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So, did another phone session with T. He read up to the point where I had marked off that he could stop if he was uncomfortable. He explained that he was NOT uncomfortable, but ran out of time, and also he wanted to stop there, because he was feeling like maybe *I* was uncomfortable and forcing myself to share. I let him know that I definitely wanted to share it, but was worried about running over his boundaries. He said not at all and he thought it was good to be able to share such difficult experiences and feelings.

Then he got a court call in the middle of our call and asked if he could take it and was so reassuring about it that I was fine with it. He called back and then said what should we do about the email and I said he could read the detail and I would pray and wait for him to finish. So he did. And he kind of affirmed that it's not my fault and I was expecting a lot of a sophomore in high school to deal with it better than I did. He also said something about N possibly just being a guy just trying to get what he wants without any sophisticated plan. I don't know why, but this kind of angered me...I said nothing, because I knew what he said probably wasn't incorrect. We talked a little bit about how I dealt with it at the time and why I expected myself to be better. A lot of unrelated family stuff came up, which took most of the rest of the session, so I'm still feeling left hanging.

T still has to read the part of the email that deals with the stuff that's happened with H's condition and my admission of my connection with him making me want "safe closeness." I reiterated more than once that I still need to hear back once he finishes the email, although there is no rush.

I wanted to admit to him on the phone that I had come very close to SI while waiting for him to call. I had this sudden panic when he hadn't called by 10:00 AM that he was going to forget, since we hadn't talked about it since Tuesday night. I started having panicked thoughts about what I would do, how long I would wait, and kept having these instinctive urges (escaped, thank God, and he DID remember the call).

I don't know if it was the topic, but I didn't feel the care and connection like usual. I'm assuming I must just be a bit shut down from the emotional overload I've been in. It's disappointing, but I just have to make it until Tuesday night. It sounds so far away. Frowner 4 days and 9 hours is too long for me to wait. Frowner WTF is wrong with me?
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I think you probably feel angry because N should have treated you better and you did and do feel awful about what happened and you don\t want it minimised.

I think we both have had a very tough and draining day so I send you a hug, in mutual sympathy.

gosh, therapy is so PAINFUL. today was the most painful therapy session I have ever had and I don't even understand what was going on.
((((Sadly)))) Thanks for the hugs. I'm sorry you are having a rough time too. Too bad we don't know each other personally, than we could both get the holding we need, whenever one of us gets all little! Smiler

Texted T like crazy. He finished reading my email and said everything was OK. I let him know all the awful things I was projecting and how when he said N was "immature" that it made me feel like he had revoked my right to feel angry/injured by what happened, and I feel so stupid for needing a "sponsor" for my feelings to have permission to have them. Then I went off on him about how what was scaring me most was this being vulnerable with him on how the things he says/does make me feel. He texted back a reassuring, "You are doing fine..." which of course I started reading into the "..." at the end, but in reality he is just busy. Then, I had a big fight with H, because he was pissed at me texting with T instead of paying attention to him and the toddler (he stayed home to watch her so I could have my session). And the things H said made me hate myself so much...and I ended up so disgusted with myself that I hurt myself for the first time in eight days. And I am supposed to text T when I do these things, but H was so pissed about me texting T (and about my statement that he can't keep talking about how long I should be in therapy, even if it's a long time like five years, because it scares me), that I don't feel like I can text him and confess...also, because I think T will think I did it on purpose to have an excuse to text him more. I'm trapped! Frowner

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