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I have bee having a hard time lately... I can't sleep and am just not treating myself well through some stuff. So I wanted to know...

I will answer these tomorrow but needed to be safe to myself and put of my own head!

1. Does your T yawn in your therapy? Thoughts?

2. Does your T admit when they are tired? Thoughts?

3. Does your T act different at different times of the day?

4. Do you go in to the T room alone for a while first?

5. Does your T have family photos at all?

6. What's it smell like in there?

7. Does your T have a candy dish? Anything good in there?

8. Does your T ever sit funny? Like Indian style in their chair?

9. Do you feel the same slight sadness hearing your T laughing with the person before you when you know you're going to be a Debby downer?

10. Can you tell when your T is thinking about something wholly unrelated to you?

11. Do you or your T watch the clock more?

12. Does your T proudly call themselves crazy? Something else?

13. Most awkward magazine found in T waiting area?

14. The Kleenex rescue scandal... Does your T pass the box if it's not nearby?

15. Would it bug you if your T used off-brand Kleenex?

16. Do you ever wish you could style advice your T?

17. What is your "therapy uniform".

18. What disorder do you commonly diagnos the other clients you see come out of your Ts office with (if anything)

19. What would you imagine your T drove (even if you do know what did you
Picture? Color? Etc)

20. If you could give your T another non-therapy type career what do you think they should do?

21. What do you know or imagine Ts favorite tv show is?

21b. What would you be most horrified to find out your T watched?

22. Does your T bite their nails?

23. Do you know the kinds of places your T shops?

24. Weirdest household chore you would be ok having your T over to do (forget the insanity of them being over in the first place)

25. If your T had sort of a crusty booger situation going on... Are you gonna help them out?
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Originally posted by catalyst:
I have bee having a hard time lately... I can't sleep and am just not treating myself well through some stuff. So I wanted to know...

I will answer these tomorrow but needed to be safe to myself and put of my own head!

1. Does your T yawn in your therapy? Thoughts? She never does that nor do I.

2. Does your T admit when they are tired? Thoughts?
Once I asked her if she is tired, because she had red eyes. She said yes, but she will be fine. She was.

3. Does your T act different at different times of the day?

4. Do you go in to the T room alone for a while first?

5. Does your T have family photos at all?

6. What's it smell like in there?
it doesn't smell at all.

7. Does your T have a candy dish? Anything good in there?
No, nothing. There is not even a table in the room.

8. Does your T ever sit funny? Like Indian style in their chair?
Yes, all the time, I asked if we can sit on the floor. And for me is also more comfortable if I sit like an indian.

9. Do you feel the same slight sadness hearing your T laughing with the person before you when you know you're going to be a Debby downer?
She always has a half an hour pause during session, so I do not see person before or after me. I thanked her for that.

10. Can you tell when your T is thinking about something wholly unrelated to you?

11. Do you or your T watch the clock more?
Not really.

12. Does your T proudly call themselves crazy? Something else?

13. Most awkward magazine found in T waiting area?
I never wait.

14. The Kleenex rescue scandal... Does your T pass the box if it's not nearby?
I never cry.

15. Would it bug you if your T used off-brand Kleenex?

16. Do you ever wish you could style advice your T?

17. What is your "therapy uniform".
jeans and T-shirt

18. What disorder do you commonly diagnos the other clients you see come out of your Ts office with (if anything)

19. What would you imagine your T drove (even if you do know what did you
Picture? Color? Etc)
Small white car.

20. If you could give your T another non-therapy type career what do you think they should do?
Be a doctor.

21. What do you know or imagine Ts favorite tv show is?
How I met your mother.

21b. What would you be most horrified to find out your T watched?
I think I wouldn't be.

22. Does your T bite their nails? No.

23. Do you know the kinds of places your T shops? No.

24. Weirdest household chore you would be ok having your T over to do (forget the insanity of them being over in the first place)
I wouldn't be ok with anything

25. If your T had sort of a crusty booger situation going on... Are you gonna help them out?

Hmm...I do not know if this was meant for us to answer, but i found it interesting, so I did it. Since I do not know how to quote single question, I answered in your auote.

Take care Cat, I read you, I post little, but am with you in my thoughts! Really!
1. Does your T yawn in your therapy? Thoughts? - occasionally, and always with an apology. In Ts defense, I'm usually the last appointment of the day, and I know sitting that long can be yawn-inducing.

2. Does your T admit when they are tired? Thoughts? - Not readily. I'll observe that T seems stressed/tired/annoyed and T will respond to that. I don't mind. Shows Ts human side!

3. Does your T act different at different times of the day? - hmmmm, not that I've noticed, but then again, I nearly always see T at the same times of the day.

4. Do you go in to the T room alone for a while first? - no, I wish! Occasionally T will call me in and then run to the restroom, giving me a few precious moments to soak in the space, but that's a rarity.

5. Does your T have family photos at all? - none. If T didn't speak of them, you'd think there was no family at all.

6. What's it smell like in there? - yummy! T always has a candle lit (or usually, since I'm the last, recently lit and the smell lingers)

7. Does your T have a candy dish? Anything good in there? - nope.

8. Does your T ever sit funny? Like Indian style in their chair? - Occasionally, and when it does happen, I love it!

9. Do you feel the same slight sadness hearing your T laughing with the person before you when you know you're going to be a Debby downer? - YES. And I hate it!

10. Can you tell when your T is thinking about something wholly unrelated to you? - Nope.

11. Do you or your T watch the clock more? - T is the only one that watches the clock, and I like it that way. My DBT T has a clock in my eyesight and I hate it! For one hour of my life, I enjoy not worrying about the time!

12. Does your T proudly call themselves crazy? Something else? - Um.... sort of? T constantly reminds me that T is human, has bad days, and is not as "perfect" as I make T out to be.

13. Most awkward magazine found in T waiting area? - Psychology today?

14. The Kleenex rescue scandal... Does your T pass the box if it's not nearby? - If it's not on the table next to me, yes. Passing me the box otherwise, nope.

15. Would it bug you if your T used off-brand Kleenex? - nah, as long as it's soft!

16. Do you ever wish you could style advice your T? - No, but I wish T would give ME style advice!

17. What is your "therapy uniform"? - anything, really. Whatever is comfy. The only must is easy on-off shoes, as I can't seem to talk when I have shoes on. My feet need to be tucked in!

18. What disorder do you commonly diagnose the other clients you see come out of your Ts office with (if anything) - I don't. I try to avoid even looking at previous clients when they exit.

19. What would you imagine your T drove (even if you do know what did you Picture? Color? Etc) - The car T drives is SO not what I would have expected, but it IS very fitting!

20. If you could give your T another non-therapy type career what do you think they should do? - Personal stylist.

21. What do you know or imagine Ts favorite tv show is? - T is not a fan of TV, but enjoys bits and pieces of shows here and there. Mentioned shows include The Voice, Modern Family, some comedian on Showtime, and those scary-ish later night crime/paranormal shows.

21b. What would you be most horrified to find out your T watched? - ?? porn?

22. Does your T bite their nails? - Nope.

23. Do you know the kinds of places your T shops? - No, but I wish I did!

24. Weirdest household chore you would be ok having your T over to do (forget the insanity of them being over in the first place) - help me clean out my closet!

25. If your T had sort of a crusty booger situation going on... Are you gonna help them out? - Absolutely - and then mock T for a few minutes after!
Hi Cat
Good questions

1. Does your T yawn in your therapy? Thoughts?
No - but I do occasionally and then spend the whole time saying sorry for doing so Roll Eyes

2. Does your T admit when they are tired?

3. Does your T act different at different times of the day?
No and I see her early on a Monday and late Wed pm

4. Do you go in to the T room alone for a while first?
No, she follows me in

5. Does your T have family photos at all?

6. What's it smell like in there?
Depends what candle she has had on, and I usually notice and ask whats the nice smell ?

7. Does your T have a candy dish? Anything good in there?
No I would not think my T eats candy, although she did confess to liking a particular brand of chocolate once to me. I asked had she tried the cherry one, she said no, then told me off next session in a nice way for the suggestion of freezing it and said she now had it in her freezer thanks to me Big Grin

8. Does your T ever sit funny? Like Indian style in their chair?
No but she probably could as she does yoga so is probably quite bendy and flexible Wink

9. Do you feel the same slight sadness hearing your T laughing with the person before you when you know you're going to be a Debby downer?
Never see other clients, she has a 10 min break or more between so don't see anyone else

10. Can you tell when your T is thinking about something wholly unrelated to you?

11. Do you or your T watch the clock more?
She might do, she can see the clock I can't from where I sit

12. Does your T proudly call themselves crazy? Something else?
We were talking about very serious the other week, and she looked at me and said 'I'm the shrink and I would find that hard' - funny for her

13. Most awkward magazine found in T waiting area?
None, she does not have a waiting area

14. The Kleenex rescue scandal... Does your T pass the box if it's not nearby?
Usually the box is right by me, but T will get up and pass me a tissue too Big Grin for what it is worth a few months ago, T got visibly moved by something we had been talking about, so quick as a flash I passed her the tissue box, then we both laughed a bit for that

15. Would it bug you if your T used off-brand Kleenex?

16. Do you ever wish you could style advice your T?
No, shes very chic and smart - annoyingly put together and neat too Razzer colour co-ordinated, need I say more - don't know how she does it

17. What is your "therapy uniform".
Jeans and a shirt

18. What disorder do you commonly diagnos the other clients you see come out of your Ts office with (if anything)
Never seen another client

19. What would you imagine your T drove (even if you do know what did you
Picture? Color? Etc)
BMW - red or black

20. If you could give your T another non-therapy type career what do you think they should do?
Easy, T was a journalist so back to that for her

21. What do you know or imagine Ts favorite tv show is?
Well, she and I like M*A*S*H, West Wing and T told us about In Treatment

21b. What would you be most horrified to find out your T watched?
Soap operas like Eastenders, Hollyoaks (UK ones)

22. Does your T bite their nails?
No, they are usually covered in a nice nail polish

23. Do you know the kinds of places your T shops?
Places I can't afford for clothes, I know she goes to the local supermarket around here, we ran out the other week when I thought I saw her in there Roll Eyes

24. Weirdest household chore you would be ok having your T over to do (forget the insanity of them being over in the first place)
Ironing - I hate it, if she offered, you betcha I will present her with the permanent pile I always seem to have of it

25. If your T had sort of a crusty booger situation going on... Are you gonna help them out? Big NO to that one - eww
Interesting questions!

1. Does your T yawn in your therapy? Thoughts? Not that I noticed, but I do not look too much at her, I don't want to see anyway.

2. Does your T admit when they are tired? Thoughts? I have seen her sick, in which case she admits it, but I don't know about tired, same as the previous question, my personal safety net is to avoid noticing her (which must be not too nice for her, even though I am polite and everything, as much as possible, I keep myself out, not seeing her as a person.)

3. Does your T act different at different times of the day? I don't know, I've always come at the same time.

4. Do you go in to the T room alone for a while first? Sometimes,when she goes fetching a glass of water. I never know whether I'm supposed to stand or sit...

5. Does your T have family photos at all? No, it's a shared office.

6. What's it smell like in there? Errr, none? New paint, even though it hasn't changed over the year...

7. Does your T have a candy dish? Anything good in there? No, water if I want to have some, tea for her.

8. Does your T ever sit funny? Like Indian style in their chair? Yes, sometimes, I find it cool (and it allows me to sit funny, which is even better. I always mirror the way she sits).

9. Do you feel the same slight sadness hearing your T laughing with the person before you when you know you're going to be a Debby downer? I never meet other patients, so I guess she has breaks between the appointments.

10. Can you tell when your T is thinking about something wholly unrelated to you? I can't tell, I never noticed it anyway.

11. Do you or your T watch the clock more? Depends. Most of the time, she's the only one seeing the clock and it is extremely stressing/frustrating. But when I can see it (it keeps moving around the room from one an appointment to the other), I think I check it more often. But I never see her actually checking it, so maybe she just magically knows what time it is...

12. Does your T proudly call themselves crazy? Something else? Not crazy, but she sometimes reminds me she is not perfect. Of course, I do not believe her Razzer

13. Most awkward magazine found in T waiting area? None, there is no waiting area.

14. The Kleenex rescue scandal... Does your T pass the box if it's not nearby? I never cry and the Kleenex box is on my side of the table, so I am the one passing it when she is sick^^

15. Would it bug you if your T used off-brand Kleenex? No, I really don't care.

16. Do you ever wish you could style advice your T? No, I mind my own business. And I actually quite like how she dresses.

17. What is your "therapy uniform". None, just random clothes, depending on the weather and the classes I have.

18. What disorder do you commonly diagnos the other clients you see come out of your Ts office with (if anything) I don't see them...

19. What would you imagine your T drove (even if you do know what did you Picture? Color? Etc)
A small European car, which is highly unlikely since those cars do not exist in North America, but I can't help projecting my own background.

20. If you could give your T another non-therapy type career what do you think they should do?
I don't know, and do not want to know, I do not want to imagine my T as a person^^

21. What do you know or imagine Ts favorite tv show is?
I don't know, and same as before, even though, more qualified: I'd like to know, but since I don't, I am not willing to imagine anything, because Boundaries and Me are not good friends.

21b. What would you be most horrified to find out your T watched?
Nothing I guess... Reality TV, but actually, lots of people do, so I would just think "eurk".

22. Does your T bite their nails?
No, even if they are short. But she plays with small objects when I'm talking about "difficult stuff", and it always makes me wonder if I'm making her uncomfortable.

23. Do you know the kinds of places your T shops? I think I might be able to know if I wanted to, but I really don't want to think about it, so... no.

24. Weirdest household chore you would be ok having your T over to do (forget the insanity of them being over in the first place).
None. Really. + I only have a student room, so I don't actually have many household chores.

25. If your T had sort of a crusty booger situation going on... Are you gonna help them out? errr... no. But I probably wouldn't notice. I really sound like a terrible person ignoring her, but ... no. I actually don't, I am on time, polite, accept the changes of appointment times, always try to be nice. I just don't feel I'm allowed to pay attention to her as a distinct person. *feels weird*
1. Does your T yawn in your therapy? Thoughts?
Yes, she yawns quite openly. I think it must be an SE thing...we both view it more as relaxation than boredom.

2. Does your T admit when they are tired? Thoughts?
I've rarely seen her tired, but she's admitted to taking naps on her own couch :-P

3. Does your T act different at different times of the day?
I wouldn't know...

4. Do you go in to the T room alone for a while first?
Not usually.

5. Does your T have family photos at all?
Not in her office, no.

6. What's it smell like in there?
There's not a strong smell...maybe it smells vaguely herby?

7. Does your T have a candy dish? Anything good in there?
No, but some client gave her a box of "after therapy mints."

8. Does your T ever sit funny? Like Indian style in their chair?
I think I've seen her do that once. It was cute.

9. Do you feel the same slight sadness hearing your T laughing with the person before you when you know you're going to be a Debby downer?
No, I usually laugh a lot in session actually...

10. Can you tell when your T is thinking about something wholly unrelated to you?
Usually because she's TALKING about it, yes :-)

11. Do you or your T watch the clock more?
Definitely me.

12. Does your T proudly call themselves crazy? Something else?
She once told me every therapist including herself has insecure attachment.

13. Most awkward magazine found in T waiting area?
They don't strike me as awkward.

14. The Kleenex rescue scandal... Does your T pass the box if it's not nearby?
I think she would.

15. Would it bug you if your T used off-brand Kleenex?
LOL, no!

16. Do you ever wish you could style advice your T?
OK, so I initially read this as wanting to get style advice FROM my T, which I definitely don't! I think her style is OK overall, but it's definitely not for me. However, there's this one pair of shoes she owns that I HATE, and I wish I could just confiscate them forever.

17. What is your "therapy uniform".
Jeans or shorts, t-shirt, hoodie sweatshirt.

18. What disorder do you commonly diagnos the other clients you see come out of your Ts office with (if anything)
They look pretty normal to me.

19. What would you imagine your T drove (even if you do know what did you
Picture? Color? Etc)
Uhh something environmentally friendly.

20. If you could give your T another non-therapy type career what do you think they should do?
She used to be a Montessori teacher. I think she was probably really good at it.

21. What do you know or imagine Ts favorite tv show is?
I doubt she watches a lot of TV. It would be like nature films or TED talks online or something.

21b. What would you be most horrified to find out your T watched?
I dunno, some totally fake show about psychic mediums?

22. Does your T bite their nails?
No, definitely not!

23. Do you know the kinds of places your T shops?
Err, no.

24. Weirdest household chore you would be ok having your T over to do (forget the insanity of them being over in the first place)
I would let her take care of my garden and/or pets.

25. If your T had sort of a crusty booger situation going on... Are you gonna help them out?
Yikes! Her fly was down a few weeks ago and I didn't even notice, so...
Last edited by blt
1.Does your T yawn in your therapy? Thoughts?
Yes quite often!! I’m glad she’s so relaxed in therapy!!

2. Does your T admit when they are tired? Thoughts?
Yes; T is often tired due to her illness and tells me how she feels since I ask every week

3. Does your T act different at different times of the day?
I don’t know; I’ve only ever seen her in the early evening

4. Do you go in to the T room alone for a while first?
Sometimes if T needs a pee or goes to make a cup of tea

5. Does your T have family photos at all?
Just one; of her son

6. What's it smell like in there?
Fresh air

7. Does your T have a candy dish? Anything good in there?
No, nothing like that

8. Does your T ever sit funny? Like Indian style in their chair?
Not really

9. Do you feel the same slight sadness hearing your T laughing with the person before you when you know you're going to be a Debby downer?
I don’t see the person before me; and T and I always laugh a lot anyway.

10. Can you tell when your T is thinking about something wholly unrelated to you?
Oh yes; she’ll always tell me what she’s thinking about

11. Do you or your T watch the clock more?
Me; definitely

12. Does your T proudly call themselves crazy? Something else?
She acknowledges all of her ‘dizzy blonde’ moments or her ‘senior’ moments!

13. Most awkward magazine found in T waiting area?
She doesn’t have a waiting area as such but the mags in the T room are usually about T.

14. The Kleenex rescue scandal... Does your T pass the box if it's not nearby?
I’m sure she would do

15. Would it bug you if your T used off-brand Kleenex?
No, not really

16. Do you ever wish you could style advice your T?
No; I don’t need to; she’s perfect as she is. I know her style and could clothes shop for her by now!!

17. What is your "therapy uniform".
Straight from work; smart appearance

18. What disorder do you commonly diagnos the other clients you see come out of your Ts office with (if anything)
I don’t see other clients very often

19. What would you imagine your T drove (even if you do know what did you
Picture? Color? Etc)
A black beemer convertible – I’ve been in it enough times!

20. If you could give your T another non-therapy type career what do you think they should do?
Pass. I’ve absolutely no idea. If she weren’t MY T perhaps she’d like to be my W instead Smiler
21. What do you know or imagine Ts favorite tv show is?
At the moment it’s Countryfile or Dom Jolys Trigger Happy TV!

21b. What would you be most horrified to find out your T watched?
TV soaps

22. Does your T bite their nails?

23. Do you know the kinds of places your T shops?
Yes; she often tells me where she likes to shop.

24. Weirdest household chore you would be ok having your T over to do (forget the insanity of them being over in the first place)
I wouldn’t. T HATES housework of ANY description!!

25. If your T had sort of a crusty booger situation going on... Are you gonna help them
Errmmm; probably yes. I can’t think of anything I wouldn’t do for T Smiler
1. Does your T yawn in your therapy? Thoughts? ---------She has yawned and I have teased her about it.

2. Does your T admit when they are tired? Thoughts? -------- I usually tell her when she is tired as I can tell by her face and eyes. I am always right. I have also told her that she looks sick and within 24 hours she has come down with an illness.

3. Does your T act different at different times of the day? ------- Yes, she deliberately sees me in the mornings when she is 'fresh'. she is different in the mornings to after lunch to early evenings.

4. Do you go in to the T room alone for a while first? --------- Yes I do. We have known each other for so long and she trusts me. Sometimes she goes to the bathroom, sometimes she gets herself a drink and I go in an wait for her. Recently she was lying on her couch and when I went in the room was in total disarray with cushions everywhere, paperwork everywhere. She went to the bathroom and i tidied it a bit. And then teased her. A lot.

5. Does your T have family photos at all? -------- No.

6. What's it smell like in there? ------ Smells like absolutely nothing.

7. Does your T have a candy dish? Anything good in there? -------- Nope

8. Does your T ever sit funny? Like Indian style in their chair? -------- One session her back was hurting so she lay on the couch nearly full length and I sat at the other end. We both often sit Indian style. When we go to a park she will lie on the grass.

9. Do you feel the same slight sadness hearing your T laughing with the person before you when you know you're going to be a Debby downer? ----- Yes but..... When my T leaves with me she always says things like "i will will text you Saturday, or email you Thursday or I will call you saturday or even I will see you tomorrow at the park'. I would HATE to be the person after me.

10. Can you tell when your T is thinking about something wholly unrelated to you? ------ Hmmm, occasionally.

11. Do you or your T watch the clock more? --------- I never do it. T glances at her watch from time to time.

12. Does your T proudly call themselves crazy? Something else? ------- No

13. Most awkward magazine found in T waiting area? ---- Don't know any there, don't look and try to get there just as other person is leaving so I never look.

14. The Kleenex rescue scandal... Does your T pass the box if it's not nearby? ------- Yes she will. Sometimes she hands me the box, sometimes she places the box in front of me (when she predicts I am there for a teary session) or a few times when we are in the depths of something big, she absent mindedly grabs one and throws it at me.

15. Would it bug you if your T used off-brand Kleenex? -------- Don't care.

16. Do you ever wish you could style advice your T? ------- Nope.

17. What is your "therapy uniform". --------- Just normal clothes, jeans and blouse or trousers and blouse.

18. What disorder do you commonly diagnos the other clients you see come out of your Ts office with (if anything)--------- Hmmm, I don't look at other ppl and don't want to think about them.

19. What would you imagine your T drove (even if you do know what did you Picture? Color? Etc) -------- not sure I ever imagined anything.

20. If you could give your T another non-therapy type career what do you think they should do? ---------- hmmm, I have absolutely no idea.

21. What do you know or imagine Ts favorite tv show is? ----------- no idea, but I am going to ask her.

21b. What would you be most horrified to find out your T watched? ----------I don't know, depends on answer to #21

22. Does your T bite their nails? -------- nope.

23. Do you know the kinds of places your T shops? --------- no, but have a fair idea.

24. Weirdest household chore you would be ok having your T over to do (forget the insanity of them being over in the first place) --------- I would love to watch her do the ironing as she hates it and never does it (she told me). Actually I would like her to cook a meal and teach me - she loves cooking and I think that would be a good thing to do together.

25. If your T had sort of a crusty booger situation going on... Are you gonna help them out? ------- yeah, i think so.
1. Does your T yawn in your therapy? Thoughts? Yes, but only when I'm his last session. He apologizes and it doesn't bother me, other than it being contagious.

2. Does your T admit when they are tired? Thoughts? Yes,because I pick up on it and can sometimes think it's about me. I'm glad he admits it, but I also do this automatic "I can go" thing, though I will find SOMETHING to say that about no matter what.

3. Does your T act different at different times of the day? Not really. He's pretty consistent. Maybe gets a little sillier (or less of a filter on acting out his silliness when tired).

4. Do you go in to the T room alone for a while first? If he tells me he has to do something and go on in if I want, sometimes I do. I've grown more comfortable going in there.

5. Does your T have family photos at all? Yes, one in each office (different one). I haven't looked closely. I feel like I'm invading, even though that's ridiculous.

6. What's it smell like in there? Sometimes T sprays a citrus spray (which strong smells give me headaches, so I prefer he doesn't). It's not all the time, so I assume he had a smelly client or something. I used to go after some teen who obviously came straight from soccer practice, so I guess that's why? Other than the citrus smell occasionally, I've never noticed either office smelling like anything.

7. Does your T have a candy dish? Anything good in there? Nope, but he's offered me various things he randomly has, including a chocolate one time.

8. Does your T ever sit funny? Like Indian style in their chair? Not funny, but as we sit on the couch together, he definitely sits in a more relaxed posture than he used to across the room. Sometimes we look up at the ceiling tiles together, note the broken corner of one that drives us both nuts, or I tell him images I see and he quotes Charlie Brown to me me about Linus seeing some amazing thing in the sky and Charlie Brown seeing a duckie and an elephant or something...I don't remember, but it's cute. Smiler

9. Do you feel the same slight sadness hearing your T laughing with the person before you when you know you're going to be a Debby downer? No, not laughing, but when they can call him by his name (I have still never called him anything in person), like it's nothing hard, I feel kind of bummed. Even when I'm a downer, I crack jokes and we laugh together. We're a good fit humor-wise.

10. Can you tell when your T is thinking about something wholly unrelated to you? Sometimes, but I have a tendency to over-assume things are about me, so not always.

11. Do you or your T watch the clock more? Me, probably. In one office, we have to move it so he can see it, because he can't afford to go too late (either for commuting or sleep reasons, depending on the time of day). I still look at it more, especially when I'm stuck and wordless, and watching the opportunity tick away.

12. Does your T proudly call themselves crazy? Something else? Not crazy, but goofy, and frequently talks about (the spiritual concept) of not having it all together.

13. Most awkward magazine found in T waiting area? Hrm, I don't know. I never really look at the magazines. T isn't the one who stocks them. I know because the guy who did (in one office) did so while I was in the chair right next to the shelf and gave me an anxiety attack from being too close.

14. The Kleenex rescue scandal... Does your T pass the box if it's not nearby? Yes, always, or grabs me some tissues if I ask. But always is...not a lot, because I barely cry, except I have switched in all sobby and snotty and with tissues (I'm assuming T gave us).

15. Would it bug you if your T used off-brand Kleenex? He doesn't, but it wouldn't. I'm pretty sure someone shops for the whole office or they're stocked by the building.

16. Do you ever wish you could style advice your T? Nah, but I wish I could see him on off-site, because he said he's a jeans and t-shirt type of guy, so I feel like I don't get to see the "real" T. I don't want him to be therapy like that...maybe just see him from afar once.

17. What is your "therapy uniform". I have to wear clothes that cover me up. I'll change into long pants and short or long sleeves before going. If I'm wearing flip flops, I'll even bring socks to put on. Yes, I know that's ridiculous, but I like to feel covered in case triggering stuff come up and maybe as a modesty thing for my T's sake, since we sit close, hug, etc.

18. What disorder do you commonly diagnos the other clients you see come out of your Ts office with (if anything). Nothing, really. He sees a lot of couples and also men with sexual issues, which I know because that's how H, with his sexsomnia, got referred to him. I know he also does anger management stuff, but that's separate groups. I guess I really don't assume. I try to avoid noticing his other clients much.

19. What would you imagine your T drove (even if you do know what did you
Picture? Color? Etc) Pretty much what he does drive...a four-door sedan. He's simple and practical about those sort of things. A lot of his professional wardrobe are actually hand-me-downs (don't ask, lol). I'm guessing if he ever did get a fancy car, it would be his wife driving it. He logs tons of miles every week, so he'd need a car that could take the abuse.

20. If you could give your T another non-therapy type career what do you think they should do? He'd make a good teacher.

21. What do you know or imagine Ts favorite tv show is? He doesn't really watch TV, but I know he like the movie Jurassic Park.

21b. What would you be most horrified to find out your T watched? Anything sleazy. Hard to imagine, because he keeps too busy to watch much of anything, except an occasional movie at home with his family.

22. Does your T bite their nails? Nope.

23. Do you know the kinds of places your T shops? Trader Joe's. That's all I've got.

24. Weirdest household chore you would be ok having your T over to do (forget the insanity of them being over in the first place)? I can't imagine having a guest do any chores, so...I guess just helping cook a meal?

25. If your T had sort of a crusty booger situation going on... Are you gonna help them out? Well, I might tell him he had something on his nose...that would require me to actually look at him enough to notice.
1. Does your T yawn in your therapy? Thoughts? No

2. Does your T admit when they are tired? Thoughts? No, but if hot especially now she is heavily pregnant!

3. Does your T act different at different times of the day? No, but I usually see her at the same time in the morning.

4. Do you go in to the T room alone for a while first? No T comes to fetch me from the waiting room.

5. Does your T have family photos at all? No

6. What's it smell like in there? Nothing

7. Does your T have a candy dish? Anything good in there? No

8. Does your T ever sit funny? Like Indian style in their chair? Often. I take my shoes off and curl my feet on the chair. She usually does the same, she has sometimes put her fet on the coffee table. I also often sit cross legged on the chair. She fidgets a lot now, baby is so big.

9. Do you feel the same slight sadness hearing your T laughing with the person before you when you know you're going to be a Debby downer? Never heard another client, but often heard her chatting with collegues in the corridor. Did not like to hear her sounding happy when she knew I was coming and was upset about her pregnancy.

10. Can you tell when your T is thinking about something wholly unrelated to you? She is always focused on me!

11. Do you or your T watch the clock more? The clock is positioned so she can see it while looking at me, I check it quite a lot.

12. Does your T proudly call themselves crazy? Something else? No

13. Most awkward magazine found in T waiting area? Never looked.

14. The Kleenex rescue scandal... Does your T pass the box if it's not nearby? T has tissues in a bowl on the table. She used to pass me one when I needed, now she does not. I think it is easier for me to reach then than for her to reach across the coffee table to me. Tummy gets in the way again!!
15. Would it bug you if your T used off-brand Kleenex? They are out of the packet and provided by the hospital anyway!

16. Do you ever wish you could style advice your T? No she always looks nice and professional, but always in black.

17. What is your "therapy uniform". Tidy jeans.

18. What disorder do you commonly diagnos the other clients you see come out of your Ts office with (if anything) Don't see any.

19. What would you imagine your T drove (even if you do know what did you
Picture? Color? Etc) I do know, and as expected it is black.

20. If you could give your T another non-therapy type career what do you think they should do? Doctor

21. What do you know or imagine Ts favorite tv show is? Don't know,but Grey's Anatomy is very popular hear.

21b. What would you be most horrified to find out your T watched? Reality tv.

22. Does your T bite their nails? No, but I do. I know yuk!

23. Do you know the kinds of places your T shops? No

24. Weirdest household chore you would be ok having your T over to do (forget the insanity of them being over in the first place)Helping to clean my aquarium and budgies.

25. If your T had sort of a crusty booger situation going on... Are you gonna help them out? No

I love the answers! Thank you!!! Sorry most of them are 'no' haha. It was as creative as I could get at 3:15 while I laid in bed Smiler

1. Does your T yawn in your therapy? Thoughts?

All the time! I think it's unfair she has to do a "therapist yawn" as if I can't tell. I tease her, and yawn too.

2. Does your T admit when they are tired? Thoughts?

Yes. I see T first thing on Monday morning, we're not alive collectively but we get a lot of work done. Thankfully she has a 'warm up show' (another patient) before me.

3. Does your T act different at different times of the day?

Yes!! My T is bananas at the end of the day.

4. Do you go in to the T room alone for a while first?

All the time. I stretch for a bit, then get curled in the blanket and settle my pillow nest.

5. Does your T have family photos at all?

Only of her H which is so weird. She has an EXTREME boundary about talking about her (4) children. So they are not anywhere in there.

6. What's it smell like in there?

Like a new-age shop.

7. Does your T have a candy dish? Anything good in there?

Yes, and it varies. Sometimes she has mints... or chocolates, right now she has jolly ranchers. I never eat them, but I always check it out.

8. Does your T ever sit funny? Like Indian style in their chair?

Yea my T will sit funny and sometimes crack her ankles. Most of the time she sits like... a normal T.

9. Do you feel the same slight sadness hearing your T laughing with the person before you when you know you're going to be a Debby downer?

I do sometimes. My T uses laughter as sort of a grounding technique (at least with me) so almost always she's laughing with the person before me, and I leave happy too.

10. Can you tell when your T is thinking about something wholly unrelated to you?

Yes... and I will call her on it. Sometimes I will remind her of something (it's not often) and she has to tell me an interesting story or... like last week she had uncontrolled laughter so I had to give her a minute to get it out.

11. Do you or your T watch the clock more?

T's clock and I have a special relationship, I stare at it more than I would a lover.

12. Does your T proudly call themselves crazy? Something else?

Absolutely, both of my Ts have.

13. Most awkward magazine found in T waiting area?

Shape. For my ED it's just weird.

14. The Kleenex rescue scandal... Does your T pass the box if it's not nearby?

Yes, so does my P. Last week the box on my side of the couch was missing and I was crying and stopped mid sob to say "Where the HELL is the Kleenex" (in a cute way).

15. Would it bug you if your T used off-brand Kleenex?

Actually, yes. If it was scratchy and 1 ply, I'd bring my own cute stuff if that was the case. Nothing like talking about child abuse while you blow your nose on a kitten pattern.

16. Do you ever wish you could style advice your T?

No my T dresses perfect. She always matches even her jewelry.

17. What is your "therapy uniform".

Usually yoga clothes, but sometimes what I wore to work.

18. What disorder do you commonly diagnos the other clients you see come out of your Ts office with (if anything)

I always assume they have horrific lives and that I just waste my T's time. I also assume anyone ridiculously skinny to have an ED. Smiler Even though that's not true, it's my self-hate-due-to-ED goggles.

19. What would you imagine your T drove (even if you do know what did you
Picture? Color? Etc)

If I didn't know (which I'm shocked by what she does drive) I'd have assumed a a hybrid.

20. If you could give your T another non-therapy type career what do you think they should do?

Radio talk show host or writer

21. What do you know or imagine Ts favorite tv show is?

She likes any shows where chicks are the tough ones.

21b. What would you be most horrified to find out your T watched?

Dance Moms, because then I would have to admit my dirty secret that *I* watch Dance Moms so that I could talk to her about it on Wednesdays.

22. Does your T bite their nails?

No, she has PERFECT nails. I bite mine though (to build up immunity for any impending plagues)

23. Do you know the kinds of places your T shops?

Not really, but I know places she goes a lot and eats.

24. Weirdest household chore you would be ok having your T over to do (forget the insanity of them being over in the first place)

Organizing, she's good at that.

25. If your T had sort of a crusty booger situation going on... Are you gonna help them out?

Well, I wouldn't PHYSICALLY help her out, but I'd let her know. She's so direct (and my other T was too) that I know she'd tell me, might as well return the awkward moment favor. Plus if she went to the bathroom after my session and saw she'd be like "wtf man..." if she thought I'd seen but not helped.
1. Does your T yawn in your therapy? Thoughts? Yes, but he tries to stifle it.

2. Does your T admit when they are tired? Thoughts? Yes, but only when I ask and then, only to settle me and keep me from projecting all kinds of other negative thoughts.

3. Does your T act different at different times of the day? Only subtly. I can tell he's worn when we have afternoon sessions.

4. Do you go in to the T room alone for a while first? Never

5. Does your T have family photos at all? Just one small one on a shelf.

6. What's it smell like in there? Nothing

7. Does your T have a candy dish? Anything good in there? No candy dish.

8. Does your T ever sit funny? Like Indian style in their chair? Not that I've noticed.

9. Do you feel the same slight sadness hearing your T laughing with the person before you when you know you're going to be a Debby downer? I never hear him interact with other clients.

10. Can you tell when your T is thinking about something wholly unrelated to you? No. When I'm paying attention to his focus, it's always on me, but it's possible he drifts if/when I do.

11. Do you or your T watch the clock more? That'd be be. I can't see a clock where I sit, so I always ask if we're almost done. I used to feel completely talked out after 25-30 minutes, now I can make it to 35 or 40 minutes.

12. Does your T proudly call themselves crazy? Something else? Never. This is where he verges on that analytical blank slate.

13. Most awkward magazine found in T waiting area? No magazines.

14. The Kleenex rescue scandal... Does your T pass the box if it's not nearby? No. I usually have one handy.

15. Would it bug you if your T used off-brand Kleenex? No.

16. Do you ever wish you could style advice your T? Never. I don't really focus on style... more comfort.

17. What is your "therapy uniform". Whatever is most comfortable as I like to tuck my legs and curl up in my chair most of the time.

18. What disorder do you commonly diagnos the other clients you see come out of your Ts office with (if anything)? I don't get a chance to see other clients.

19. What would you imagine your T drove (even if you do know what did you
Picture? Color? Etc) I think some kind of luxury SUV.

20. If you could give your T another non-therapy type career what do you think they should do? Writer

21. What do you know or imagine Ts favorite tv show is? I don't watch tv so I really don't know how to answer for him.

21b. What would you be most horrified to find out your T watched? Reality tv

22. Does your T bite their nails? No, but he will sometimes pick something out of his teeth.

23. Do you know the kinds of places your T shops? No idea.

24. Weirdest household chore you would be ok having your T over to do (forget the insanity of them being over in the first place) I know he likes to cook, so that would be my preference.

25. If your T had sort of a crusty booger situation going on... Are you gonna help them out?
Not tangibly but I'd say something.
1. Does your T yawn in your therapy? Thoughts? never. i think i would take it in stride if he did, but at the same time thankful that he hasn't ever.

2. Does your T admit when they are tired? Thoughts? nope, but i don't konw that he ever IS tired.

3. Does your T act different at different times of the day? i've only met a couple of times in the late afternoon, and he did seem to have a little more of an edge about him... more stubborn.

4. Do you go in to the T room alone for a while first? probs about half and half. it was nice to have to room to myself for a couple minutes when it did happen.

5. Does your T have family photos at all? only of his dogs.

6. What's it smell like in there? nothing

7. Does your T have a candy dish? Anything good in there? no candy dish

8. Does your T ever sit funny? Like Indian style in their chair? the only time he sat funny was at our last session. it wasn't even actually funny, just unusual for him. normally he'd sit with both feet flat on the floor. a couple of times at our last sesh he had them crossed, one resting on the other ankle-to-knee. he seemed more relaxed ...interesting ...

9. Do you feel the same slight sadness hearing your T laughing with the person before you when you know you're going to be a Debby downer? i heard a client before me laugh quite loudly, but i didn't hear him laughing. maybe i felt a slight sadness that i couldn't be that confortable with him.

10. Can you tell when your T is thinking about something wholly unrelated to you? maybe a little, but that might be my own stuff...

11. Do you or your T watch the clock more? not sure

12. Does your T proudly call themselves crazy? Something else? he "jokes" about working until he's drooling all over himself

13. Most awkward magazine found in T waiting area? nothing out of the ordinary

14. The Kleenex rescue scandal... Does your T pass the box if it's not nearby? it is nearby, but i dont' think i cried past the 6th session or so

15. Would it bug you if your T used off-brand Kleenex? not a bit

16. Do you ever wish you could style advice your T? no, he always looks relaxed and comfy. works for me.

17. What is your "therapy uniform". mostly jeans and a comfy top

18. What disorder do you commonly diagnos the other clients you see come out of your Ts office with (if anything)? i really didn't see many others. 3 that i can think of. i'd say narcissist woman, perv middle-aged dude, and autistic late-teen.

19. What would you imagine your T drove. a hybrid of some sort

20. If you could give your T another non-therapy type career what do you think they should do? teacher

21. What do you know or imagine Ts favorite tv show is? i know he likes the big bang theory. it fits.

21b. What would you be most horrified to find out your T watched? porn

22. Does your T bite their nails? No

23. Do you know the kinds of places your T shops? bike shop

24. Weirdest household chore you would be ok having your T over to do (forget the insanity of them being over in the first place) repair of any kind

25. If your T had sort of a crusty booger situation going on... Are you gonna help them out? ewwww. i don't honestly know!
I'm pretty sure my T would get a hybrid if he could afford it, but they're more expensive (especially maintenance). I'm in the lobby for therapy right now and I think I might have parked next to his old sedan. Because of this thread, I glanced at it quick, but not much. I'm really not sure it is his...same make and color, but since I've ever only seen it in the dark before, I can't be sure.

1. No T never yawns

2. Not yet but I think she would if it came up.

3. Does your T act different at different times of the day?

I don't know

4. Do you go in to the T room alone for a while first?

No she is always there.

5. Does your T have family photos at all?

Haven't seen any

6. What's it smell like in there?


7. Does your T have a candy dish? Anything good in there?


8. Does your T ever sit funny? Like Indian style in their chair?


9. Do you feel the same slight sadness hearing your T laughing with the person before you when you know you're going to be a Debby downer?


10. Can you tell when your T is thinking about something wholly unrelated to you?

Yes but it's not often in session that this happens.

11. Do you or your T watch the clock more?

I think I watch it more.

12. Does your T proudly call themselves crazy? Something else?

Yes she says things about not knowing comnputers etc. drives me nuts

13. Most awkward magazine found in T waiting area?


14. The Kleenex rescue scandal... Does your T pass the box if it's not nearby?

No, I had to ask her once if she even had Tissue paper and she had to go get it out of a closet because it had run out.

15. Would it bug you if your T used off-brand Kleenex?


16. Do you ever wish you could style advice your T?

Once I did wish I could tell her that the dress was revealing too much.

17. What is your "therapy uniform".

Whatever I have on that day

18. What disorder do you commonly diagnos the other clients you see come out of your Ts office with (if anything)

I don't do this usually.

19. What would you imagine your T drove (even if you do know what did you
Picture? Color? Etc)
Don't know

20. If you could give your T another non-therapy type career what do you think they should do?

21. What do you know or imagine Ts favorite tv show is? SNL

21b. What would you be most horrified to find out your T watched?


22. Does your T bite their nails?

23. Do you know the kinds of places your T shops? No

24. Weirdest household chore you would be ok having your T over to do (forget the insanity of them being over in the first place)

DO my dishes

25. If your T had sort of a crusty booger situation going on... Are you gonna help them out?
I may tell them about it but I wouldn't help her remove it!
1. Does your T yawn in your therapy? Thoughts?---Rarely but he DID yawn today!

2. Does your T admit when they are tired? Thoughts?------Sometimes he will say it's been a rough morning

3. Does your T act different at different times of the day?-----I see him the same time for each appointment although I have had a very few later afternoon into evening appointments. He seemed the same although I felt different.

4. Do you go in to the T room alone for a while first?-------Almost always. T leaves his door open for me to go in and get comfy. I get my blanket and settle into my usual chair. I am also free to look at his books on his bookshelf while waiting for him.

5. Does your T have family photos at all? ------ He has one photo of his teen-aged daughter on his desk. Nothing else.

6. What's it smell like in there?--- sometimes it smells like what T has for lunch (I see him just after lunchtime) and occassionally it smells faintly of perfume or men's cologne.

7. Does your T have a candy dish? Anything good in there?-----Nope... no candy.

8. Does your T ever sit funny? Like Indian style in their chair?-----T always sits with one leg across the other, ankle to knee. When we sit on the floor he sits "pretzel style".

9. Do you feel the same slight sadness hearing your T laughing with the person before you when you know you're going to be a Debby downer?---I try not to see other clients and I do not think I've ever heard any laughter. OldT had a client before me sometimes that he used to laugh a lot with and it made me very very angry.

10. Can you tell when your T is thinking about something wholly unrelated to you?----No. He is pretty focused on me at all times.

11. Do you or your T watch the clock more?----I don't think either of us watch it a lot but he is the one who checks it because I cannot see the clock from my seat.

12. Does your T proudly call themselves crazy? Something else?---He calls himself a "shrink" and describes himself as "boringly consistent".

13. Most awkward magazine found in T waiting area?----don't read his magazines I just go into his office.

14. The Kleenex rescue scandal... Does your T pass the box if it's not nearby?---there is a box right next to my chair so no need to pass it. Once I finished the box and he jumped up to get me another box from across the room.

15. Would it bug you if your T used off-brand Kleenex?---- it would only bother me if it was scratchy cheap stuff.

16. Do you ever wish you could style advice your T?------Yes! My T is so boring in his choice of clothes... no color. Dark slacks, mostly white shirts. Thankfully in the winter he adds sweaters which I LOVE because they make him seem more cuddly. Once or twice he wore khaki slacks and a bright blue dress shirt and he looked SO good.

17. What is your "therapy uniform". ---In summer I always wear maxi-dresses or sundresses and in winter slacks with cami and cardigans. Usually bright colors and ALWAYS with high heels.

18. What disorder do you commonly diagnos the other clients you see come out of your Ts office with (if anything)--- either bored, dissatisfied housewives, or depressed women or fighting couples.

19. What would you imagine your T drove (even if you do know what did you
Picture? Color? Etc)---- he drives a black SUV. Hard to imagine him in something else... maybe a black Mustang? LOL

20. If you could give your T another non-therapy type career what do you think they should do?---actually either a doctor or a priest (he's very Irish Catholic)

21. What do you know or imagine Ts favorite tv show is?----I really have no idea. I know he likes theater so maybe Smash?

21b. What would you be most horrified to find out your T watched?--- definitely Porn Eeker

22. Does your T bite their nails?---No

23. Do you know the kinds of places your T shops?--- No but once I paged him when I first started seeing him and he told me he was in Best Buy LOL. It was Christmas time. I don't think he shops much.

24. Weirdest household chore you would be ok having your T over to do (forget the insanity of them being over in the first place)---Cook me dinner or do some gardening.

25. If your T had sort of a crusty booger situation going on... Are you gonna help them out?[/quote]
----Don't think I could say anything.
1. Does your T yawn in your therapy? Thoughts? No…but when he feels one coming on…I think he takes a drink of water to keep from actually yawning.

2. Does your T admit when they are tired? Thoughts? No. I did see him once outside the office and I remember thinking how tired he looked. I felt really bad for him.

3. Does your T act different at different times of the day? I think so. I have had appts. with him in the morning and he seemed more attuned as opposed to later in the day.

4. Do you go in to the T room alone for a while first? No.

5. Does your T have family photos at all? Small ones on his desk.

6. What's it smell like in there? The 1980’s (with the style of furniture)

7. Does your T have a candy dish? Anything good in there? No.

8. Does your T ever sit funny? Like Indian style in their chair? Heck no.

9. Do you feel the same slight sadness hearing your T laughing with the person before you when you know you're going to be a Debby downer? No.

10. Can you tell when your T is thinking about something wholly unrelated to you? No.

11. Do you or your T watch the clock more? He does that…I often ask what time it is because I can’t see the clock.

12. Does your T proudly call themselves crazy? Something else? No.

13. Most awkward magazine found in T waiting area? Don’t ever look.

14. The Kleenex rescue scandal... Does your T pass the box if it's not nearby? Rarely.

15. Would it bug you if your T used off-brand Kleenex? Yes.

16. Do you ever wish you could style advice your T? No.

17. What is your "therapy uniform". Mizuna sports pants with a tank sports top and Nike shoes - the emotional work is going to be exhausting work, like exercise, may as well dress for it Wink

18. What disorder do you commonly diagnose the other clients you see come out of your Ts office with (if anything) When I am on the outs with the Therapist…I think the other clients are ‘insane’ for seeing him.

19. What would you imagine your T drove (even if you do know what did you
Picture? Color? Etc) Hybrid.

20. If you could give your T another non-therapy type career what do you think they should do? Jail Guard. Once you’re in…you’re never getting out.

21. What do you know or imagine Ts favorite tv show is? Survivor

21b. What would you be most horrified to find out your T watched? Nothing comes to mind. I can’t imagine him watching anything on the wildside.

22. Does your T bite their nails? No, and if he did, I would not ever go back. To me that means he has some unresolved issues…and when I am around someone who bites their nails…it makes me extremely nervous.

23. Do you know the kinds of places your T shops? I have run into him at Target a few times…

24. Weirdest household chore you would be ok having your T over to do (forget the insanity of them being over in the first place) He always vacuums his office…so I would totally have him do that…I hate vacuuming.

25. If your T had sort of a crusty booger situation going on... Are you gonna help them out? I would kindly let him know he had something on his nose…and I may give him the Kleenex box Wink
1. Does your T yawn in your therapy? Thoughts? No she honestly never has.

2. Does your T admit when they are tired? Thoughts? No..she's never had to because I haven't noticed her seeming tired ever. She must have superhuman nontired skills.

3. Does your T act different at different times of the day? Not that I can tell. Usually see her in the morning but have seen her one evening. I haven't noticed a difference..but I did hear her husband cooking dinner that one time, which was weird.

4. Do you go in to the T room alone for a while first? Not usually. Only once in awhile she'll go pee or get something to drink and I just sit and wait.

5. Does your T have family photos at all? Not in her office.

6. What's it smell like in there? Nothing unless she just made tea.

7. Does your T have a candy dish? Anything good in there? No.

8. Does your T ever sit funny? Like Indian style in their chair? haha nope.

9. Do you feel the same slight sadness hearing your T laughing with the person before you when you know you're going to be a Debby downer? She works at home and doesn't have a waiting area, so a couple times, I've overlapped with another person, either coming or going..and it's so awkward. But I do appreciate she sees me for almost the whole hour!

10. Can you tell when your T is thinking about something wholly unrelated to you? No. I must be completely oblivious because I don't notice her ever not being concentrated and present.

11. Do you or your T watch the clock more? We can both see a clock facing each of us. I look sometimes. I've seen her look sometimes too but not that often.

12. Does your T proudly call themselves crazy? Something else? No.

13. Most awkward magazine found in T waiting area? No waiting room.

14. The Kleenex rescue scandal... Does your T pass the box if it's not nearby? I never cry grrrrr.

15. Would it bug you if your T used off-brand Kleenex? Depends on softness.

16. Do you ever wish you could style advice your T? No. She looks totally cute, in a motherly way.

17. What is your "therapy uniform". Whatever I wear to school, which is usually casual..jeans and some shirt. Sometimes I'll go in yoga pants if I'm feeling extra lazy that day.

18. What disorder do you commonly diagnose the other clients you see come out of your Ts office with (if anything) Nothing..but I always assume her other clients have more legit problems and deserve to be there more than I. I'm kind to myself.

19. What would you imagine your T drove (even if you do know what did you
Picture? Color? Etc) She drives a nice car and I can never tell if it's black, dark blue, dark green, or dark purple.

20. If you could give your T another non-therapy type career what do you think they should do? hmm maybe attorney? She's really articulate and I think she probably has a feisty, fiery side.

21. What do you know or imagine Ts favorite tv show is? I know she watches Homeland.

21b. What would you be most horrified to find out your T watched? Probably some sort of reality tv..even though most people watch at least one reality tv show at some point I'm sure.

22. Does your T bite their nails? Nope.

23. Do you know the kinds of places your T shops? No but I'm sure nice ones. She has nice things.

24. Weirdest household chore you would be ok having your T over to do (forget the insanity of them being over in the first place) haha..umm, cooking I think.

25. If your T had sort of a crusty booger situation going on... Are you gonna help them out? god I'm a really bad person but I'd probably pretend I didn't see it because I would be too shy to point it out. But who knows..maybe I would?
Ha ha, today I went through these questions with my T. It was hysterical. She kept wanting to know *WHY* we would want to know things. I told her she was learning about privileged information and I was letting her in on our secrets and why we need to know things.

My T learnt a lot. She also laughed so much, she nearly choked!

1. Does your T yawn in your therapy? Thoughts?
Yes, but she does her best to hide them. It doesn't bother me though.

2. Does your T admit when they are tired? Thoughts?
Yup. At first it bothered me but not so much anymore.

3. Does your T act different at different times of the day?
Definitely! She's more engaged in the mornings and maybe like the hour after lunch. Towards the late afternoon is when she starts to hit her dip lol. I've had my appts with her at all hours lol. I've also told her that I like her better in the mornings. I'm more of a morning person as well. The very few times that we've had late afternoon sessions was one big drippy yawn fest on both our ends! Of course she has to hide it more but after that we both decided to stick to morning appts.

4. Do you go in to the T room alone for a while first?

5. Does your T have family photos at all?
Yes, she has about 4. I like looking at them, they're precious

6. What's it smell like in there?
Hmm...hard to describe, but it's a very nice familiar smell that gives me comfort Big Grin

7. Does your T have a candy dish? Anything good in there?
Nah...maybe I should suggest one and tell her to fill it with m&ms Wink

8. Does your T ever sit funny? Like Indian style in their chair?
No, I'm the weirdo that sits funny ha

9. Do you feel the same slight sadness hearing your T laughing with the person before you when you know you're going to be a Debby downer?
Well....I'm probably the one making the other people feel like the Debby's downers......:/

10. Can you tell when your T is thinking about something wholly unrelated to you?
Nah, she's always been very engaged with me, even when she's not "all there" she's made sure to focus on me

11. Do you or your T watch the clock more?
I do since I face it :P

12. Does your T proudly call themselves crazy? Something else?
I call her crazy lol she mainly calls herself old :P

13. Most awkward magazine found in T waiting area?
No magazines just books...the tv is always on random channels though...

14. The Kleenex rescue scandal... Does your T pass the box if it's not nearby?
No I usually cry on her or in my hands since I've gotten my mascara and eyeliner on many many blouses of hers...oops

15. Would it bug you if your T used off-brand Kleenex?
Bahahaha nah

16. Do you ever wish you could style advice your T?
Not really, she knows what she's doing in that area and it looks fab! Only one time she wore shoes that did not o with her outfit at all but no more fashion boo boos after that

17. What is your "therapy uniform".
Well in the summer I had to dress up more since I would schedule my appts before work but during the school year it's shorts, tshirts, and yoga pants. But I do love me some make up so it would actually be unusual of I didn't wear's a combination of both just depending on the days. Either way though I always have make up Smiler

18. What disorder do you commonly diagnos the other clients you see come out of your Ts office with (if anything)
Bipolar hehehehehehehe

19. What would you imagine your T drove (even if you do know what did you
Picture? Color? Etc)
Hmmmm.....a pearl colored aviator.

20. If you could give your T another non-therapy type career what do you think they should do?
A rock star! Big Grin

21. What do you know or imagine Ts favorite tv show is?
Well, she told me she likes crime shows and one of her favorites is Criminal Minds....we both think Shemar Moore is to die for! Wink

21b. What would you be most horrified to find out your T watched?
Porn? I don't

22. Does your T bite their nails?

23. Do you know the kinds of places your T shops?
Well I've seen her at wal mart a few times :P

24. Weirdest household chore you would be ok having your T over to do (forget the insanity of them being over in the first place)
Waking me up at an ungodly early morning hour on a Saturday with a vacuum cleaner and playing loud music while she vacuums....only cos my mom does that and it aggravates me and makes me laugh at the same time Wink

25. If your T had sort of a crusty booger situation going on... Are you gonna help them out? Bahahahahahaha totally! And I would make her feel bad for it by telling her she needs to do that to people more often and be nice since she told me that she usually won't tell people if they had anything on their face Razzer

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