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Just an FYI, really sensitive talking about this, because I am constantly projecting people will think I'm crazy or lying...but this is just how I experience myself (and I'm sure there are others who can relate), so I'm trying not to worry about what everyone thinks. I've always been this way and never taken the time to think about my internal experience enough until therapy, especially since I did a pretty good job locking down certain ways of being before seeing T.

OK, so a recent phone session (two weeks ago, I think) and my last office session, my parts/states have come up. I'm finally feeling less ridiculous being open with T about how I experience myself inside, admitting the extent of my "inner chatter" or "Greek chorus" as I call it, how all the not-me stuff feels, etc. It's not that I was hiding it before, but I think I tended to downplay it a lot as "just a way I get sometimes," which is kind of a lie, since it's how I am all the time. So, both times, T has asked me if I can name some of these parts/states. Both times I refused, because I don't really know what he's asking.

The first time, we were only talking about a really freaked out, needy, self-destructive state I get into. After I told him I couldn't name it (that I could identify how I see my behavior when I'm in that state--Victim--but the word was derogatory in my mind), T said it seems to him really toddler-like, Boo's for the sake of that conversation, we were discussing the wounded toddler, I guess.

The second time (Monday night), we were talking about two groups of parts, with both of us recognizing that there are more than just two, but for the sake of the conversation, two sufficed. We were discussing how self-destructive I feel about heading into therapy and how that is related to all my feelings and needs that are directed at T. Basically, the parts that feel that way are OK with needing him (though it is really scary to them) and then there are other parts who keep me from approaching by being VERY abusive regarding my feelings toward him, usually verbally berating me...and then I end up with certain self-destructive suggestions in form of words, sensations, images resulting from that internal interaction. Anyway, T asked if I could name those (groups) of parts for him, to make the conversation easier, but I refused (because I wasn't sure what he meant by it), so he said, "Let's just call them the kids and the parents for now."

So, my question is, has your T ever asked you to "name" parts for him/her? If so, what do you think your T was asking for? I wonder if my T even knows what he is asking for or if he's just kind of floating the question out there and seeing what I come up with. Some of the below is edited down from my journal, so maybe T will answer these questions when he has time to read it...probably not unless I actually bring it up in session.

Is T asking for their functionality (what role they play)? Is he asking what emotion they usually present with? Is he asking for a description of what they seem like (age, sex, attachment status, spiritual status, etc.)? Is he asking for a literal name? Each of those things is probably something I could start to identify. The last (an actual name) would be a bit more difficult, because while I have had names randomly surface (AAAH, I feel ridiculous) while concentrating on a particular state or part or whatever, I have been very resistant and non-receptive to those thoughts. Why? Because giving names feels like giving power. It feels like it means I accept that these experiences are true and I can only manage to do that some of the time. Some of the time, I think I am completely delusional to feel divided like I do. I don’t remember a time in my life where there was not internal dialog mitigating my experiences of both the outside and my own inner world. Yet, to let them be distinctive, to give them the personhood that comes with a name and the voice (i.e. influence) that comes from that personhood feels at once ridiculous and terrifying.

Ugh, feel really embarrassed sharing all of this, but also just trying to understand why T keeps asking me for names. And if it means anything that he uses the word "name" instead of "label" or asking me to "identify" or "categorize" or any other less personal word. It certainly would be easier to talk about these things with him if I could identify what part/state/way of being we are dealing with in a given circumstance, so I get why he is asking for it. I don't know why I feel so resistant to owning that role of naming or labeling my experience. T often identifies me by ages, saying when something I do or say in session or how I look seems like a teenager, for example. But, if he were asking for ages or types, name doesn't seem the right word to use. Over-analyzing a bit? Probably. I just want to learn to cooperate with him on this, but it is scary for some reason.

Needing someone to relate to here.
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Thanks, STRM and DF. Feeling a little less worried that I'm coming off to my T like a nutjob. After 25+ years as a T, he has to have heard weirder stuff, right? I'm not saying I have DID either. I'm just me. And T will never tell me anything about any diagnosis at all. Mad I don't know why I want to know, but I do, how he "sees" me. I guess it would make me feel safer.

I think there is a part of me that feels like my pre-teen/teenage period, really tomboy, that thinks nearly all adults (i.e. authority figures) are morons. She doesn't think she knows it all, but a lot more than she gets credit for and she has absolutely no use for people who she's not 100% sure are more competent, knowledgeable and "together" than she is. She hates useless people and the worst are people who THINK they know things, but don't realize they are stupid and useless...unfortunately, anyone perceived as parenting tends to be viewed in that sort of a way unless proved otherwise. She is really fond of people who know where they're lacking, identify, admit and address it. So, sometimes, I feel like this part of me is always challenging my T to prove he's not useless or at least to admit the ways he is useless (which he does do) and explain what he is doing to address it. I jounaled that stuff to him too.

STRM - I have never specifically asked inside about names or anything like that. The one time I (executive, observer part) tried to directly ask inside about something, I got a very upset answer (you may remember STRM) and it freaked me out, so I guess I am avoiding anything other than "watching" them right now. What do you mean by certain parts residing in certain areas? I'm not sure I get exactly what that would be like. Areas of me physically or imaginary or remembered places/environments? There are definitely parts who are in my childhood apartment, parts who are in a later house, parts who usually seem hang out in the hallway outside my favorite teacher's classroom or in the classroom (which I did for most of high school). There are parts hiding in my childhood closet. Playful parts seem to want to be in forts and clubhouses a lot. Is this what you're talking about? Mostly the kid parts have places they like to be (usually remembered, sometimes imagined), not always the same place, but usually. And I haven't really distinguished many of them yet separately, so for all I know there are just a couple parts and they drift from place to place. I feel like I definitely get a really young (like early toddler) part, a 4-6 age part, a 10-12 age part and an older teen...but I think maybe I assume that because those memories are the ones that keep popping up, surfacing out of nowhere...well, and the terrified, toddler-like feelings of separation anxiety and inability to speak at all while at the same time desperate for T to like come and pick me up, fear that he doesn't notice me and isn't going to respond if I cry out. Red Face

My adult parts do seem more function-based, like you're describing. It seems lately like the kids and teens are out all the time and it's hard to do stuff that the adults take care of, like paying bills, cleaning (although teen does that too and is just sick of it), being Mommy (teen seems to begrudgingly take over when I'm being completely useless). I still feel pretty ridiculous talking about myself in this way. I write about it a lot, but when you say map, do you actually chart or diagram it somehow? Right now, mostly they seem to present as a jumble. It is hard to just deal with one at a time without another chiming in. But, I figure if they are going to start acting up and deleting my journal entries and blanking me out so badly, I have to do something to address whatever TF is going on. I sent my partial story to T, because I felt like I was being threatened with it's deletion. Frowner

DF - Is there a specific reason it's hard to tell your T about this stuff in depth? I'm glad you're able to tell your friends. I don't see myself as being particularly brave. I think I just see the need to start addressing this stuff. The worst that can happen is T really does think I am lying or crazy delusional and sends me off. And if he is going to send me off for just being me, I guess I'm better off without him! (Loud inner crying, of course!). Wink
Ugh, can relate to you on this a bit. T doesn't always correct me, but I rarely talk in 3rd person about myself, though I often write that way. I just sent T a text I totally did not want to send. Ugh. Suddenly, I remember that T had said something last session about getting me to a place where I feel safe allowing my (implied, because I wouldn't let us directly label) needs/feelings toward him surface without some parts reacting so that we could start moving through this stuff, process more "quickly." I must have blanked it out at the time. Suddenly, it popped into my head and I got all sorts of internal chatter about how that means T is eager to be done, to get rid of us as soon as possible. I typed us in the text and didn't mean to. Frowner It's just how the thought surfaced. I told him how it made me feel scared to come close and trust him and want to run away.

At times, T has mentioned that even though those parts feel separate and I feel like I'm not me and not in control, that I am still there. That it's all me. However, I don't think he would directly correct me to word it as "I" or "me" if that wasn't how I was feeling. That would make me want to flick your T, to tell you the truth. I don't like the way things are, but the idea of integration makes me feel my annihilation/dissolution/loss of identity fears. If he texts me back and says, "" I will be seriously annoyed.

A random aside, my daughter has the cutest plumber's crack right now. We're really getting into the potty training, so it's new to me. Smiler
DF - Well, I meant flick, not flip off, but only if she were my T and did it to me. Good thing she is not! Haha, most likely I would just say nothing and hate myself.

I didn't think T saw different sides/parts of me, but now that I think about it, he was noticing very teenage stuff about a month in, but I refused to acknowledge it. It made me feel really irritated with him...kind of like a teenager, LOL. My protective parts are mostly just mean to me, but in my last journal, they accused him, in response to my internal question of why he had insisted on my facing this stuff, of either not caring that he was putting me through hell or not recognizing how bad things were going to get ("Are you incompetent? (Ouch, sorry!)" I can't believe I left that in there when I sent it, but he keeps telling me I need to let my honest feelings into the light and that's how I was feeling. Either he didn't know what he was getting himself into and blew it big time or he did know and just didn't care what my experience was going to be like. I doubt either is the case, but I think there are parts of me that actually HATE him for ever drawing me out of my functional dissociation. And the rest of me that LOVES T gets so hurt by those feelings being in there. Blah!

I don't know, we just communicate online, so it might not mean much...but from my interactions with you, I think it is literally impossible to have a horrible opinion about you. That's just my take. I'd bet your T actually really likes you, all of you that she's met, and would probably like the rest of you too. Just my two cents. Big Grin However, not trying to invalidate you here, because I feel pretty confident my T secretly hates me...even if he doesn't know it. If everyone has parts, there has to be some part of T who is like, "Seriously? This kid AGAIN? Go...away...already!"
Some actual names (well, more like nicknames like you would call a young child, e.g. finding out Kiddo is only one specific state, rather than all the kid parts like I've been using it) floating up again, but I still just don't feel comfortable with it...and parts of me feel pissed off about that. And, I am feeling completely ridiculous and punishing responses to this. WTF! I not going crazy? Because it feels like I'm losing it here...

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