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The PsychCafe
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I am afraid that I was advised by my psychologist to not visit this site whilst I was going through such a difficult time. Before anyone reacts to that, it was just upsetting me even glancing at the last post/thread I had posted and I found I could not read your posts and then people were sending me very abusive personal messages getting angry that I wasn't replying to public posts and then in the end somebody noticed through my blog the hell I was going through but still people posted terrible things to me privately and on my blog. I have never been cyber bullied before and I am very glad that I had a good husband and a good psychologist to support me through the aftermath.

It was awful. I am afraid I am still keeping away from this site mostly, which is sad for me as found it very insightful sometimes but my last discussion thread was such a melt down and made things so much worse, that maybe you can understand why I just had to listen to my P and keep away.

In that discussion thread in June, I was truly talking about
1. my last therapist who was a man who sexually abused me,
2. then the counsellor who terminated with me when I hit the child abuse stuff,
3.then the friend I have who is a counsellor and so out of touch with her own stuff AND she is now training as a supervisor, ye gods.
So yes, I was processing my own feelings about all three of them and the very many bad therapists out there. I am so fed up with bad therapists!! I think most of us feel the same. The bad ones can damage one so much. But thank god there are a few good ones around.
I certainly was not saying anything about you lot, I honestly presumed we were clients on here, with some of us very interested in psychology.

Anyway, before anyone starts sending me angry private messages again, I am still in a very vulnerable patch, but I made a mental note to write a post when I could - so four months later here we are. Here I am nervously trying to explain.

You wouldn't believe the life events that were happening last june. My son went for serious surgery that went wrong, arghh, that had me weeping at his bed as they tried in vain to medicate his extreme pain, then my father in law is in the same ward as a nurse who has killed three patients here and we are struggling with the increased security around him and the fact that he is painfully dying, and that they fear she has also infected his saline I got a massive load of abusive posts on my blog (which is now private and can only be accessed by permission). Actually I don't write much on it anymore, I just learnt that people can be vicious, my psychologist reminded me that some people think being vicious or nasty might make them feel better. And they did not think before they wrote. So I deleted all of them and closed my blog. I kept being hopeful that none of them came from this site.

It taught me a good lesson in being more cautious on these kind of anonymous forums and in my blog and I am sure most of us have had to learn that one way or another. I also had not experienced that people when they are anonymous seem to feel they can be outright nasty or cruel when I don't think they would do that in person. Boy, was it a painful lesson to learn.

So I am still working with my psychologist and he is supportive and caring and just on Friday he said that he finds me 'astonishingly courageous' and that he cannot help but admire me, which is so utterly sweet of him. I think he said those things because I have at last started to tell him what the boy did to me when I was eight and then what happened to me when I was then left with the confused sexual feelings after the abuse. So we are in the difficult territory of talking about my sexual feelings and all the embarrassment of that. But I am doing well with it, being honest and frank and yes, excruciatingly embarrassed, mortified and ashamed at time too but he is safe to talk to and it is such a relief to be talking about these deeply painful issues.

It is definitely progress.

And the sweet psychologist just keeps being sweet, steady and unshockable and caring. Bless him.

this time of year is the anniversary of the multiple rapes when I was held captive in India, so normally it is a time when I am very raw and easily triggered and also have few barriers up so any emotional stuff tends to just be blurted out in therapy, - which has its good points because I think that is why I am able at long last to tell him stuff about the childhood abuse that I was unable to tell anyone before. So in a way I am beginning to see this awful time of year as a fruitful time of growth and possibility.

so that is where I am. I have thought about you and I have posted the occasional private message of support to one or two of you sporadically and I did gingerly flick through the last thread - just now - very gingerly - and I did see that many people were aware that they were triggered and that it stirred them up and realized eventually it was not about them. So thank you for your work on progressing through it and I apologise for not being in any fit state to come and post here at all for four months.
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Hi Sadly,

I'm so happy that the work with your sweet P is working out well. You are rather courageous in the therapy work you are Adoing.

In regards to the rest of what you posted...

I am the one who posted in that other thread that I noticed what was going on in your life via the blog, and I disagree that everyone else just ignored that. I am not sure why you feel that way or what kind of responses would have been acceptable or met your expectations of how people would respond.

I am someone who disagrees with your continued characterizations of a forum. Especially since it is mostly based on a thread you have informed me repeatedly that you have not read or have only skimmed, and have never engaged in any constructive dialogue or explaination of the specifics of what you feel hurt about other than you feel we were all clearly bullies to you. I am saddened that you continue to bring the matter up without being willing or able to engage in any problem solving and consideration of other viewpoints or consideration that perhaps you were not bullied, but that a some did disagree with you.

This forum needs to be a safe place to disagree. If you are not open to people expressing disagreement with your viewpoints, perhaps you should let people know that upfront. Or let them know what kind of responses you are seeking or are not seeking. "Like validation only please."

I also must own the fact I feel awfully defensive of my friends here that you are name calling and grouping together as bullies as a forum.

I am also very confused. You reffer to this forum as a place where you have been terribly cyberbullied, in such a way that you were very deeply hurt, and yet... you are posting here for... support? from the forum you feel is bullying you? or...? while also calling us all bullies? I am not clear on what you are seeking by unconstructively critzing the entire forum, and then... are you seeking support form the forum? Or to just share with the bullies? or...? I just simply do not understand what you are seeking. I can be dense at times though.

Sadly, you were not the only one hurt nor just a innocent victim that a bunch of mean people ganged up on on the open thread that you are reffering to. But there I go, disagreeing with you and offering a different viewpoint. I am not seeking to bully you. I am simply trying to share some honest concerns about what you say about other people, about this forum itself, how your characterize us as a whole, and then yet seek support from the very same forum at the very same time. I hope you can move on from what happened, stop trashing the forum here and elsewhere.

I am in a rough place and perhaps responding too strongly, but felt I needed to share my honest concerns and confusion.

Perhaps it is best that we all just move on from that thread? Sort of have a bit of a re-start here...?

Either way, I wish you well on your healing journey.


p.s. I am often wrong or misguided. I am considering just deleting this probably unhelpful response entirely as perhaps I just need to not say anything at all right now. I dunno...
You reffer to this forum as a place where you have been terribly cyberbullied, in such a way that you were very deeply hurt, and yet... you are posting here for... support? from the forum you feel is bullying you? or...? while also calling us all bullies? I am not clear on what you are seeking

I'm as confused as Jane - you've made it clear you feel you've been bullied and are very hurt, but chose to continue posting here, when there are many other counseling forums online. Although I don't know the whole story, I can't imagine that people would spontaneously send you hateful messages out of the blue just to be cruel. However if that is true, there is an Ignore feature to block any posters who send you mean PM's. I hope you use this to avoid hurtful messages in the future.

I'm sorry to hear about the troubles with your family and in your personal life. I have also been sexually assaulted and know anniversaries can be hard.
I am aware that in any cyber community there are people who will write before they truly think, who will just react and let rip, and I am aware that there are also people on this forum who are considered and ponder first before writing - I guess I am also aware that other sites are very well moderated and when things start going wrong, someone steps in very soon and explains that it is not okay to randomly let rip at someone on a site that is about vulnerable people sharing vulnerable stuff. So, yes, I was cyber bullied, only two came from there that I know of, but actually it may have been more as how on earth did they know how to reach my blog? But also several people here were measured and thoughtful and mature in their responses. I think the guidelines are that we don't let rip here on others. Anonymity does not confer the freedom to say whatever venomous reactive thought that pops into our minds. I know a lot of you will read this and go ??????? and that means it is most probably not what you have been doing. But one or two will read it and feel uncomfortable because they know what they did and what they wrote to me. And they will probably REACT all over again/ But this time I am stronger and can see that they are being triggered and if they cannot contain their outbursts of own reactive stuff, I can choose not to read it.
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