This afternoon I had my last session before the holiday break and after we discussed the chaos in our city my T tried to address what we were talking about last week which was physical proximity and safe touch in therapy. I had emailed him telling him I thought he was afraid if he touched me that I would want to have sex with him among other things. He started by saying he thought fear was the right word for what he felt but he didn't fear that I would want to have sex with him but he had thoughts/concerns/fears that I might have a sexual response to him touching me and that while it wasn't inappropriate for me to want him to comfort me or touch me non-sexually but it was hard to define the difference between non-sexual and sexual. I started crying and crying and he asked me why I felt so sad. Eventually I told him that I couldn't guarantee how I would feel and what would come up for me and he said he knew that. Then I said I couldn't be honest with him about my feelings because I would be afraid it would scare him away. I said it would be like him all of a sudden deciding we couldn't shake hands anymore because of what I told him, too painful. He told me that he couldn't see any reason to stop shaking hands but I haven't told him everything yet.
Then he left for his vacation although he was kind enough to tell me that he would be reachable in his office tomorrow morning but I told him I couldn't imagine anything that could be said in a short phone call that would impact this conversation. In the 5 hours since then I've been increasingly sad and feel like I should quit because we were talking about touch but really I don't know how I will feel about him just from us continuing to work together. I trust him, am attached and dependent on him, even love him more than I used to. How can I know if my feelings will become inappropriate?