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hey guys, i'm rachel and i'm new here... i joined because i'm scared and i need help from y'all. i'm 17 and i've been seeing T for a year now. she's been seeing me for my self harm, ocd, and major depression. i've gotten a lot better, but yesterday i was going to talk to her about how i went downhill that week and i was back in that really bad place. but i (as i know many of y'all do as well) periodically go on T's facebook page, which she has on private but i can still see her profile pics. i went on it a couple days ago and saw that she and her husband updated their profile pics and they were pregnancy announcements.

i immediately shut down and i put on an everything-is-fine facade, when it's not. and then, of course, at the end of the session she told me the big news. i'm happy for her, but i'm also scared. what am I going to do when she's on maternity leave?????? how long do T's typically go on maternity leave? i know it'll be months from now, but it's been a year and i still can't go over a week from seeing her without freaking out. this sucks.
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Hi Rachel,

Has your T let you down yet? I'm sure she will work with you between now and her due date to help you prepare for her absence. She will probably help you find some other sources of support during the time she is away and will most likely offer some limited type of contact with herself. I am sure it seems frightening and overwhelming to think about it but I think you just have to trust her and your relationship with her.

Good Luck

Hi Rachel,
I just had to respond to this. The same thing happened to me 18 months ago. I was seeing T in a hospital clinic for 1 year. I started seeing her when she returned from her first maternity leave when her daughter was 1 year old. One week ( somewhere there is a thread entitled "Can I ask T is she is planning to have another baby") I told T I was scared she would get pregnant and leave. She did not really say much, except that she also has a private practice. The following week she was sick and the next week she came in and told me she was pregnant! It was very early but she felt she had to tell me immediately due to my question.
I was hysterical! In my country maternity leave is from 1-3 years. It was a very difficult time for me, but I transferred to T's private practice which she has continued on Sundays with just a 5 week break when baby was born. It was especially difficult for me because my panic disorder started after my son was born 12 weeks premature, so the whole issue of pregnancy was very triggering.
BUT, we worked through it all together. I am still with T. Her baby is 8 months old now and T works 1 day and 1 evening each week when her husband minds the children. When her daughter is 1 she is returning to working 3 weekdays and will gradually increase back to fulltime.
My T was very aware of the impact of her pregnancy on me, but she was great and made it clear right from the beginning that although it was her private life, it directly effected my therapy so I was free to bring it up and discuss it, be angry about it or whatever else I felt.
My advice is to be open with T , tell her your fears and ask the things you need to know. I am sure her other patients are experiencing the same feelings!
Good luck and I hope I can serve as an example that it can work out ok.
Hi Elsewhere,
Welcome Welcome to the forums, glad to see you here. I can see where that would feel pretty scary on a number of fronts. I am glad that you will be able to discuss her absence before her leave starts. I would urge you to be very open and honest about your feelings around this. Any kind of break in therapy not of our choice can be tough to face.


PS LOVE your signature quote.
Thanks AG, for making me feel welcome! Things are getting more stressful: T emailed a very short message stating she was out all week due to illness. I'm praying she'll be able to keep the babies, that's the most important thing right now.
Glad you like my signature. I've even had it engraved on a ring. Which reminds me: I'll start wearing it again right now.

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