I've been seeing my T for 2.5 years but over the last 3 months have felt a lot closer and more dependent on my T. I had a really difficult time this summer and had phone sessions with my T while I was on vacation and even one when he was on vacation (he offered and it was a big deal to me because he's not available outside of his office hours normally). I thought I was really starting to trust that my T wasn't going to disappear. Instead I've just gotten more confused.
My T doesn't reassure me with words about anything relating to our relationship. He is willing to hear me talk about my fears that he is going to terminate me and he discusses that he things my fears come from my belief that I'm "too much" for anyone to put up with. A couple of weeks ago I finally got up the nerve to tell him in an email that I thought he didn't like me. The next session he told me that it made sense that I would have trouble recognizing "being liked" because when someone grows up with a secret (CSA) that creates so much shame then the child always feels that they are only like because the secret is not known. He also told me that my FOO always made it clear that negative emotions were terrible and anyone who had them was "unlikeable" and shunned so he pointed out that in therapy I told the secret and expressed a lot of negative emotions so it wasn't surprising I didn't feel liked. I think the conversation was interesting and intellectual but he avoided saying anything personal about how he felt or our relationship.
Next I realized that I was worried about him liking me because I feel so dependent on him. I can't imagine not seeing him and even when I avoid discussing anything important I feel better when I talk to him. So I finally broke down and told him I cared so much and I got another intellectual discussion of why I cared. When I'm in a session I feel like the conversations are helpful. After sessions I start to worry that he really doesn't like me and is going to stop seeing me. I'm angry and frustrated that he won't give me clear answers about many things relating to our relationship such as out of session contact, whether he likes me, whether he has any time guidelines or limits for therapy, whether he thinks we are making progress or working together well. I feel like I'm stuck in a dark room and he has the light and the map and won't share it with me. I've been driving myself crazy every week thinking I'll go in and he'll terminate so much so I think about quitting almost all the time except right after a session when I think things are okay.
So do you think that this disconnect we have over what I want in order to feel safe (clear communication over our relationship) and what he provides which is always being there but not promising anything for the future is insurmountable. Do you think it is a sign I should find a different T? If not, do you have any advice for how I could find some security with my T so I can start dealing with my real life issues that I want to deal with.