Uhm.. the thing is, if i do go for the hard talk, let T know about how i feel, T will start digging for all the reasons i feel hurt/angry, but i find it *so* hard to actually tell him that.. because the main reason is *only* that i gonna feel a bit lost without him, and i`ll keep thinking about him ALL THE TIME during the vacation, and THAT my T cant help me with!! Seriously, he cant take that hurtful longing away, and not my coping mechanims either.. it doesnt help telling him i am gonna miss him and therefore isolate myself- in order to think more about him- gosh..its so embarrassing also to admit it, and T has never before either managed to "fix" it, he only accept it and listen to it, but thats all he can do. It doesnt help alot, does it? T cant "fix" that, so why should i tell him about it? i know, deep down, the answer isnt to ignore the hurtful/angry feelings..yet i feel like wanting to give up this old battle with T...just fo once not tell T the truth about how i feel.. i am seriously tired of doing that, open up complitley.. Isnt it ok also, sometimes, to just hold back some info, for the sake of "peace and harmony" lol, that sounds weird, i know..
well, thanks for listening, i guess i`Ll just have to wait and see what i end up saying- or not saying- in session tomorrow..