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If I may weigh in, I think it would be better to keep the ACOA forum separate from an addictions and recovery forum. I worry about two very similar problems.

People who are struggling with the behaviors of an addict and how it affects them may not feel free to speak in front of people who are struggling with addictions for fear of hurting them and making their struggle with substance abuse even worse by increasing their sense of guilt for the affects of their behavior on their loved ones. And its important that they are able to speak.

And I worry that the people who need, just as much, to speak of their struggles, won't feel free to speak because they will feel like they are making it more difficult for people who are struggling with an addict's behavior to be completely open about how it makes them feel.

Both sets of people deserve to be fully heard, I'm just not sure that doing so in the same place, at the same time, is the best place to begin.

Does this make sense to anyone else? Or am I being to cautious and not trusting people to take care of themselves?

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