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I'm sitting here exhausted. Did a bunch of cooking tonight for tomorrow's dinner. I am having a really hard time and missing my old T so badly. I wrote him an email but it's in my draft folder. I didn't send it. I hesitated and called my sister who told me NOT to send it as it would undermine what newT is trying to do for me.

To back up a bit... newT sent a letter to oldT requesting a treatment summary and a phone call. That was 10 days ago and newT has not heard anything back from oldT. This is making me crazy. I don't understand how my oldT can ignore the request of another professional and colleage of sorts for information to help his former patient who is suffering with trauma. How much does he truly hate me to be this cruel and unforgiving of what? I don't even know what I did!

I wrote a nice email asking him to please follow through on his statements to me via email (over the past months) that he would meet with my new T and me if new T thought it would be of therapeutic value to do so. And now he is totally ignoring my new T.

The triggers come in because of my last Thanksgiving. I sent old T a long email last Thanksgiving about all the things I was thankful for (aside from my family and my health) it was all about him and the things I have learned, worked on and done in therapy with him. I thanked him for giving me the home I never had, for his endless patience with me, for his willingness to walk with me on this journey, his ability to be with me while I cried, his understanding, encouragement, his ability to make me laugh at myself and on and on including being thankful for my furry friend (his dog). I realized in reading that list that it's now all gone. Everything on that list has been taken away from me. I lost everything. I think what hurts the most was the sudden and unexpected loss of the dog. We had a very special relationship and he loved me as much as I loved him and it didn't matter that I had trauma, or issues, or was not perfect. He loved me because of how much I loved him and it was that simple.

In the email I attached the video of The Climb which talks about the journey being the important part and it sort of reflected how I was coming to feel in therapy and about school and life in general. I was so optimistic and positive last Thanksgiving. What a difference a year makes. I had no idea then I would have it all taken back from me. The loss is really hard and I am trying to hold myself together for this holiday for my family but I want to crawl into a hole and die. I really do. I know I have things to be thankful for but I can't FEEL it just now and that makes me feel so guilty. The grief and loss and feelings of failure are getting in the way.

I cannot believe how much I have lost in a year. And Thanksgiving is making me angry instead of thankful. I'm just so ungrateful.

Saw newT today and we talked about how I always tried to take care of oldT and he allowed me to do so. NewT said he would not accept food from me because that would be taking care of him and his job is to take care for me. He said he has to be careful that we don't fall into that pattern I had with oldT and that made me upset as I feel like I need to be watched out. I told him that I don't like being taken care of and I don't want him to do that. He told me he understands that it makes me uncomfortable.

We talked a bit about my history and some of the last few sessions with oldT and newT said he was being abusive towards me at the end. It should not have happened. That he needed supervision and obviously was not going for help to anyone and so he screwed things up badly. He said that unless I am acting totally totally different now he cannot see anything in my behavior that should have scared away oldT. I am respectful, work hard and do not act out. He showed me a dish in his office that a client gave him. And it was on a piece of furniture that was deeply scratched. He told me she gave him the dish because she smashed the one that was there previously and damaged his furniture too. He did not terminate her, merely talked it over with her and went on working with her.

I think he wants me to understand that is was not me... I did nothing wrong... and I should not blame myself for what happened. I feel I could have changed the ending if I didnt lose control of my emotions and if I had chosen to seek my own consultation. I didn't know a lot of stuff that I realize now. But in the end... I just feel frustrated by my banishment, helpless, hopeless, and back into a corner that I cannot get out of. I have no control over anything.

My sister told me that emailing oldT would just take away any leverage newT would have with him. But if newT never gets a response I don't know what the next step will be. I don't know what he plans to do if anything and I want him to pick up the phone and make a call.

I know this is rambling but when I start to feel the pain of banishment and the frustration at not being heard I start to want to die again. I want this to be over. I am sick and tired of feeling so worthless and horrible and stupid for trusting him. I just want to talk to him... why is that so impossible? I hate feeling so out of control and like I have been erased from this earth by the one person who knows me so well and who told me he cared about me and who I trusted with my life. I am erased and I don't exist any longer and that is worse than death.

I cannot do anything and I am suffering so much. I just cannot keep doing this. I see newT and it just makes it so much worse because he is not my T. He is some man who feels sorry for me.

I hate holidays.

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I wish I could give you a long warm safe hug. You are in hell with this.
I feel for you TN - I so feel for you.
this is heart break.
There is nothing I can say that will help, not when it feels this bad
but you are a courageous heart, you really are, to live and do what you are doing with family etc whilst going through this.
I send you my deep care.
NewT said he would not accept food from me because that would be taking care of him and his job is to take care for me. He said he has to be careful that we don't fall into that pattern I had with oldT and that made me upset as I feel like I need to be watched out. I told him that I don't like being taken care of and I don't want him to do that. He told me he understands that it makes me uncomfortable.

TN- not that I know anything about anything today, but I do know that your sister is correct. There is nothing you can do.
For me- today, I am giving it all, ALL to God in prayer. And I will place you high on my list.
I think- not sure though- the dismissive side of my attachment issue- is helping me today, but I would rather believe- through prayer, He- meaning God is standing with me today, because that is exactly what I am asking Him to do. And I can only think about today.
Be blessed TN.

Oh- your quote- my T takes small food gifts. Yesterday I brought figs, but they never got opened. I actually had a strong desire to take them back home with me, but I thought that would be rude. It probably would have sent a good message to him though- "I don't want to take care of him any more." That may be a healthy sigh, eh.
My point being- I think your new T is right. He sounds wise and good- open to him. Mourn the loss of your old T and open yourself to your new T who seems so much more experienced and wise and strong.
Can I go to your new T?
Be blessed today, and know you are on my heart.

I'm sorry the holiday is bringing up so many painful reminders for you. The more I read about your story the more it is obvious that your old T has something profound going on with him and it has nothing to do with you. I've never thought it had to do with you at all, but the way he's even ignoring a fellow colleague says to me that he has some serious issues going on and it makes me wonder if he is terminating other clients as well.

I know that you don't like to be taken care of. For those of us with trauma who always had to rely on just ourselves it is so repugnant to think of allowing someone else to help us. It goes against everything we've bee taught in our lives. Everything. I know it is so hard, but the healing is in starting to allow yourself to be cared for and nourished in healthy ways.

I agree with your sister about the email. At this point, trying to contact him reminds me of every time I would keep going back to my mom and I'd try just one more thing thinking that THIS time she would be different. This time she would love me and care for me and every time I was more shattered than the time before. So, while it is horribly painful I believe cutting the ties completely is the way to get some of that power back and start to heal.

I hope that you are able to find even one small thing today that makes you smile, feel safe, feel cared for. If you can't find it that's ok, but know that there are many here who care so much for you and want the best for you.

I've never thought it had to do with you at all, but the way he's even ignoring a fellow colleague says to me that he has some serious issues going on and it makes me wonder if he is terminating other clients as well.

I hope that you are able to find even one small thing today that makes you smile, feel safe, feel cared for. If you can't find it that's ok, but know that there are many here who care so much for you and want the best for you.

Can I ride on the coattails of these words? I don't think it has anything to do with you, TN. I know even that probably hurts to hear, though. Frowner Everything will hurt right now, just everything. and that is no wrong, TN. Take your time. Get through the day. You are lovely. I'm so impressed that you are able to cook any food. Good for you.


Thank you Mayo, STRMs and BB. It's just that each time I am reminded of what I have lost the grief just becomes so overwhelming and so powerful that it leaves room for nothing else. I am trying to get back to some idea of what is normal for me but everything I try seems so fraught with memories of my T. He was such a big part of my life and who I became. I wanted him to be proud of me and to be happy for my growth and the positive changes and instead he rejected me and erased me from life. So this is where I struggle... how do I accept me when I was so harshly rejected by the one person who promised me there was nothing I could do that would make him reject me?

My newT tells me that who I am was my own work and effort and I know a lot of you here have echoed that he has told me that I still have that work and that person but I am rejecting that person no matter whose work it was. I hate that person. Better if I had been some dumb, silent stupid patient who just went along with stuff instead of trying to assert my knowledge of therapy. My knowledge was what doomed that relationship and yeah I hear it that I should not have to be what I'm not to keep a relationship and it's a reenactment of my past but am I doomed to lose everyone I care about because of who I am? This experience tells me that who I really am is so repugnant that even a T cannot deal with me. And if it's HIS fault then it's also mine because I freely CHOSE him and to stay with him so it was my fault for what happened.

My guest should be here in half hour and I am still not dressed. I want to vomit at the thought of having to say what I'm thankful for. I am not feeling thankful at all today and if that makes me a horrible person... well then I guess T was right. I am a horrible person. And as for God... I don't believe so that is no ansswer for me. If there is a god then he is quite cruel and heartless.

I don't want newT to take care of me and I'm quite angry at him right now for rejecting me because that is what he did yesterday. Not only me but my culture of gifting food items. This is part of who I am culturally and I was not taking care of oldT when I brought him gifts... I was trying to allow him to know me in my own way. It was allowing him to peek into the inner parts of me that I could not verbalize. Every gift had a deeper meaning and spurred lots of discussion and insight into my past and why I felt a certain way. And how could he presume that I would even feel the desire to gift him with anything. Maybe I don't even like him enough to gift him with anything.

Aside from that I'm troubled by his way of talking AT me instead of with me and that he thinks he knows so much that he is not willing to hear me and learn from me things that are also important and maybe not found in HIS books. Maybe he is not so all knowing. I have yet to see empathy and feeling from him. He is smart yeah maybe smarter than oldT but he shows me no warmth or acceptance... only the things we need to do differently and how I need to change blah blah.

I'm sad today and I'm sorry if I'm a huge downer on everyone's thanksgiving.

Mayo... I'm sorry you are in such pain too and I do appreciate your taking the time to reply to my thread of anguish and complaints. I do hope you also find some peace with your T. I had no idea therapy would be so damaging.

Aw, TN...sorry it feels like your T is talking at you. that sucks. I remember going through that with my T, and it is no fun. I'm also sorry to hear that he won't accept gifts. That's a difficult boundary, for sure, and especially if you are from a culture that does that sort of automatically. Frowner I would be really hurt if I was able to give my T a gift but he would not accept it. I would love to be able to give him something. As it is I can't really give him anything, but I guess if I was really brave I could send him a gift by mail. It is sooo hard to have a totally one-way relationship. It sucks, feels so "professional." I hate it. Even though I know that hidden in there is the real care that I need.

Yes God seems *so* cruel and heartless, TN, it is so true! He is the *most* boundaried of Beings. And that hurts us terribly. He will *not* step in and rescue us- for our own good- but prefers to let us find our own way, and make our own decisions, becoming more and more adult. And that hurts, so badly. And it is *very* confusing. You needn't believe...but, you are loved. Lovable.

You are not a downer, "Thanksgiving" couldn't be more depressing if I *tried* to make it that way. It is sad to hear how very alone you feel, but, also good that you can share here with us. I know it is a sad holiday. It is a sad holiday, for sure.

Keep talking. That is very brave. Thanks for sharing because I do not feel so alone as I did.


My heart aches for the both of you. I am saddened to hear about your anger at God. He is the only one who did take care of me in my life- when no one else did, he was there in the darkest nights of my pain as a child, so clearly I have that connection stronger than any human connection. Why he does not take away all of the pain is a mystery. T says there is growth in sufffering ( I say- guess he has not had much in his life of he would not say that) But I am learning there is some truth to that.
god has very big big shoulders and can take what you throw at him, He can also use those shoulders to lift you from the pit if you open yourself to him. He has very long arms to hold you when no one else can. Please take this as my experience- I am not preaching to you, but he sustains me. Like now. Not always- but now He is. Just ask Him.

There is always hope.
Oh TN I’m sorry you are really struggling and I hope that you got through the thanksgiving dinner intact. For what it’s worth I don’t think you are a horrible person for feeling like you have nothing to be thankful for - you have every right to feel angry despairing and in such anguish.

Funnily enough I do get what you mean about wishing you had been a dumb, silent, stupid patient instead of the wise deeply insightful and knowledgeable person you are. There have been MANY times when I’ve ranted about wishing I were just some happy cabbage who didn’t know anything about anything - that way no expectations and no disappointments. Trouble is, once you know something, you can’t unknow it. And yes sometimes that knowing really gets in the way.

Wish I had some wise words about your fear of losing everyone because of who you are - but I don’t, because that’s exactly my set up and I haven’t (yet!) found a way to undo that experience. I do believe though that it’s possible - despite all apparent evidence to the contrary. And right now you’re reliving that experience to a terrible depth so it must seem like proof positive. Can I say though, that oldT’s cowardly treatment of you is NOT because you are so repugnant that you ‘made’ him reject you? (In fact probably the complete opposite!) I know you don’t believe that but want you to know that others do.

I’m sorry too that new T rejected your gift of food - you explain your reasons for it so eloquently - and I’m going to say the obvious - perhaps you could explain that to him (it sounds as if he is blanketly interpreting your gifting of food in a generically pathological way rather than hearing your actual reasons.)

Your comments about being troubled by the way T talks AT you all the time - oh that really resonates with me. You’ve had reservations about this T right from the start and I’m wondering whether it’s not because you’ve picked up on this ‘know-it-all’ stance where he’s telling you about yourself rather than listening to you reveal yourself. Of the Ts I’ve seen over the last months, SO many of them did just that - talked AT me rather than TO me, responded from a place of assumed knowing without actually getting to know me. And yes that meant any sense of connection or empathy just wasn’t there. (And I also felt trivialized and invalidated, that what I know and understand about myself, about psychology etc was dismissed as irrelevant or worse, a criticism of the way Ts worked.)

Don’t know if what I’ve said is any comfort to you at all - but I do want you to know that you’re not a downer at any time and you don’t need to apologize for how you feel. ((((( TN ))))) just keep going, one day at a time.


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