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Just out of curiousity, what were y'alls first impressions of your Ts? I'm not sure if anyone else done a thread like this since I'm still fairly new but here it goes. I thought it would be interesting to talk about.

My first impression of my current T was all over the place. When I first decided to seek counseling from the counseling center at school, I made sure it as going to be legit counseling from legit licensed couselors and therapists. I read everyting about it on the school's website and read all the bio's and information about the staff on the school's website. From the the form I had to fill out, I was convinced I was going to be placed with one of the counselors since she mainly deals with patients with depression. When they sent me an email back telling me I was going to be matched with my T, I was a little bit disappointed and apprehensive. For one, the picture they had of her on the website makes her look so much older and less attractive than what she really is in real life, so I really didn't recognize her when she came into the waiting room for our first session. Second, she specializes in marriage and family therapy which was far from what I was seeking out in the first place. Third, I was still very stuck on my old T and huge part of me wished she could still be my T, so because of that I think I would have been judgemental if I got paired with anybody else as well. When I finally sat down with her though, I found she was so warm, lovely, and genuine. Of course, it did take some time for me to put all of my trust in her, and now I wouldn't have it any other way. I can't imagine what it would be like if I had been matched with any of the other Ts because of the amazing relationship I have with her. Its so silly to think how apprehensive I was of her ha.

Anyone else have similar stories? Smiler
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I didn't like my T at first. My mom dragged me to her office in 1992 when I was 16, a few months after my dad died. I had NO interest in going to a therapist and I somehow thought that my T was on my mom's "side" since my mom had spoken to her before I ever went in to meet T.

T seemed sort of androgynous, not stylish or hip, sort of plain and quiet.

T worked hard to break down my walls. I would hardly speak to her. She tried playing games with me...Jenga, pickup sticks, etc. I was difficult and wouldn't play. Then she suggested going on walks. So we did that for many months and we talked about tv shows and my boyfriend and how I wanted to move away for college...light stuff. Nothing serious.

I was difficult and slow to let her in, but after a while I started to like her. I started to see that she had a good sense of humor and I enjoyed being able to make her laugh a lot. I still do. I love it when I can make her laugh so much that she cannot speak for half a minute or so. She is not nearly as serious as she seems outwardly. She is still androgynous and not stylish or hip but in my eyes she is the most beautiful person in the world and couldn't be more perfect.
What a good question, Jenny.

With my present therapist I was really upset that I had got a letter saying I an assessment appointment with him (he is a clinical psychologist and I did not know WHO had referred me. It turned out that I had requested it through my doctor four months earlier and had forgotten all about it.) I was on the defensive and I power dressed. I felt scared stiff. I remember thinking "I am prepared to talk about PTSD and see if he has anything interesting to add. Then I will go home - so let's just get this over with." I expected ZILCH.

He walked in the room and he immediately seemed gentle and solid and HUMBLE. He said months later that he found me a bit defensive and nervous. I was. I liked him on first meeting. I went home thinking "How come he is so kind and offering to help me when he doesn't even know me?". I tried to give nothing much away that first appointment. I asked how I had been referred and he handed over the letter from my GP which said that I had been held captive and raped and tortured over many months. I remember reading that and thinking "Sh*T! - My god, he knows THAT now!" but I kept my face dead pan and just said nothing and handed the letter back to him.

He said as I left that he would ring me up the next week to see how it went with the counsellor who was at that stage acting up (she terminated with me three days after this assessment meeting with my 'about to be new' T) and I was so glad he rang and that he wanted to know.

Sometimes I think I have never met such a gentle and genuinely kind person EVER and that is why I am constantly thrown by him.

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