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Hi everyone.

It is such a relief to go back to my new P after the break. It has been such a long four weeks. Being out of my routine and Christmas are such a tough time for me and I know for many of you too.

The session was good. I had become majorly depressed during the break and was obsessing about my old P continually (that is how I comfort myself and I know it is not healthy but it was the only way I could survive the long break). This morning I have woken up and feel that I don't have to think about him at all.

My sessions are going to be weekly with my P from now on and monthly with old P with a view to stretching out the distance with old P until I can dettach from him.

Thank you for all of the support and encouragement I receive here and I appreciate the time and effort you put into your posts and sharing your stories.
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