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So, T sent me a text saying could I do 9:00 pm on Tuesday. I sent back, "Yes." Then started projecting horrible thoughts like how he is so tired from my neediness and BS that seeing me Monday makes Tuesday too difficult to deal with. I almost texted that I quit or wanted to skip (because I was "sure" he was wishing I would) instead of dealing with it. Instead, I let him know what I was projecting and that I knew it wasn't true, but it felt real, and that I was texting to "deny" the power of that transferred condemnation. Anyway, he then (wisely) felt it necessary to warn me that he was canceling all his Monday appointments (I was not scheduled yet) and might have to cancel Tuesday as well, because he is sick with the flu and doesn't want to spread it. So, I'm selfishly praying he gets all better tomorrow, because I'm literally not sure I can deal with a two week gap at this point. I'm barely dealing with one week! Not that I don't actually wish him to get better just because I care about him, but it would be a bonus to not miss this week's appointment.

I'm assuming he wouldn't have given me this info if he didn't judge correctly what a last minute cancellation would have done to my mental state. I apologized and thanked him for being so careful with me and said I hoped he felt better soon. I really don't know how I will go a whole other week. I'm taking on a a temporary childcare client in March starting Tuesday (55 hours per week) and I've been struggling so much. I feel ridiculous for overreacting, but I feel like I need to see him to make it. And he's been sick since last Wednesday and I feel like $#!+ for all the texts he's had to deal with and for him taking the time to text back. Back to burdensome feelings and shame and wanting to punish. Ugh, I wish I had shopped and picked a T I can't do this whole needy/dependent/transference thing with. Or a cheaper one who lives in my area so I could get multiple appointments per week if need be. This sucks!
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Um, no. He drives out to my area Monday morning and stays over night in this area, then drives home Tuesday night after he finishes up, I think. Or maybe Wednesday morning. AND he sees me at 9:00-10:00 pm (sometimes runs late, so we've finished as late as 10:30 pm). So T is the one with all the dedication. I drive 10-15 minutes to see him.

The rest of the week, he works near where he lives.
I need to see him. This week has been so bad and I'm starting a childcare job (March only), 55 hours per week. I'm committed to band practice Thursday nights at church, have dinner with pastor Wednesday night, my sister is living here 80% of the time, I am the HOA secretary and no one else will do it, so I can't even quit. I'm behind on stuff I need to do so our finances don't fall apart...but all I can effing think about his I need to see T! And when I am thinking about how hard this need is, I get urges to do really stupid things, like hurt myself, quit therapy, "test" myself again. Ugh, WHY is therapy doing this to me? I wish I could call him and just hear his voice telling me it will be OK. Frowner
Ugh. Still don't know whether I am seeing T tonight or not. He said he might be sick, but never texted to cancel. So, I texted this morning to ask if we are meeting for our session. No reply yet. I was feeling good this morning, like it's OK if I don't see him...but now I am panicking again. And my new client (a friend) just told me she can't handle separating from her kid yet, so I get one day of work and lose the rest. Frowner I'm at peace, because I was concerned I wouldn't be able to emotionally handle it, but last minute changes in plans stress me out, so if my counseling gets canceled too, I will probably not react well. Frowner

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