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Feel wiped out by what is going on and also feel guilty for not posting here, not posting on blog even! Just not able to do much. All the emotional pain is just wearing me down.

I saw the EMDR T today and she started the session saying that her supervisor had given her a right bollocking (English for "severe reprimand") for seeing me whilst I am seeing the sweet Psychologist. Her supervisor said that it broke the safety of the therapeutic space and that it was leaking from both. That I need to start again with a new third person.

I sat there stunned. Then got angry and upset.
and said what I thought of the supervisor. The EMDR T said her supervisor is someone she respects and that she listens to.

I said no one thought to ask how I feel - how I find it helpful to see them both, how I feel I have a team, how I like paying for the EMDR - it makes me feel I have some control, how I LIKE seeing a woman, how I like having back up from the psychologist how I like having two different personality types - how I work on different aspects - how it WORKS for ME!

I was so upset. Still am. AS you can tell.

I just am so fed up of people making decisions about what they as professionals think is right for me without consulting me. They have not been through what I have been through. I do not want to go back to the EMDR person, I do not want to have to fight that corner - I don't have the energy now for battles. I am barely okay as it is.
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Sadly that sucks! Especially as you've been seeing EMDR T for quite some time now, it does seem a bit bizarre that suddenly she comes out with what her supervisor has said (maybe she hadn't spoken to her since you first started with her?) Either way surely she herself can make the decision for herself - she was after all perfectly happy for you to see both her and SweetP in the first place...

In a way it doesn't surprise me though as NHS, and in fact most therapists over here, will not accept someone seeing two different therapists unless it's part of a co-ordinated care plan (ie different Ts for different aspects of treatment). What is suspect in my view, is that this supervisor has claimed that you must cease and desist! (that's how it sounds lol) seeing BOTH EMDR T and SweetP and go find someone new. That doesn't make sense at all, usually it would be to choose one or the other, but not to terminate with both at once. That sounds very weird.

I can understand why you would no longer want to see EMDR T (which is a shame, but perfectly understandable given that she's suddenly done a volte face about seeing you, AND using her supervisor's recommendation as the excuse, how could you possibly trust her after this). But I am really sorry you are having to deal with this just when you most needed all the support you can get, and when you thought your therapy with both Ts was going well.

I hope you are still going to be able to see SweetP? Have you spoken to him about this yet? What are his views?

Sending you lots of good wishes Sadly, and welcome back too!

love your profile picture, I could try and make one for me.
I am coming to terms with being a rape survivor, strangely. After all these years. But have a persistant migraine like headache that no medication is shifting so just lie flat and actually feel empty, like an empty shell of a person.
I keep thinking of this site and wishing I had more ability to log in and read - hear how you are all doing. Maybe I will be able to soon.

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