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I know that I am, realistically, nowhere near it.

Something shifted this week and it's like more of me is accepting and acknowledging the attachment with T. I actually trust in his care, in the "realness" of the relationship (despite its limitations), on a deeper level. I know I will have moments of projection and panic, but I don't think I can fully go back to avoidance.

And now, in response to that, I cannot stop thinking about when and how it will end. At first, I used the fear about ending to avoid attaching, to avoid accepting the relationship counted for anything. Now that I have done so in spite of it, with understanding and acknowledgement that although the ending of a therapeutic relationship might be more explicitly and methodically addressed than more "natural" transitions (i.e. graduations, deaths, etc.), it is certainly a normal thing for relationships to have limitations on them.

I can't stop fearing (no, fear isn't the right word, almost aching over the idea that) I won't ever be ready, or certainly not in time for T to retire. Granted, he could work several more years at 61. A lot of people do. And I know he's not the type to just cut me off, that he would retain the connection on his end and be glad that I knew I could touch base as needed if he were available. It just feels like, because I never had a lasting, safe attachment with someone...I have no idea how one grows up and out of the dependence.

I see T tomorrow and maybe we will talk about it. I don't know. Maybe it will calm me to hear about how he usually works through terminations with clients, how he might do it with me when the time is right, how we will even know it, how much time we'll give to the process.

What if I'm just never ready? Then, I basically force both of us into an abandonment scenario. I know it is SO early to think about this, but something about ACTUALLY attaching feels like heading toward an ending. I know there are patterns in my upbringing from the revolving significant figures that cause this feeling. And in a way, in terms of the relationship, getting to a sort of peak (not the ultimate one, but at least a little one to rest on for the moment) reminds you that after you go up, you have to go back down. Having never let someone know me so completely and intimately (emotionally), I can't help but wonder and worry over what it will be like to draw apart. I don't want to be thinking about it, but I can't seem to stop.
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WEll it seems to prove that you are securely attached - which is the good news.


I feel this with my t. So I asked him if I could keep in contact, after the 'end'. He said of course, so actually there is not real 'termination' - of course by then I will be ready to walk away into a busy life where I do not have time to see him once a week and also don't need to. that is going to be at least one and a half years down the line for me, if not two years - who knows.

So I think that fact you are feeling the ache of it, is a good sign. You would not feel that ache if you did not feel the real intimacy and closeness you have.
Sadly - yes, attached. And the very next thought is, "OK, well, how does this end and do we survive it?" Frowner So many broken connections. I actually did bring this up with him for future discussion (as I didn't want to spend a lot of time on it yesterday). He said that whenever it happens, he does not envision it being a sudden, but instead a slow process. I need to tackle this in a session where I'm prepared for a bunch of fear to bowl me over, though...
yakusoku (what's the meaning of your name btw?), I can relate perfectly.
I saw your post a while ago and wanted to reply but decided to wait for my T's session and check how I felt after that.

I too struggle with the exact same problem and I'm scared as hell. I've only started seeing my T for a bit over than 4 months but my attachment to him hit me like a ten ton truck. I've been trying to fight it back (wanting to cancel sessions/terminate/telling him I don't need him/I'm not dependent/giving him the not caring attitude/etc).

My T is 65 so a bit closer to retirement than yours. The problem is we'll end even sooner than that because he is planning to leave the country in some years and move some place else. He didn't say when, but I assumed 2 years and he didn't correct me, so I guess I'm more or less right.

The comfort i have is that maybe I won't stay in the country for long either, I have a life to live too, maybe I'll be the one leaving him and not the other way around, I always had the travel bug and I think that meeting him sparked that desire in me even more. I look up to him, I want to be like him, be as cool as him, have his confidence, independence, knowledge and life experience. I guess this is an adult healthy way of wanting to merge with him.

Does your T inspire you the same way? Don't you want him to be proud of you?

When I told him about my fears of "the end" he said that we'll work through it when it comes and I will be ready for it. It's not really the end either. That I can carry him with me, like in dreams... I snorted when he said that, but I'm starting to understand his point. He carries me in his head (he's forced to, he doesn't write anything Smiler) and I carry him in mine (I can just about guess his replies to some of my thoughts, and I think this will get stronger as we spend more time together) so we are part of each other. Maybe we only spend 50 minutes per week together but during that time the office is our little cosmos and we are the only people in it. No one will ever take that away from you.

Maybe I got a bit carried away on my reply, but I hoped it helped yakusoku. Writing this made me realize I don't really wanna have a month off from T, like I told him I wanted yesterday. I want to spend as much time as possible with him as I can, while I can, and in the end I'll be thankful for having shared an important piece of my life with him.
yaku, I've gone through a similar phase. And, it comes in waves. On Jan 23rd my T said her door is always open so really there is no "end." Although, when I tell her "this can't go on forever" she nods in agreement.

Last week she asked me if I have had trouble with "transitions" in my past. So we briefly touched on them, and yes, ALL of them, leaving school, graduating, moving, friends moving, marriage, etc.

It feels so damn painful Frowner
I realized that last week my T had said :
"One day you will walk away from me and feel that I have served my purpose, though I don't think you will think of it QUITE in those terms."

And I said: "I hope so, yes please."

BEcause a part of me wants to get this therapy over and done.

but leaving him? My last hug? you have got to be kidding. I CANNOT imagine that right now. He is far too important to me and I have been abandoned by my own parents over and over whilst growing up - it hurts too much to think.

The only way I CAN cope with any thought of ending is that it is a 'false' ending in that I might end seeing him so often but I shall reappear occasionally and taper off over some years.

We are about to move, in the next year, and so we are working out if he will still work with me if I live out of his NHS catchment area, that is causing so much concern.

Imagine me having to keep the whole family here just because I can't leave him?!?!?!?!?

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