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i have T again on wednsday. last session i couldn't speak again.not a word. i feel like such a failure. i just don't know what to do or say or how to be .i am great with sitting with my emotions.i do it all the time.i am completely frustrated with myself over this and my T knows this but i am great at not responding to that doesn't make me talk at all.i just beat my self up over it but it still doesn't change anything. i get there and freeze.and she wont help me these days at all .she just sits in her chair and looks at me. i want to talk to her but dont know how.i don't know what to do this people think it is better to not go to T if you know you are not going to talk,or do you thing it is ok to go
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I agree with the others. Is there any way you might simply start of trying to talk about other things? Something that makes you feel comfortable like your hobbies, etc.?

When I started T I was able to do some small talk in the beginning of the session but then practically froze each time we started discussing something even remotely related why I was in T and was unable to talk. Over time the chit chatting helped me to practice communicating with T and establishing some sense of trust. Along with us practicing grounding techniques, taking things slow and helping me feel safe and in control of the process, I am now able to do some talking about more serious stuff.

Don't give up. Even if you cannot talk your session does serve a purpose. Would it help you write out a letter to T explaining your difficulties and suggest a few things that would help you feel more safe?

Just wanted to send hugs. I'm sure a lot of us here can relate to that feeling of high anxiety before a therapy session. For something that is supposed to be therapeutic, it's ironic how much stress it can really create.

I'm sorry if you have said this before but have you gone to any other T's? Have you thought about bringing some written stuff in to share? Have you asked T to help you more with talking?
Granite -
I used to have that same problem. My T would sit quiet for awhile, but never a whole session. I agree with everyone else that light conversation will help. My T also starts to ask some questions to get me talking. Does your T ever do that? She'll ask me how I'm feeling or how my weekend was or whatever. Is it easy for you to answer those questions or do you just freez up no matter what? I can relate to not being able to open my mouth. My mind tells me not to say anything, b/c no matter what I say, I will sound so stupid that T will never talk to me again...just part of my issues. I know its so hard. Talk to your T about it. Remember, your paying her - tell her what you think you need to help you talk. Or if you don't know what you need, then at least tell her that what she is doing is not helping. Hang in there.

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