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I'm struggling with finding steadiness in my life. A lot of things keep changing for me, both internally and externally. My heart, my sense of self, my way of being in the world keeps changing lately, mostly for the good. Things keep changing around me too. Some of the changes have been due to trauma, hardship, losses, deaths, and just transitions that happen in life. It’s all just come in one but storm of shifts, and I don’t like change! At least not this much, and so fast. I had one T move away, and I might be moving to a new city myself soon. I’m working on switching careers and dealing with some hurdles and barriers around that – it’s all stuff I need to do, and the sooner the better, and the more stable my life will be long term. But, I’m single, live alone, and a lot of things and people that were in my life in very steady ways, have changed over the past 6 months. Work, schools, community, therapy, volunteer work, friends… It feels like everything is very unsteady and up in the air all the time now. There isn’t a lot of consistency in anything. Most of it is out of my control. Some of it is changing around in the process of moving towards a better life for myself. All of it is leaving me feeling really turned upside down. It’s kind of freaking me out actually. I even get rather existential about it at times…

The stress of all the transitions, and all the things that are up in the air is beginning to get to me. I’m wondering, what helps others get through times of transitions? Have others found things that help get through times like this? I keep telling myself it’s going to change, it’s going to get better… but it’s getting hard to hang on to.
This will sound silly, but I literally keep some routines now very faithfully, more than ever, just because they are familiar, and I’m CRAVING some sense of that – but they are fleeting and feel false. Actually, I have to work really hard at not thinking everything in life is just pointless. I don’t know why, but all the transitions and lack of steadiness somehow brings my mind to the point of feeling like everything s very futile. I think I really need to work on finding steadiness, and holding on through this time of transition until I get there…

I have my reg T still (I used to have two Ts) and she is at a loss as to what would help me get through this time better. I am even trying to find a new adjunct therapy, or something - wondering if she is even the right T for me anymore... but still going to see her if only because she knows me and is familliar and not sure if I could handle yet another change. It just feels awful though to be going to a T because nothing else is steady, and I just don't want to totally change Ts right now in the mix of everything else changing. I may have to change Ts when I move, but this T said we can even have phone sessions then... but I'm not quite even ready yet to try and handle all the transitions involved in moving out of state.

All this is just making me dizzy. It's hard to even express. I think I am even writing in circles. Frowner

~ jane
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Hi Jane,

I probably don't have any good answers for about how to deal with transitions, but you are not alone in going through it! I also wouldn't ming some advice about getting through it.

I am currently away from most of my friends, ending a long relationship, just finished school, trying to break into a new career, and trying to make sense of this new found intense attachment to my T. It is SO hard!

It feels like everything is very unsteady and up in the air all the time now. There isn’t a lot of consistency in anything. Most of it is out of my control.

I don't feel steady about anything in my life right now and like you, it feels like it's out of my control. I don't think I'm a control freak, but I like to know that I can be in control of myself, which I am not right now. (At least, I don't feel like I am.)


This will sound silly, but I literally keep some routines now very faithfully, more than ever, just because they are familiar, and I’m CRAVING some sense of that ...

This doesn't sound silly to me at all! I crave the same thing. But good for you for actually sticking to some routines. I have sort of lost interest in trying. I can't find the motivation to even do the housework and cooking.

Actually, I have to work really hard at not thinking everything in life is just pointless.

I agree with this too! The one constant in my life right now is my one hour per week with T, and this doesn't feel like nearly enough. I have lost interest in things I used to like. T says I am probably experiencing some minor depression. Frowner

But she did say one thing the other day that was somewhat encouraging. She said the way I feel now will change. Things in life have a way of changing and eventually I will not feel so overwhelmed and alone. It is just for now something I have to deal with.

Hope this was helpful in some way. Good luck! Wink

Wanted to send you a big ol' hug and tell you that I understand where you are coming from. Transitions are SO hard. Any change is difficult and the only thing that gets me through is the hope that it will get better. It will improve. It has to, right? Sometimes I am at a loss and feel like day to day life is pointless but then I try to remind myself of little things I do. I smile at a stranger--that person might have been having a bad day and I changed their outlook. I help people on my job. I reach out to a friend. I come to the boards and give support. I just try to list one after the other of what good I do. What differences I make. They may not be the BIGGEST differences in the world, but they do make a difference.

BTW, our chat the other night made a significant impact on me. You and BLT made a big difference right there in helping me get through a time when I was struggling.

Not sure if that was good advice, but I can mostly offer my support to you. Sending thoughts your way! Smiler

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