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I think my T has been haunting me. I mean, I keep running into her around town. I live in a town of about 200,000 in the midwest. For you politically inclined, we have a big recall vote going on here in the next couple of weeks.

I make teeth for a living and the first time she haunted me was about six months ago. We received a case from a dentist and lo and behold, it's for my T. The patients name and age are on the prescription form, so I knew it was her. So I'm thinking, should I say something to her? I thought it might be a tad unethical if I brought it up, but then I thought what the hell. I asked her at my next session and she said ya it was her. She was pretty cool about. I asked her if it creeped her out that I made her crowns. She said it didn't. Truthfully, I was pretty damned nervous working on her stuff. I wanted it to be perfect.

The next time I ran into her was in January. I am walking into the gym to do a workout, turn the corner and here she is sitting in the physical therapy appointment area. I don't think she saw me, so I turned aroung and left. I waited for an hour to go back because I didn't want to be there when she was. I never told her I saw her there. I should have, but I chickened out.

So tonight after work, I go to the gym and there she freaking is again. I will have to say we have been having a rough time of it lately in therapy. I was pissed after my session last week, my once a month session at that and called her and left her a really raggy message.

So tonight I really needed my workout and I didn't want to wait again, so I go up to the door of the pt room, she is looking at a magazine and doesn't see me, and I say "are you lost?" She looks up at me, smiles and says "no, are you?" I just said "nope" and then turned and left. I know it was a really dumb thing to say, but I didn't know how to handle it. I didn't want to walk by and have her look up at me, without me saying anything. Awkward!

She scares me. She knows me and that scares me. I want to tell her that I have always felt she is just awesome. Even when I am mad at her, I think she is just the most awesome person. And why would someone as awesome as her, like me? I know we are going to have to talk about this the next time I see her. I DREAD the thought. I want to tell her how I feel. I want her to know she scares me.

And is there some cosmic thing going on that I keep running into her? I have known her for a very long time and have never ever ran into her before. It is too weird. Something is going on.
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