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Monday, start 30 minutes late.
Tuesday (granted, offered an extra session we didn't have scheduled), start 10 minutes late (normal), find out 25 minutes later that he accidentally double-booked, come back in an hour and start 20 minutes late.
Wednesday - all was well, thank God.
Nice guy does check-ins w me Thursday and Friday.
Saturday Skype call - texts if we can start an hour late, actually start only 40 minutes late, gets on the call and apologizes that despite reassuring me that he would read the journal (after me saying he didn't have to), he couldn't make time, has a good reason, but THEN tells me we also may need to cut short as one of his sons and his family are in town. I shut down and try to push him away, but he helps me stay with the feelings and I eventually explain the kids screaming about how they can't count on anybody and then feeling too scared and guilty to tell him, because if he feels bad, they will be "bad" and feel awful and guilty. We talk about this, the taking responsibility for his feelings (which he would have known if he read the journal), and I have to sit through an excruciating back and forth where I repeatedly reveal my guilt for allowing him to stay on the phone and he reiterates his choice to do so and his care and my not being guilty or manipulative or bad or undeserving or unworthy.

Also, I get to hear his cute little grandkids come and greet him and him to explain that he is on the phone and will be out in a little bit, and then his son too (I think). Ouchy. I mean, mostly it was sweet. No resentment or anger or jealousy really, because his voice to them sounds like his voice to us, and that is kind of beautiful to hear. But, just, these little kids are spending all weekend with him and we are very alone right now. Frowner

I have never sat with that much internal upset and need to push away and flee and never trust again for such a long time without actually running away or dissociating (running away internally). I guess that is progress. I guess that is trusting that he is going to be there despite the pure terror running through us about what happens when we tell him that he hurt us, let us down and we feel betrayed. What's worse? Even more overwhelming than the betrayal is the guilt for feeling that way, the guilt for letting him know those feelings were there, the guilt that we might affect him in any way.

Part of it, he is having a very off week with scheduling. I've never had this many issues happen in one week, even though he does tend to start late. Part of it is we're receiving TONS more from him than we have ever allowed from anyone (and that combines to make us afraid of withdrawal or manipulation and guilty for not being appreciative enough). Part of it is just H is out of town and I'm so sensitive right now. A huge bunch of it is that honestly, in terms of what T does and offers and these little slip-ups, it's really nothing, but he touched on a HUGE container of being betrayed and let down and not being safe to express them so it all got stored up. So, there is anger and then immediately fear, since the anger/upset was so threatening. Just a huge mess that I get intellectually, but cannot stop feeling, cannot stop believing that he is going to be like the rest and walk away or threaten if it gets expressed.

I'm all mixed up. There is so much appreciation for all he does. It is A LOT. Sometimes, things will not work out. That is normal human relationship stuff. Sometimes, stuff comes up and there is no helping it. He chose to make this conversation a priority even after his family arrived and that says a lot. But that itself triggered SO much guilt for him wasting time on a nobody, when there were so many somebodies waiting to see him. He doesn't feel the same, obviously, but then he just doesn't know me well enough to know I'm a nobody. Some of it is just that he messed up multiple times in one week and it was just one too many times. Literally, ONE less time would have been OK to deal with. The first four or five were fine, through to when he couldn't read the journal (disappointment, but not anger/upset/fear). Then, when he said he might have to get off the call early as well, that was just it. It was too many disappointments in one week and there was no way to believe he wanted us around anymore.

It feels like if I share these kids' hurt and anger with him, it will kill the relationship. They are too scared to even touch it. It's like there was this period of time when I used to get shocked every time I opened a door and then it stopped, but for over a year after, I would still pause and flinch before touching a door handle. They won't get shocked, I know it, but they are pausing and flinching. It used to be running away. That is progress right? We tried to push him away and he gave us the option of an out, but kept saying how he wanted to try to end things right, more positively, to have some time of connection and even though I kept thinking it was impossible, his being willing kept me with it. I went, at least, from sure I was going to SI to thinking I can sit through it at least until tomorrow.

Now, I can't stop thinking that he hates me or if he doesn't, then his family hates me, and they know there is this pathetic client who has to steal their time away. And the reason I can't stop feeling that way is that I could have just shut down, dissociated hard, used other horrible coping mechanisms, but I could have done without his help and his time. And because I could have, I SHOULD have and now I am wrong and bad and guilty for ALLOWING him to waste his time. I get it, not my job to decide what he is allowed to do, but then I feel guilty that I did something, behaved in some way that makes him WANT to do it, which means I am wrong and bad in another way, manipulative or just dishonest about how horrible I really am, because if he knew, he wouldn't want to help.

Sigh. So much stuff stirred up all at once. It's like every dysfunctional message I have in my brain is all lit up like a Christmas tree, but with shame/guilt/pain/fear instead of pretty lights and ornaments. ARRRRGHHHHHHHH!

Sorry if this is weird or incomprehensible, it was all just stream of consciousness, which is rare for me. But, I stayed with him through it. That is something. And I told him most of the stuff I wrote here. I tried to push away and he held still, let me come and go as I felt. He stayed, so he's not going, right???
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Sorry you're feeling like this Yaku. Hopefully you can tell your T (in voice, if he hasn't gotten a chance to read what you've written - or if he has, to at least emphasize a point that is important to you during a session) that the instability of the last week has been rocking your boat. The hard thing about being a T is you should only offer something if you can be reliable about it and it will not hurt your client (i.e.: if your client can't handle if you don't text back right away and you can't promise to text back right away either you need to deal with the client upset OR you need not offer what you cannot reliably do in the first place). Hopefully you can continue to trust your T that he is taking care of himself.

A couple weeks ago I told my T something like... I feel like I'm wasting your time being here, that someone more important could be here - but I try to trust that you can triage your own patients. My T said back to me "Try to think of it as that I'm INVITING you to share this space". As in... she has the space available... and she's asking me to come be part of that time. It made a big impact on me to hear it that way and she has reiterated it once or twice that she's asking if I'd like to come and she is offering it freely. If there are constraints and stuff maybe it is better you don't know the reason (i.e.: you don't know it's his family that wants his time) so it will bug you less, etc. You can ask him to hold those boundaries, etc.

I know you don't like receiving but here's the thing... you are receiving on a consistent basis - you're getting sessions, extra sessions, email, texts, calls, skype, etc... you're already accepting it I know it's triggering and difficult to move forward but if you're going to take what is offered anyway... hopefully you can give yourself a break and some compassion that you're taking it because you need or want it. What truly is the difference between taking something with reluctance and self-hate versus taking something because it's there? Either way you still get what you want/need the difference is you're not hurting yourself in the process. As my T would ask.. "what are you getting out of that?" (what are you GETTING out of hurting yourself?) I'd tell her "protection from vulnerability" and she'd say... "I hope we can change that, I want you to feel safe here". Who or what is gaining from constantly feeling like you don't deserve what you're taking anyway? It does really sound like a complicated internal struggle.

I know you do "parts" work - it may be useful for your T to work with protective parts to acknowledge that they have done a great job, and served a great purpose... but maybe they could sit back and just see how it goes for a bit. My T has done something similar to this and it has worked quite nicely.

Good luck.


^_^ cat
(((BLT))) Aww, shucks. Not awesome. Thanks for feeling for me!

(((Cat))) One of my proudest things is that when I finally committed to not running from the phone call, I told him what the instability had done to me and nearly all the feelings written above (except I could just not let the anger/upset part be expressed, only talked about and how/why it was threatening to let it out). I think I've figured out that only the last one REALLY bothered me and that was saying that he might have to cut things short unexpectedly. That one felt the most like a choice, an understandable one, but still a decision that our time wasn't a priority. The disclosure itself put me in an awkward position of feeling like I needed to take care of his boundaries and his family's and I don't think things would have gone so badly if I hadn't know who or what I was taking away from (i.e. I have gotten much better at tolerating inconveniencing HIM and believing it's truly OK).

He kept emphasizing that I was to allow him to worry about it, to take care of himself, that it wasn't a burden, it was freely offered, that it was important to him to do it, that he saw the value of connecting with me as equal to the time he would have with his family (of which he would have plenty later). I think it was the warning me and then staying anyway that sent me into the guilt spiral. So, that is really on him. He usually does run a little bit late with things (i.e. 10 minutes), but I have never had him have so many issues with keeping up with his commitments before.

I do know that he is very aware of my needs and looking out for them, because as we were scheduling next week's sessions and I asked about Wednesday and if I could have an evening slot, he said that we are having a lot of upset over last minute changes, and on Wednesday morning, he can be very consistent and tell me ahead what the schedule will be, but Wednesday evenings are less stable and he didn't want me to be under the stress of either not knowing or the potential effects that it would have to be changed. So, I know that he gets/hears how destabilizing this was for me and that he is being thoughtful about my sensitivities, moreso than I am being, apparently. He put up a strong boundary over doing Wednesday night with me right now, specifically because he knew it was an unstable period for him and he couldn't make guarantees on the times.

Ugh, just you listing all the things I do receive, yuck, yeah hate receiving and I feel so ungrateful. At least he doesn't email me too, just reads the journals. You're right, if I'm going to take what's offered anyway, it would be good to give myself a break, but it's hard when I'm so triggered and literally hearing inside all these accusations. You're right that it's protective parts. My T actually said something similar to what you are saying and what your T has said here. What if I just accepted what is there for me? What if I just trusted him to be responsible and didn't try to take on his needs? What if I just put my own needs and feelings out there and pay attention to his response and see that it is different than others in the past, since I already *know* that it will be? So far, I think the best I can do is identify the feelings and sit with them without running from him or pushing him away. I'm actually insanely proud that I was able to do that today. Before, I would have just gotten off the call and shut down, SI to manage the feelings, etc. I actually talked about everything that came up LIVE, during the session. W00t!

I think the protective parts had been sitting back for a bit, but with H out of town and this week being so tumultuous, they kind of stepped back up. T did identify one of them and work with that during the session, which was irritatingly intuitive at the time, because that part was trying to push him the hell away.

But, I think, most of all, I just need to work on this taking responsibility for him issue. It is an across the board thing and I need him to be more aware how certain types of disclosures trigger it. Part of the journal was about that, so I'm planning on talking about that on Monday, if I don't chicken out. It makes me sad, though, because there are ways that those things also make him seem more human and connectable and safe. It seems like it's only when it's about how it affects our scheduling that it is a big problem.

(((number9))) Thanks for relating to me, but I'm sorry you know those thoughts and feelings. I am doing a little bit better. Just having been brave enough to stay on the phone through a full session time and being able to manage the SI stuff felt like a huge victory.

(((Liese))) Yes, you've hit on it exactly. I don't feel entitled to what I am getting, so I don't feel entitled to the anger/upset about losing it or having it changed. I keep saying anger/upset, because it doesn't even fully feel like anger. It feels mostly like a sort of devastation and a need to push away, but less in an angry way and more in a "I can't do this again!" sort of way. I don't know if that makes sense. I know there is anger there too, but I think it is SO buried that I can barely connect to it.
I think he is being really really sweet to you and your littler parts.It is truly lovely to read about and all your reactions seem entirely normal to me and stuff that you can work through with him and gradually get perspective on. I am so glad he is there for you right now. Have you another week til your husband gets back?

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