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Ok so maybe he didn't quite cancel on me. I got a voicemail from him saying would it be possible to rearrange this afternoon's sessionn but if I couldn't that would be fine and he would still see me at the usual time. If I'd said I still wanted the session I would have felt that he was wanting to be somewhere else throughout our session. So I phoned him back and said sure no problem we can change, he offered tomorrow evening instead but I'm meeting friends then so I said no this means the next time I'll see him will be next Thursday.

As soon as we agreed next meeting would be next week I could feel my mood dropping. Why??? I could have said no I want to keep today's session, could have rearranged my plans for tomorrow so I could see him and earlier today I was thinking I don't really need a session today I don't have anything I really need to talk about and I could use the time to catch up on work instead.

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