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Ok, another fun thread here. Big Grin If we made a show of T bloopers what would your contribution be? This can be either something you did or your T did or both.

I was inspired to do this thread by something that happened in T today. It was pretty funny. So I go in and start talking about the weekend and I say, "the whole weekend was actually good" T says, "Wow, did I just hear you say what I thought you said?" I said, "Yes" thinking that T was surprised that for once I actually had a good and relaxing weekend! So I start talking about how I laid around all weekend, didn't clean or anything and just hung out and played with my kids. After a few minutes of that, T says, "So, it was sexually good?" I sit there and have a momentary lapse of contact with reality...rewind the tape in my head...and then said, "What?!" So T says, "so you said it was a good weekend sexually?" I am thinking to myself, wtf is she talking about...and then I'm thinking...did I say that?! Furthermore, if I said that then who was it inside that had such a rip roaring good time because it sure as heck wasn't me! So then T says, "what did you say right before I asked you if I heard you right?" I said, "I said it was ACTUALLY a good weekend." T says "Oh well, actually/sexually...they kind of sound the same." I felt like I was about three shades of red, but I wasn't really that embarrassed just confused there for a sec! We both thought it was funny once we straightened that all out! Smiler Then T says, "I thought it was odd that you would just blurt that out like that." Ummm, ya think?! I tend to slur my words together sometimes and I think "it was actually" slurred into what sounded like sexually. Must.enunciate.
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Originally posted by Liese:
OHSTRM, that has to be one of the funniest therapy bloopers I've ever heard. And, yeah, actually and sexually do sound alike. And, is he that comfortable with you that he would follow up with you like that????

She and yes she is. I don't think there is much that my T would shy away from although I do find it funny because she often is so proper about sex related stuff. Like she will say..."be intimate with" or "intimacy" and sometimes I just want to scream at her and say, "oh sheesh woman would you just say sex already!!"
Great subject STRM! My favorite blooper on my T's part (the more precious because they were really rare) was during an emergency call I made to him the Friday before Mother's Day. I am very close with my older sister, who has already done a lot of work in therapy. At the time, she was in a big sister/little sister program and it's a long story, but short version, she called me REALLY upset because she had found out from her little sister's mother, that the mother had left her daughter unprotected, and what my sister thought was a one time occurance had actually been ongoing abuse for years. She was absolutely furious with the mother and called me to vent. I did well listening to her and helping her put it in perspective, but got really triggered in return. I was doing a lot of work around my mother at that point in therapy, and hearing my sister get so upset about someone's behavior that was so close to our mother's really set me off. I was calm until I hung up the phone with her, then went into a serious meltdown. For once, I didn't hesitate to call my T and I left an emergency message with his answering service. He called back around 20 minutes later and I explained what was going on and he totally got it but the first thing he said to me was "and it must be even more difficult with it being Mother's Day on Sunday." I had TOTALLY forgotten that and before I even thought about it I blurted out "crap, I hadn't even thought of that." He very wryly and apologetically said "yeah, leave it to the therapist to bring the painful part up." He just sounded really embarrassed, but I must admit even in the middle of all that, I just thought it was pretty damn funny. He was also close to perfect for the rest of the call and really helped me calm down (I was having flashbacks) so overall it was a good memory.

i once told my T in a fit of rage that she was fat. after we proceed it over a few sessions we met and then 4 sessions later, when a cast on her foot was replaced with a small boot, i said heyy the boot is getting smaller!! and she sort of covered her bum bec. she was standing and said ummm excuse me???
and i said the BOOT is getting smaller. and she said oh yeah, yes it is.

its kinda funny and disturbing at the same time.
this hasn't happened, and i would just hate if it did...but, imagine this...just the two of you in the room, and you pass a silent, but deadly (fart)....and it is really smelly, but silent, and of course, you DON'T want to claim it, but, it is just the two of you....

or, you smell it but know you haven't 'dealt it'...would you say something??

knock on wood this doesn't happen!!

sorry, but i DO have a 13 year old boy, and his humor is contagious!! jill
Hey there,

My T actually did pass gas during a session once but I just ignored it and so did he. I was glad it wasn't me passing the gas. Big Grin The only other thing that ever happened that was remotely funny but more embarrassing was once - after my session was over, I was talking to the secretary and another therapist and they started to point at my blouse. I looked down and my blouse was unbuttoned. They looked at me and mouthed, I bet he didn't even notice. I buttoned myself up and ran out of there as fast as I could.

One time I told my T that the weather was so beautiful that I was cutting the grass and didn't even break into a sweat. He thought that was pretty funny. I didn't. Another time I told him I thought maybe there was a hormonal reason I got upset about something. He seemed a little embarrassed by that but then recovered quickly and said he didn't think that was it.

We never talk about sex and I dread the day we have to. Recently he mentioned something about how I feel about myself as a woman. And, I'm thinking, do we really have to go there? No, let's talk about how I feel about myself as a man. That would make an interesting topic!!!

LOL, great thread, STRM. Thanks for starting it!!!

STRM, Great and funny thread!

After a few minutes of that, T says, "So, it was sexually good?" I sit there and have a momentary lapse of contact with reality...rewind the tape in my head...and then said, "What?!" So T says, "so you said it was a good weekend sexually?"

Big Grin LOLOLOL- this cracked me up! Ha ha, and funny that even your T thought it was a little odd that you would just walk in and start blurting that out like that! Oh, i am so glad this hasnt happened to me yet!

Well, it reminds me one one time, it was a very frustraiting and hard session, and i was laying on the couch, and obviously didnt saw T`s face, only heard his word. At least i thouht so. Okey, so T started answering one of my very loaded questions, i was already a little angry at T for talking too 'theoretical' about the subject we were discussing. So when T started talking (a little low) i swear i thought he was talking french or something, (not my language) just to show off or on pupose be more 'theoretical', so i went: "What??! Confused Mad What are you talking about- SPEAK NORWEGIAN!!" (LOL) T replied, confused: "ehm..what?" "you HAVE TO SPEAK NORWEGIAN TO ME!!!" "Ehm, i am.." Big Grin
anyway, i heard him wrong, he was talking norwegian of course, just using some old norwegain terms, that sounded ailient to young me. Poor T. I dont remember the exact word he used, though. Some apologises later and when i recovered form the emberrassment for yelling at T, with no reason obviously, I crack up when thinking back on this! Still does.
Oh, i remember one more: I was rushing out of the T`s office, alsmost outside T said: "Dont forget your coffie-" so i turned back inside again, really stressed out and grabbed my coffie in a very clomsy way so i ended up kind of throwing it/slipping the whole thing, so all of it spilled out on the (carpet) floor! (And some of it over me) Big Grin
Oh draggers, those are funny! I remember the potty story and it is just as funny this time. Sorry! I have similar weirdness about my T and the restroom and I have no idea what that is about.

BG: Great story!

Frog: Oh dear, how embarrassing about the coffee. Love the language story.

Liese: Oh my goodness! That would have been so embarrassing about the blouse. Love your stories. Thanks for sharing.
I just found this amazing little thread, and I loved it. It made me laugh when I really needed it. Smiler Anyone have any more bloopers?

I had a blooper with T in my last session. I completely tripped over her rug walking out of her office. I kind of went flying after my heels caught the edge of the rug, but thankfully I caught myself. I looked back and T totally caught the whole thing. She just looked down and said "Watch that." My face was SO red!

Another embarrassing moment was when I told T that I had a total girl crush on her through an email, and then she said something in our next session like "SO, tell me about this "girl crush?" you have?" I was mortified. LOL! I said "um, okay. I am not prepared to talk about it." She said "You brought it up and that's the words that you used." It made me squirm!

Can I add a slight funny to this thread, not exactly a blooper but T and I ended up laughing about it yesterday. T has a beautiful young white cat with amazing blue eyes called Toffee who she brings up with her as he is still a baby (not a year old). Now she does not let him in the session room normally but knows I am a real cat girl and he seemed insistent on joining us yesterday, and practically battered the door down. So I said to t to let him in and commented on how big he has got.I've seen him before and he has come into the room and totally steals the scene by lying down like a Freudian patient on the floor. She then said did I ever tell you about how I got him, 'he was abandoned by his mother at a week old', so I started laughing and t then got why I was laughing so much. I said 'how freudian that an attachment psychotherapist would pick a cat with abandonment/attachment issues' Not strictly a blooper but funny it was Big Grin
Broken, JM and BG those are so funny.

BG, I totally know what you mean! Smiler I can't imagine saying that to my T though. I think she would probably just sit there and stare at me. I was laughing so hard reading your account of your session though. Thanks!

I so vividly remember my session that prompted me to start this thread. That was a funny day for sure. I don't think I have any new bloopers...I'll have to think a bit!
So I just read all of these and they totally cracked me up! They made my night! I have one from a few sessions ago that was kind of funny.

I was waiting for T in the waiting area and I was preoccupied with a game on my phone. Out of nowhere there was a loud thud and someone yelled "Ow!" (The sound always kind of echoes when the doors are open) I turn to look and T is walking in the waiting room holding her poor thumb. I said "Oh G, what happened?" "I smashed my thumb on my drawer and our very empathetic counselor over here is laughing at me," she says as she points to one of the other male counselors in his office who is still laughing at T. I poke my head in his office and say "Hey don't be laughing at G!" Of course I said it jokingly though lol. T responds and says "Yeah, my clients got my back!" We all laughed at this. It was hilarious!
Go figure that this hilarious thread finally gets me to post. Hi, and thanks.

Last session T and I were having an intense moment. I became frustrated and said, "F%#@ a duck!" He said, "What's that like?" and I immediately replied, "Fowl."

He started laughing and then replayed it in his mind and laughed harder. He said, "Hey, do I have permission to use that?" I said, "Uh, sure," bemused at his reaction. Then he said the whole exchange out loud again, like two people, and kept laughing.

It's usually me who's cracking up about something and he's straight-faced asking, "What is the laughter about?"

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