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***Trigger Warning -- T vacation and T Moving***

A few of you may have read that my T will be moving mid-summer very very far away from me. Although she is open to continued periodic contact (most likely by email) and I might even get to see her again for a session when she comes back to visit, she will no longer be my T. Frowner I am having so much difficulty accepting this and feel like I am lost emotionally. I find myself lost in thoughts of "how can I get her to stay" instead of "how can I cope with this loss." The pain scares me so much that my brain just cannot get to where I can accept it. Sometimes dying actually sounds like the better option. I know people here have been through losing Ts and many of them have been much more traumatic. Frowner I so feel for all of you who have been through it. This is heartwrenching enough. I really don't know how I am going to say goodbye to her and still hold her in my mind with the love I feel for her now. Even when I have to go a week without seeing her, I start to feel angry toward her. I find I am suddenly reminded of every time she said something that felt hurtful to me, or answered an email inadequately, or took too long to respond to an email or vm, or maybe just looked at me in a way that brought her care into question. I am not able to recall the feeling of her care as readily even after a week. What will happen when she is gone? I am so completely attached that I actually wish I could just shrink and curl up on her shoulder and be with her always. I know....pathetic. I need to be able to carry her "love" with me when she leaves, but how? It doesn't help that I have no idea how to lose something in a healthy way. I have never dealt with a loss, and have only pushed the pain away in the past. I feel like I am being blown around in a tornado. I don't know what I am supposed to do. I feel completly out of control. How do you know when you are actually processing through something as opposed to dwelling in it? Everytime I feel sad and especially when I feel angry, I hear judgment about it and I push it away and get mad at myself for not being over it already. It has been almost 2 moths since she told me about her impending move and it has not gotten easier. I am afraid she will at some point soon, tell me enough is with it. I have never been able to get over things the way others seem to, so I have always just avoided instead.

To make things harder, T is about to go on a vacation (to her new city Frowner) that will mean a 2 week break between sessions. I have never gone that long and I am scared it will cause a major shift for me and I won't be able to re-connect when she is back. My old patterns of -- She's not looking so get the hell out fast -- kick in after 4-5 days as feelings of anger and sometimes just apathy. How am I going to deal with 2 weeks? I know it would be easier to handle if she weren't moving in a few months. It will be a reminder that soon this awful feeling of missing and longing for her will not be soothed by her return. Soon she will just be gone.... Sometimes I wonder if I am just causing myself more suffering by staying with her. Is that the protector part of me that works so hard to push her away or is that reality? I don't know.

Sorry this post is so rambly. My thoughts are completely disorganized and I am exhausted.

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seablue my heart goes out to you. I want to write you a thoughtful reply but it's very late here and I just finished statistics homework and my brain is fried. I wanted to know that I am here and reading. I will try to reply tomorrow with my coherent thoughts on this very sad situation. As you know I have lost a T and it was very tough. I wanted to die. I wanted to just stop existing. But I have an even better T now and I am doing well. I still have pain but it's getting lighter in my world. I just wanted to offer you hope.

I'll write more tomorrow.

Really, I think I would be a mess if I were in your spot, Seablue. I would be ANGRY too. Either angry or numb. I mean, my T is simply NOT ALLOWED to move! I've already drilled her on whether she ever plans to relocate and how soon she plans to retire, etc. I get upset over a 2 week break even while I know T isn't leaving permanently. I think ideally you would be able to express that anger to T before she leaves, and she should help you in the mourning, healing process. You spoke of hearing judgment whenever you express sadness or anger. Who are you hearing judgment from? Your inner critic? Or is it coming from others? I certainly hope your T wouldn't be criticizing you for that. This is a real loss for you, that you are powerless to avoid. You have every right to have feelings about that.
Hi Seablue,

I am really sorry you have to go through this separation Frowner, as someone who lost her T last year I know how painful and scary the thought of losing your T can be. When my T first told me she was leaving I fell into a dark depression that I thought I would never recover from, but I did and although it is still painful it is nowhere near the extent it was. I really do know how hard it can be. I also felt angry with my T for all the hurts I felt she had caused me over the time and for leaving me in the lurch.
I need to be able to carry her "love" with me when she leaves, but how? It doesn't help that I have no idea how to lose something in a healthy way.
I think everyone has different ways of dealing with loss and I am not sure there is a right or wrong way. If there is then I am pretty sure I didn’t handle the loss too well. I do know that over time I have been able to internalise my old T’s care for me more and more. I think a distance from the situation has allowed me to view things differently to how they were when it was still very current. I am starting to learn a lot about my relationship with old T and why it all hurt so much and I really want to understand what it was all about, but it has taken me 5 months to get to a place where I feel I am able to do that. Seablue, I know this is all my own experience so feel free to disregard I just thought I would share as 6 months ago I could have written your exact post and I thought there was no way I would survive the loss of my T. I hope you can allow for all your feelings without the judgement as I believe they are perfectly normal.

I’m sorry you have to endure a two-week break before she leaves…have you been able to discuss with her your feelings around this at all?
Sometimes I wonder if I am just causing myself more suffering by staying with her. Is that the protector part of me that works so hard to push her away or is that reality? I don't know
I think it is natural to want to push someone away to protect yourself knowing that you will inevitably lose them, for me I did just that and ended with her. I am pleased that you have the choice to work through an ending with her, it gives you a teensy bit of control over a situation that may feel way out of your control though I know with the way you are feeling it may be hard to view it this way.

(((((((Seablue))))))) I hope you can continue to share here and gain any comfort you can.


I'm so sorry that you are going through this. I know that Butterfly also went through this recently. I think the pain you are dealing with is really intense- it's the pain all of us who need our T's so much fear. Every time I have thought about it I feel like I am slipping into a really dark place. But there is light on the other side of what you are going through. You are going to need a lot of support, and I hope you will work with your T on getting the support you need in place and all set up before she leaves. That would be a way of carrying her love with you- that you could know that she helped you to get the support you'll need to deal with the loss. And maybe you could even check in by phone with her every so often or something. I know you have probably thought of everything, but when you are grieving so much, it is hard sometimes to think straight about what to do for yourself right now. So I just want to repeat, that I hope you will use the time left to process a little bit of the grief over losing her, and get help from her setting up support. and let us support you too.

It's no small thing you are going through. Sending comforting hugs,

I know the pain you have endured and find your story so inspiring. I am sooooo glad you are feeling better these days and are connecting so well with your new T. He really sounds wonderful and I am so please for you. Thank you for offering comfort to me. i appreciate it so much.

Thank you for responding to me. It helps that others have felt what I am feeling and have survived. I do wonder how it is that so many people have actually survived this, though --it's that painful -- but I guess I don't need to tell you that.

My T is encouraging me to talk about all of my thoughts and feelings around the issue. She welcomes it all and I have come a long way in expressing it to her. I have trouble feeling angry with her and I am sensitive about being sad and negative around her too much because I am afraid she will start not wanting to see me. I know it's her job, but I just think all of this guilt I put on her can't be any fun for her.

She is also planning to refer me to a therapist she knows well and practices similarly to her. She has said when I am ready, we can talk about a transition plan, but I haven't been able to go there yet. Or maybe ever. I have faith that the other T is wonderful but I don't want her. I want my T. Yes, I felt like a stomping toddler when I typed that. Roll Eyes That is part of what scares me. I can't get past the tantrum to accept that it IS happening.

Yes, ANGRY AND NUMB much of the time. A sobbing mess the rest of the time. I hear you with the "my T is simply NOT ALLOWED to move!" That is how I feel. The 4 year-old in me is not able to understand that she is choosing her family over me (she is moving for her partner's career) is that for ridiculous?
My T welcomes all of my feelings around it........but she is still moving. Frowner She has said she hopes we can process through at least some of it while she is still here so that it will be less painful for me when she goes - and has said that even if every session until then is like the ones I've had since she told me about the move. (crying. Lots of crying - which is really weird for me because I could NEVER let myself cry in session before that)

The judgment I am feeling is my own. I feel angry at her, but then am so uncomfortable with how irrational that feels that I can't stay with it. I am also afraid it will consume me and I will become an angry person.

Thank you for offering your comforting words, MH. I know things have been really tough for you lately and I appreciate you reaching out to me.

I am so sorry you were also faced with the loss of your T. Thank you for pointing out that my huge emotions over this are normal reactions to loss. It is just so overwhelming to feel it that I have difficulty believing other people have actually survived it. I am working on letting myself feel, but it is really a hard thing for me. I know that it is healthy for me to stay and work through the process with her, but part of me wonders if I am just giving into the attachment by staying, and therefore denying that she is leaving. It almost feels like I should punish myself and leave now......I will have to think about what that is about.
Thnk you for your response, Butterfly. I appreciate it.
Thank you for offering support to me. I know how triggering the topic is. I feel the same way. It helps to know people care. Thank you.

You are right about not being able to think straight. It is really "funny" to me that I cannot seem to see my situation objectively at all. I am not sure which thoughts make sense and which are irrational sometimes. Its is really confusing and strange. We are using my sessions to process through it. I jsut worry about getting lost in it because I don't see a lot of progress and am afraid the pain will hit worse when she is gone and I really am alone.

I appreciate your support, BB. I know you are feeling some deep anguish with your T right now, so I especially appreciate you reaching out to offer comfort to me.

I'm so sorry this is so hard and I totally understand why it is so hard. I can't fathom the pain that you are in right now because I'm right there with you on the pain I feel with just a brief separation. I know it would be so hard to start to transition to another T, but I'm wondering if you start that process and have your T *with* you in that process if it would be easier than switching once she is gone. Perhaps if this new T can see how the two of you work and the two of you can have the opportunity to convey to the new T how this is affecting you then you could feel your T's presence in this new therapy as well. I don't know, I know there is nothing that will take away the pain, but know that we all care about you here and will be here for you in this transition. (((hugs)))
Thanks STRM. I know it would be a good idea to start the transition early. I just can't bring myself to do it yet - it will just make T's leaving too real and I still can't imagine having a different T. Frowner Part of me does know that transitioning while she is still here would be less painful in many ways but also more painful because it would be sooner. T has said that she thinks doing a couple sessions with both Ts would be a good idea, when I am ready.
Thank you for offering your support. Smiler
SB I'm really sorry that you have to face this painful parting from a T that you love. I cannot say it won't be painful. It will. You will have to process a lot of grief. But I agree with STRM to do the transition early and have some joint sessions. Think about what you want in a T and then go look for that person. Ask a lot of questions. Make sure the fit it what you need it to be. It will be better if it's a T who can work with someone who lost a T and has some experience with this. I expect that most of your beginning sessions with the new T will focus on your grief at losing your current T.

I think what I missed most and could not have was the ability to talk with my oldT about the new T's I was seeing and interviewing and try to get his perspective on who would be a good match for me and to share my experiences in looking for the right new T. I also had no closure, no proper termination session so I had nothing to take with me to a new T except grief and pain. I think it's really important to spend time reviewing your history and progress with your T and talk about what was pivotal to you and ask her what stands out in her mind regarding your therapy and work with her.

I also didn't have time to say good bye to his office. I know that sounds stupid but I needed to be able to take a last look around. To remember stuff that happened in there, to sort of take a mental picture. And there was no kindness, no well wishing, no prospect of future contact, such as an occassional email.

So take your time with this process and do all the things you need to do to help you let go and remember at the same time.

It's hard and scary and you can't help but feel abandoned and it would help to bring all of that out in the open. I wish I could help make this easier and less painful for you but I can't. I can only offer you the hope that things will work out in some way. I was wounded and bereft. I wanted to die. I could not see as far as the next morning and nothing but darkness. But I kept looking and searching and I found my T who I swear was sent to me by my guardian angel. He is such an amazing man and I am coming to love him and to appreciate his skill as a T, his compassion and his goodness and I am learning so much from him. He has literally brought me back to life and I am so grateful for him.

You can have the same thing if you look carefully for your new T and work with your current T to make the transition. You will miss her and you will grieve her but you will come out the other side. I did. Sadly did and SG and Jane and some of the others. And we are here to support you and listen to you so please share with us as much as you need or want to. We do understand.

big hug
Seablue- I just wanted to add, that it's totally ok to take all the remaining time left with your T while you also let her transition you. I mean, I would totally want every last available minute, if it were me. I just wonder if, you do a session with a new T with your T, and then, you can have all the leftover time with your T...with that taken care of. hm, take that for what it's worth. I just think it's important for you to be able to carry with you a sesne of her care- that she doesn't wnat to leave you alone, scrambling for support without her help- it's a way of honoring the work you two have created, and carrying her with you, as a *part* of the new supportive relationship, instead of separate from it. Oh, I know how impossible it feels. big hugs.

TN, Thank you for offering more of your support and for pointing out things that felt important to you when you went through losing your T. As good an ending as possible is about the only control I have in this, so it is really important to me to be able to feel like nothing was left unaddressed in closing with my T. My T is referring me to a new T that she has known for many years and who practices in a similar way. I hope that I like her. I guess there is a chance I won't, so another reason to start the transition process earlier. Sometimes I think I might be ok but sometimes I think about it and it's like I remember all over again that yep....that really happened....she really told me she is moving. And I completely lose it as if it's brand new again. I know I have said this before, but truly it helps so much to feel supported by people who get this. Thanks TN. Smiler

Jones, Thank you for your kind words. I remember when you lost your T not all that long ago. I remember how strong you were, too. It gives me hope. Thank you. Smiler

Butterfly, Thanks again! Smiler

Liese, Thank you for your support. Smiler

BB, I know I do need to start transitioning soon. And yes, I am feeling very selfish about my remaining months with my T - definitely want every last bit of time! I am dragging my feet, but I can only do that for so long because even if I pretend it's not, it IS happening. Frowner I also know her leaving will be more painful if I am not feeling at least comfortable about the new T I will see. Thanks again blackbird. Smiler

I see my T tomorrow morning and then is the 2 week break.....*sigh* A little scared to go to the session because I am not sure I can put the protector part of me aside to be able to take in her care,. If I leave my session feeling will be devastating to me.
Hi Seablue,
I am so sorry that you are facing the loss of your T before your work with her is done. I went through it with my first T and I know how painful it can be. You are understandably struggling with how do you end this? Leave now just so you can get it over with? Or stay and possibly make it even more painful?

I think these kind of premature endings in therapy bring us face to face with a dilemna that is at the very center of being human. Why would we possibly allow ourselves to get close to anyone, or let anything matter KNOWING that someday we will die and lose it all? The truth is that loss is inherent in all our relationships, not just our theraputic ones. But the boundaries of therapy cast this truth in a stark way we don't encounter elsewhere. I believe in the end that grief is the price we pay for the love, comfort and support we experience in our close relationships. To live fully as a human being is to accept that loss, sadness and grief walk alongside our gains, our joys and our celebrations. Our gains, joys and celebrations are made more meaningful by knowing that.

Your relationship with your T has been an important and significant one for you and it deserves to be honored. The sadness and grief you are feeling about her going away are a testament to what you both have brought to it. It was really difficult to see it through to the end with my first T, but I had disappeared on her once earlier in our work and promised I would never do that again. As hard as it was, I am so glad that I saw it through. It really was a chance to examine what had been between us, the work we had done, what we had accomplished, and what it had meant to both of us. There was sadness and tears, yes, but there was also a lot of laughter and joy and celebration. I believe staying and working through the ending is what has left me with clear, precious memories. My first T is still a part of me, and something I love to remember.

I am glad you are reaching out here for support and hope you continue to do so. People who have not experienced a deep theraputic relationship really do not get how major this transistion is, but people here do. (((((Seablue))))))

I think these kind of premature endings in therapy bring us face to face with a dilemna that is at the very center of being human. Why would we possibly allow ourselves to get close to anyone, or let anything matter KNOWING that someday we will die and lose it all? The truth is that loss is inherent in all our relationships, not just our theraputic ones. But the boundaries of therapy cast this truth in a stark way we don't encounter elsewhere. I believe in the end that grief is the price we pay for the love, comfort and support we experience in our close relationships. To live fully as a human being is to accept that loss, sadness and grief walk alongside our gains, our joys and our celebrations. Our gains, joys and celebrations are made more meaningful by knowing that.

I just want to say that this was a beautiful way of framing (and wording) the dilemma we experience in our relationships with our Ts!
Thanks, AG. Your post made me feel better about my decision to stay with my T until she goes. I don't have DID, but definitely have parts of me that are very different and constantly pulling me in different directions. Part of me wants to run - the part that I let be in charge until starting therapy. And part of me is anxious and afraid I will run. Another part is embarrassed by how weak and pathetic I feel for wanting to stay with her as long as I possibly can.

I feel better hearing that staying might actually be the healthier choice. I do see value in staying and I want to be with her and I know it's going to hurt like hell no matter what. I am grateful that I have come far enough to be able to both see this and actually stay - at least to this point.
Thank you for your kindness and support as always, AG!!! You are wonderful!

BB, Thanks for the well-wishes! I had an OK session on Friday. It was really difficult to talk, so I just tried to take in being with her as much as I could. She is leaving for her trip on Tuesday and agreed to text me when she lands - both there and when she gets home and is open to a phone check-in tomorrow and when she is back, if I want to. I Have never gone 2 weeks between sessions with her. Feeling pretty numb right now.


I'm sorry for all you are going through. I'm sure facing this shorter break is made so much harder by the impending ending with your T moving.

In case I was unclear in earlier posts, I definitely think you should stay with your T until she moves. I was suggesting joint sessions toward the end as a way to ease the transition, definitely not a premature ending with your T.

Keep posting here as much as you can during the break. I hope it passes quickly for you. I wish there was something I could do to make it better for you!

Thanks, STRM. My T gave me the phone number of the T she is referring me to and is hoping I will meet with her while she is on vacation to help me through it. Frowner I haven't decided whether I will call her. I'm dreading the thought and it makes me feel really pathetic.
But, I do know that having at least some fond feelings for the new T I will see will ease the transition for me.
I hope you get some sleep tonight!! Wink
Aw, seablue...glad she is allowing contact. I would definitely take her up on every single thing she has offered...both texts and both phone check-ins. What a good T. It will help you through the vacation, and she knows that you need that right now. I know you are feeling conflicted about even contacting the T she is referring you to. It makes it seem all too real. ((((seablue)))
It must be very scary to think of doing that. No matter what you decide, we are here to support you through this. Keep posting...

(((Seablue))) I'm really glad that what I said helped. I know this is really painful to go through, but I think you are coping much better than you give yourself credit for. And I totally agree with STRM (go figure! Wink) that this gap is more difficult because you know you are facing the larger loss. Take your T up on her offers to help you get through, and again as STRM said, keep posting here to help you get through.

I really wish I had a magic wand. Frowner
BB, Ag & Liese, Thank you for your support. And thanks for saying I seem to be doing well.....though I am quite sure you would take that back if you could see me tonight.

I should have known better......but I left a vm for T today requesting that she leave the little parts a vm to listen to while she is gone. I didn't specify what I needed to hear because it is really quite embarassing and could barely get those words out....though she seems to know what the little parts need to hear in session sooooo.....why is it so hard to figure out by phone?????
Anyway, she left a vm saying she would be thinking about me and reminded me that she told the T she is referring me to that I may be calling and she hopes that I will call that T to help get me through her vacation. She said to take care of myself and she will talk to me soon.
Well....not exactly what I was hoping for. I know I didn't specify, but I asked for a message to the little parts and that was hard enough to ask for. She knows how hard that is. I should have known better and just left it alone. Now I am feeling let down more than I was already and suddenly 2 weeks is feeling like 2 years. Frowner
Liese, She sometimes talks directly to them the way you would speak to a child that was scared, hurt, distrustful. Initially it felt really difficult, but has gotten easier and I can even take it in sometimes. She has commented on how my body seems to really settle, so "they" must be needing it.
We also talk about them and how they feel. I find it easier to talk about them as another person sometimes - especially when I have child-like feelings.....which lot.
I don't know if I answered your question. Is there something specific you are wondering about?
Oh yeah, Seablue, I have just come to realize that I have these other emotional parts but T and I haven't talked about it too much. Sometimes when I am scared and needy, it does help to think of this feelings as another person also. It took me a long time to recognize that I have these feelings to begin with so I guess it's sort of easier to pretend they are not part of me. Actually, I've been feeling more empathy for the "needy" part of me because now I see her as a small scared child who was a bit neglected and abused. I feel bad for her that no one ever comforted "her".

I'm kind of sensing that I'm entering into a different phase of therapy. I am trying to give T more control over the sessions, which I've never been able to do before. Did you find that was an issue for you? Letting your T control the session? Usually I have my topics and we bounce around and discuss them. But maybe I need to let him be the therapist?

Also, wondering how they actually work with those parts? Did you go from being unaware of your parts and T bringing them to awareness?

Do you know how many parts you have? Does she label the parts for you and tell you the function of each? Do you know the age of each?

I'm so sorry that your T didn't understand your message and leave something for the little parts that would help them. Frowner It sounds much like what happened when I texted my T on Saturday asking for comforting words for my littles. I am sorry that her response left you feeling worse.

Can I make a suggestion? I don't know if you remember, but T read (and recorded) a book to my littles during session called The Invisible String. She changed the names to her name (instead of mom) and our names in the book when she made the recording. It is about how even when you aren't together that anyone you care about is connected to you with an invisible string. Perhaps your T could read and record it for you and your littles so you will always have it to remember that even when you aren't together you are connected still.
I guess more than anything my T has tried to encourage me to feel and talk about the feelings from all parts of me. I have had a few child parts come up that I can distinguish at a specific age. I do not know how many parts I have and they do not have names other than the little parts or sometimes I will say "the 4 yr-old" feels this or needs you to know this. I do know approximate ages because of the needs and feelings. It is all very confusing to me though. And I have not been diagnosed with DID, and T does not believe I have it. I don't think my trauma was severe enough to create DID.

My T tells me that everyone has different parts, but people with a trauma history tend to have parts that feel more separated than people who haven't experienced such trauma. Her belief is that when we experience a trauma, a part of us gets stuck at that age or that stage of development until we can process through the trauma.

I also have found that the more I let the child part(s) be seen, the more I feel come up, but I would not say my T brought them into my awareness. I think I have decided to acknowledge them and give them space to be - with T's help.
I don't know, Liese. I am sort of taking it as it comes and trying to tell my T as much as I am able to verbalize.
STRM, I did think about your text experience over the weekend. I guess I should have learned from it to ask specifically for what I wanted. Roll Eyes
ooooohhh......I do remember when you posted about your T reading a book to your littles. It made me cry at the time and I think it's a great idea, and very specific. Now if I can bring myself to ask.....I probably will eventually as most things find their way out of my mouth these days. Thanks for reminding me of this. Love it.
Thanks for your support, STRM

I'm sorry it hurts so much. Frowner For what it's worth, I always have found the actual departure day to be one of the worst when my T is on vacation. The middle days usually aren't quite as bad. I hope the time passes quickly for you. If you can, keep posting here during the break. We will help to get you through.

Do you like movies? I've been getting through lately by watching movies. I've seen some pretty cute ones lately.
oooh thank you, STRM, Draggers, and Liese for your support. It really helps me feel less alone in this. I think today is going to be waves of grief ebbing and flowing. I just left a vm for the T my T wants to refer me to. She has a very soothing voice. It was still icky.

STRM, I will have to look into some movies. Though I very rarely watch any TV at all, I think we have every possible cable channel, so lots of movies to choose from.
Seablue, I'm sorry this is so very difficult but I am glad that you're coming here for support. I'll second STRMs suggestion about movies. The other trick I use are what I call "comfort" books. These are books that I really love with characters that I adore. When things get tough, I go re-read them. I am happy to see the characters again and because I've already read the book, I can handle them despite the distraction of being emotionally activated.

Hang in there!

Awww, Seablue. I'm amazed that you called the new T already, despite the yucky feeling. I'm also glad her voice was nice.

I love the movies too. It's amazing what a good comedy can do.

I'm going to check out that book, The Invisible String. It sounds interesting.



Just coincidentally, I just rented that movie with Johnny Depp and Angela Jolie, The Tourist Trap???? Something like that/? Not sure it's a comedy.

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