To make matters worse my T wanted my husband to come today to my session so that we could talk about ways he could help me,esp. since T will be away. T is concerned about suicide thoughts I have.He said that he would come WEll he did not show up and T had me call him. He was at home and forgot. I know it seems like a minor thing but it really upset me. T had us do a phone session with him. After that was up T told me she was giving her pager to another T while away and it is to a T I do not know. How could I talk/call a T that I do not know and does not know me if I am upset? Last time she gave it to a T that I knew so I thought it would be the same one and why did T not tell me that it would be a different T?
I am hoping that writing on here will help me through this period. I am so mad right now still from my H not coming to the session etc. When I got home he said sorry but just stated that it was because he was busy with work and forgot. My T called him on Tuesday and invited him to come and he said yes. My T even told him that it was important that he be there.
One other thing before I stop my "venting",a question-How do you or who do you email to get permission to enter the Sensitive Issue Forum.I did read the forum guidelines on for it but with the mood I am in I can't find the email to send a request to. Sorry I did not know where else to ask this question. Still learning this forum stuff-never done it before.