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Hi everyone, just checking in. It is three weeks today that I see my new psychiatrist for the first time. It is 9 weeks since I have seen my exT. Even though it is getting closer I have had an extreme amount of stress over the last four days. A very dear and close friend is going through an horrific time and won’t let me help her. So so so sad and painful to watch and not be able to give any support. I am estranged from my family and my sister unexpectedly turned up and unfortunately my boundaries weren’t strong enough to turn her away. While the visit went ok she said some things that my dad said (he has since past away) and they have hurt me very deeply. She didn’t mean to hurt but they have really cut me.

I have also hurt someone’s feelings that is not close to me but I had no right to hurt them just because I was so stressed and hurting. I have done my best to make things right with that person but I am so ashamed of myself – it was another one of those times where I feel I have no control over my emotions and feel totally justified about my behaviour. That is the second time in a few weeks this has happened and it is scary. During the event I feel sane and totally rational but just a few hours later I realize how crazy I was and can’t begin to understand how I ever thought it was sane or rational.
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Hi Halo,

Sorry to hear things are so difficult! Another three weeks is a really long time to wait when you are feeling so vulnerable.

It's really hard not to be able to share love and support with someone when you feel strongly for that person and what they are experiencing. I hope that deep down your friend knows & feels the presence of your love & takes some comfort from it, even if she can't accept it or engage with it directly right now. I've been in that place where I just can't talk to my friends, because it stops me being able to block out & control my feelings. Maybe she's experiencing something similar.

As for hurting someone else's feelings - it's fantastic that you recognized what happened and made the effort to make it right. that's so RARE! I think (unfortunately) it's impossible to get through life without hurting others at some stage or another - but being able to take responsibility for the situation is a wonderful, graceful thing. Even if your apology or amends can't 'fix' what happened (or not straight away).

Hang in there....

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