Do your T's admit when they make a mistake or say or do something that your average person would find offensive, i.e.any one or combination of the following: name-calling, belittling, condescending words, using abusive language or an unneccesarily loud voice,talking over you, cross-examining you at length, etc) and then refuse to own up to it? Put it back on you when you (of course!) get angry or experience shock? Do they say it's part of your past? That you are projecting?
Please note that the above paragraph is not valid if the client/patient is abusive towards the T in any way. I am referring to stuff that comes up almost out of the blue.. T's trying to "provoke" a response, acting out their own frustrations of perceived lack of progress, or perhaps just saying something out of ignorance (we all do that)
I'm not talking about the legit stuff that's hard to hear. I'm talking about the here-and--now mistakes that T's make, and wondering if they do apologize.
Is it a good lesson for us, as clients/patients, to learn the difference between what is projection and what is bad behavior on the part of another person? And does your T work with this, maybe even say (gasp) "I'm glad that you tactfully stood up for yourself?"
Have you ever
1.Kept yourself up all night with LONG TERM regret for not standing up for yourself? Ruminating, writing "shoulda said" scripts?
2. Come up with a very effective and mature way to handle such situations? (stating needs/how you felt/what options you have if behavior is repeated... in a respectful way, for example)
3. Left the session, only to impulsively send angry emails/pm's/texts?
4. Left therapy because of bad T behavior?
5. Worked it out with your T, and found yourself pleasantly surprised that they apologized, and in the process, found your trust has deepened?
6. Thought that you would just ignore it, move past it, only to have it come up again later, and then finally feel the need to address it after the issue has festered for a while?
7. Absorbed it...told yourself that the T is right, that you are simply "projecting" and "living your past"?
8. Given yourself a headache over it? Lost your appetite? Caught a cold? Decided that it would be easier to get depressed? Internalized it, in other words?
9. Decided to withdraw for a while?
10. Vented on this forum about it?
11. Flew off into a rage?
12. Argued back, but without the rage, attempted self-defense?
Would you like to share your ideas?
I have done all, btw, except for #4, 7, an 11,
# 2 worked QUITE well, but obviously #1, 6, 9, rear their ugly heads at times. Turning #10 into something constructive, Hoping for #5.
Thanks for your input, I want to shine some light on this