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I had a pretty good session with T last night. Despite intending to go straight in and let connection happen right away, since closeness has been so absent the last two weeks, I still could not do it. T voluntarily sat closer, but I still felt literally, physically restricted from reaching out to him. Eventually I did and Little Yaku was able to have some comfort in the stuff she is still trying to share, but too scared about.

T offered me a Friday or Saturday call. He said it is not an invasion of his family time, of which he has all of Wednesday and Thursday and whichever day we do not talk, plus most of Sunday (outside of church). I told him I knew I could make it through, even if it would suck, so I felt like I should, like I wanted to protect his time the way I protect my own time with my family. He said there was no reason for me to make myself struggle so much with all that has been coming up for me just to avoid something that does not burden or inconvenience him at all, that he wants to offer me if it will help. So, I agreed to take the Skype, even though I feel like such a loser that I didn't just make myself slog through the pain.

Right as I was leaving, I had something happen that has happened three or four times in the past two weeks, a certain taste/smell out of nowhere that seems to be associated with one of the very bad memories that has been shared. T tried to get me to stay a few minutes to ground or at least pray about it, but I was afraid more stuff would come up and made myself leave instead, despite his saying there was no need to push myself out the door like I was.

There is so much inner turmoil today. Stuff keeps coming up. I have been largely functional while working this temporary job, but at the cost of setbacks internally to what is being processed (like, literally locking down the parts that hold it). Somehow, today, that stuff didn't get locked back inside. One of the little girls I watch is slightly older than this particular trauma. I don't want to give triggering details, but it is CSA stuff from my mother's boyfriend at about five and one of the kids I'm watching is six. So, suddenly, I can barely look at this child, because it makes me miserable to think of such a little child being hurt like that. I just want to hide in my bed and cry all day (you know, if I were capable of crying, which as I've said, I'm not...although I feel constantly on the verge). T says this stuff probably has to be shared very many times before it is done, but it has come up dozens of times and been directly (although not explicitly) shared at least three times. I just want it to get better! And I just want to know how I make that happen...
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I'm glad you're taking the session. Your T's don't need to force yourself to struggle with all that's been going on for you.

As far as crying, maybe it will help if you do watch a movie or something like that to help you cry. Even if you feel predominantly like you're crying because of the movie, it may nonetheless provide some sort of relief. I'm able to cry a little more freely now, but there's still instances all the time (including recently) where I'm not even *aware* that I have a desire to cry, but something I see triggers an upwelling of tears.

I'm really sorry stuff is still coming up for you. Frowner Keep checking in with us to let us know how you're doing!

Liese - That would be one of me in particular, just doing their job, you know? Wink

kashley - Yeah, I have been meaning to watch a sad movie lately and just sob, but I need to find some alone time to do it, as I don't much like the idea of falling apart in front of a bunch of kids or even my H. Thanks for the invite to keep checking in. I almost deleted this post again, but got too busy to do it today. I am doing a little bit better. Just stuck my family's chocolate chip, walnut apple cake into the oven for a church Thanksgiving and dessert service tonight, so that was a good distraction.

Monte - Thanks for the commiseration. It sucks, doesn't it? I sometimes wonder if some of it is that I'm so hesitant to share exactly what is being shared, shown, told, experienced. As soon as I open anything up, it is immediately like, "but that has to be a lie, there's no way that could have happened, and all my parts are a lie and I'm a giant faker and I don't even need therapy, so um, here's your check and thanks for the last year." T doesn't really buy it. The part I described above is kind of like your Ogre. I do feel tears welling up, like just below the surface and sometimes a few are in my eyes and I feel it in my throat and chest like I'm going to cry, but it never comes, like poising to throw up and you can't. It sucks. Anyway, my big brother part (Ogre equivalent) literally wanted to overturn T's table when Little Yaku felt like she was about to cry and wanted to just bury her head in T's shoulder and sob (which, um, no, not going to happen). Yeah, I am very lucky with my T's generosity. I still keep telling him it's too much for him, but he insists that he sees it as appropriate to what we're working on and never a burden, always a blessing to offer. He actually insisted I look at him last night when he was trying to convince me it was OK with him to offer. He was just gently smiling and joking with me about why I would put myself through so much unnecessary pain. Maybe I'll get it someday.

DF - Ugh, if my T kept asking if I cried about things, I would find that creepy too! But, sometimes it's t the point where I'm desperate to cry, especially if it feels like someone inside has been trying to all day long. I almost did early, but if I had done so, it would have been collapsing and shaking on the floor right before I had to go pick up Boo from school, so that was a no go. I don't know why I associate touch and crying, but it feels like I need someone safe (like T) or something safe (like my blankets) to hide in when I cry. Crying exposed at all is just yuck! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has to go through a repetitive process. I start to beat myself up like, "This AGAIN? What, do you just like torturing yourself? We've been through it already!" T tries to remind me that the parts who hold this stuff are stuck in it all the time and have been for so many years that it really might just take a little bit to get through it. Yeah, patience and compassion...two things I'm not good at offering myself. But, it has gotten better, a bit, over the last year, so I have to just trust that it keeps getting better from here on out, I guess.

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