness it will stay with you for longer and even multiply. Smiler
I kind of envy you that you can be so open, and talk about so many things during your sessions.
And also I like that you can tell about the session and what happened. For me everything gets sort of mixed up and I remember bits of a session in a non-chronological order. A session is a shock to me basicly. Smiler I try to write sort of a journal about my sessions but everything is so chaotic in my memory.
I think it's really nice and surely ok within the therapy boundaries that you could ask her about her Christmas and she was open to tell you what her plans were. My T asked me too what I was doing, but I didn't want to ask him, I didn't want to know. I'm sure if I asked I would get an answer.
Anyway, just wishing you everything the best with your new T for the new year. It's going to be good. Smiler
Wow, thanks, you guys. I take a step out of hiding and get virtually tackled. You really know how to make a girl feel welcome! *GROUP HUG*
(((Summer, Mad Hatter, KS, Jones, Hummingbird, echo, Amazon, everybody else Big Grin )))

It really is fun how your names just naturally come up when I’m talking to my T. It’s like you are intertwined with me and there’s no getting around it. So you know you really do make a difference to me, you all help me so much that you’ve become a part of me.

Thanks for saying you liked how I wrote about the session. This is the way I wrote about the sessions with my former T too, only I wrote those in my journal instead of posting them here. I’m driven to write about every little nugget that happens in therapy so I don’t lose it, so I can go back and absorb as much of it as possible. If sharing the “goodness” benefits anyone here, then that’s even better still!

I don’t know what else to say...I’m just feeling really grateful for all of you.


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