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******possible trigger warning*****

I don't know if this topic might be triggering for some. I've never given a trigger warning before but thought it might be appropriate.

Have never talked about my trauma with my T except for a very brief mention of it by me at the beginning of our relationship 3 years ago. It was in the context of, "my former T thinks the "trauma" is causing all my current problems." Then I rolled my eyes, as if to say how ridiculous and he rolled his eyes with me and that was the end of the conversation.

I decided at some point that "it" might be causing me more trouble than I have acknowledged and started researching trauma. Then I found this website. I read an article that trauma is actually stored in a separate part in the brain, not along with the regular memories. And, that the trauma memories have to be triggered and then paired with positive experiences. I think I read that. Now I'm not sure anymore.

Anyway, so since that day I spent shivering, waiting for T's phone call that never came, I decided the trauma was triggered and I've been waiting for my corrective emotional experiences. But I've never ever discussed this with T. It's like I'm doing therapy by myself along side with him, not really letting him in. We're doing therapy parallel to each other.

I decided that it had to be talked about if only so that we are both on the same page. So yesterday, very cautiously, I told T that I had been doing reading on trauma. He brought up the stuff about my brother that I recently shared with him and said, yes, that could be very traumatic. And, so I said, well, there is another trauma not related to my brother. I don't want to talk about it but I know I told you. Do you remember it? And he just stared at me for a really long time. So I started to panic. I told him to just shake his head, up and down or sideways. Just send up a smokescreen. Finally, he said, "I don't know." (When I showed him the CPTSD diagnosis a few weeks ago, he said, but you don't have any trauma. And, so if he did remember, he has to cover his tracks?)

That was it. Just a simple I don't know. And then he went on about how he doesn't make people relive their trauma and he doesn't normalize, etc. I told him that I don't want to relive it but I thought we should discuss it in general terms so that we are on the same page. Our time was over by quite a bit so we had to end. He said we'd talk about it on Monday.

I wasn't upset initially. But today I'm like, what kind of answer is I don't know. Either I told you or I didn't. Either you remember or you don't. And, I'm starting to hyperventilate about discussing it with him on Monday. I've been dealing with a lot of clique situations with my 6th grader lately and it's been a really emotionally trying time for me. T has been there for me. I need T to be my rock right now but I'm not going to make progress if I'm not willing to have the hard conversations with him.

T has been very supportive of me trying to return to the workforce. But I can't focus on what I need to focus on in order to prepare for my reentry. I'm caught up in all this emotional stuff and I can't seem to get past it and let it all go. I told my T that, if it's possible to schedule such things that I want to spend time now sorting through all the emotional issues so that I can put myself back together for my return to the workforce. He said, we've been doing that for the last couple of months. Now, I've promised him that I'm going to complete some projects around the house by the end of January. And then at the beginning of February, I'm going to take an online course that will help boost my confidence to return to the workforce. It just seems to me that a normal person would be able to just get through what I have to do in the house in a couple of days or a week but I procrastinate and get nothing done. I find all kinds of excuses. The kids have off from school. Snow day. Martin Luther King day. I didn't even know it was Martin Luther King day. Someone mentioned President's Day was coming up and I just assumed that it was this Monday. How can I return to the workforce if I don't even know what day it is????
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oh Liese, I am sorry that your T doesn't remember. I know how that feels and have experienced something similar first hand.

I think that because you didn't go into any details with T when you casually mentioned it 3 years ago, it didn't seep into his memory. I'm sure that if you had told him more details and discussed it more, he would have remembered.

I know its hard, but we do have to be forgiving our T's faulty memories at times. They have quite a bit of information to recall. I honestly am amazed that they are able to recall as much as they do. Sometimes we just have to cut them a little slack, even if it does sting a little.
Hi LG,

I'm not really mad at him. It was just a very casual mention 3 years ago so if he forgot I wouldn't be surprised. I just think he remembers and he's pretending not to know. Does that sound as untrusting as I think it does? He has a memory like a steel trap. I casually mentioned the name of my daughter's basketball coach a few weeks ago and he drops the name into the conversation this week. I just don't think he'd forget something like a trauma.

But now I realize that my panic earlier is from a text that I had to send and it must have been pushing all my buttons because once I sent it, I felt so much better!!!

I had to tell my daughter's soccer coach that she's not coming back this spring. He was screaming at me on the phone a couple of days ago that we were punishing the team. It's a long convoluted story but in the end, we wound up losing $100.00 so the team could register for the spring. So he's down to one sub. But he still has two months to find another player. I very nicely again told him she wasn't coming back and he again told me we're punishing the team. It's all soooo triggering for me. T has been helping work through the situation all week. I told him I was dreading sending the coach the final text today. Right after I sent it, I felt waves of relief and almost like a normal human being again.

The coach told me he'll call me on Monday to discuss why I'm punishing the team. I just don't know why this guy can't see that there's a conflict of needs here. No one's right. No one's wrong. It's just not working. I'm very nicely trying to switch teams without a major confrontation and even forked up $100.00 so he could register the team. I don't know why this guy can't move on???

Anyway, feeling better about T and stronger about having the trauma conversation with him on Monday, even if we don't talk about the trauma. I don't really want to. I don't know if I'll ever want to. But I do think we have to find a way to talk around it and the problems I have out in real life. He insists that my treatment is the same regardless of my background. I think he knows I can't handle too much stress right now. Maybe he's trying to protect me.

(...) And, so I said, well, there is another trauma not related to my brother. I don't want to talk about it but I know I told you. Do you remember it? And he just stared at me for a really long time. So I started to panic. I told him to just shake his head, up and down or sideways. Just send up a smokescreen. Finally, he said, "I don't know."

Liese, i understand why you want to know if T remembered or not. Its interesting that you think he DOES remember, but pretend not to. It could be so, because YOU remember it so very clearly and deep down hope he would to. Or he does, but pretend not to - Why do you think he would do that? I am just guessing here, but i would assume that he doesnt remember. And he`s reply was just honest. A short "yes" or "No" answer wouldnt have invited you to tell about the trauma, in the same way, IMO. At least i interpreted that statment as an honest and open invitation for you to bring up the trauma again. Liese, I know its hard an d stressfull to think about brigning it up, but i think you`re on right track here, when wanting to share it with him also, in order to be on the same page again, in your Therapy.

And then he went on about how he doesn't make people relive their trauma and he doesn't normalize, etc.

i am not sure i understand what that means- that he doesnt make people "relive" their trauma? How did you understand this?
Good luck with you session.
Thanks Frog, for the reply. It feels nice to know someone's listening. I do find the forum so hard soemtimes. I open up and feel so vulnerable. I was in complete panic mode yesterday. But I'm better today, Frog. Thanks for asking why he would pretend not to know. I guess it's just that in my family, we all pretended not to know anything, even your own self. It must be another one of those transference things rearing its ugly head. So much to work through.

I do like my T a lot. He's been there for me lately. He's really been great. I wouldn't be upset that he forgot because it was such a mere minor mention 3 years ago. It's just that I figured he remembered. I've trying to bring it up for 3 months. But I haven't been very direct. I've been trying to get him to ask. It just doesn't happen. He's not biting. So, it's up to me to talk about it or not. And figure out how it's impacting my life or not, right?

It just feels so shameful to talk about it. Like I'm doing the wrong thing by talking about it. As if it would be better to ignore it and pretend it didn't happen. I'm afraid he'll be mad at me for wanting to talk about it but I'm sure that's one of those transference things again. My Dad was always mad at me for bringing anything up. It's hard having emotions in the first place but then having all these tethers on them drives me crazy. It's scary enough to feel and then to feel that the feelings are wrong on top of that. I guess if it's wasn't so shameful in my family to feel, it wouldn't be so scary to feel. Maybe once I really give myself permission to feel, it won't hurt so much to have an emotion.

I know I'm rambling. Thanks for listening.
Dear Liese, you arent rambling at all. I understand why you are worried about this, whether to bring it up or not. Hence to how long you`ve tried the last moths, and how briefly you mentioned the trauma 3 years ago. No wonder why you havent managed to be clear about it, since its so hurts to speak clear about painfull memories.
You seem to be wery aware of the transference impact on this, Liese. That you`re afraid of your T`s reaction (or lack of reaction, perhaps?) It comes across that your T is a good T, so i am sure he will be able to handle it if you tell him. You can even tell him that you have tried to tell him something for some time, yet are afrad of his reaction to it, and then if you fele safe enough,and let your T supprt you from there. Then maybe you can manage to bring up the trauma. Just as much as you fell up to at the moment. But at least, that will give him an idea of how important this is for you, and he will hopefully help you to talk about it furhter bit by bit with understanding and empathy.
Yes, Liese, the task to bring it up is all yours. T cant guess what you`re thinking about, -oh, wouldnt that be great if they could? No wonder why you`re scared to bring this up with your T when your father got angry at you. I am sorry that happened. But your T isnt your father. (sorry for saying the obvious here) It could be very healing to experience telling about it, and be met with a a complitley different way: only with respect and empathy and understnading. Thats waht you deserved all along anyway. I can also see why he isnt "biting" on it as you said, simply because he has to be sure that he aint gonna end up dragging it out of you- but rather show you the respect and be patient with you, to talk aobut it when yuu feel ready.
Dont be afraid Liese. I am sorry its hard for you now. Its very good that you reached out here. HUGS
AG, thank you for sharing your stories with me. It was very helpful. One of the many things that I find difficult about therapy is accepting that it's okay to talk about the many things that it wasn't okay to talk about in my FOO. Sometimes I just get stuck in that panic mode and I don't think straight. I have to learn to calm myself down and stand back. It is really comforting to know that you went through some of the same things that I'm going through now.

UV, thank you so much for your reply. I've read your replies on other posts and know you are struggling with your own T right now. I'm sorry that things are hard for you now. I hope that you are able to say what you need to say to your T and be able to work things out. I read what you wrote on another thread about doing therapy when you're younger because as we age our defense mechanisms become too entrenched, or something like that. I defintely sense that it's much harder for me to learn now at the age of 47 but luckily my T is a few years older than me and he just keeps encouraging me to grow. You also wrote something on another thread about the observing ego that sounded very fascinating. I think I need to develop that. I wonder how you go about developing that??

It's such a relief to me to hear that we don't have to do trauma processing. I think I do need to be able to talk around it with him but I'm not ready to go into it with him.

Another problem I have is that I think another part of me really wants to bolt from therapy again. There's the part of me that wants to stay and the part that wants to run. I think the part that wants to run wants to get it all done and finished so I can get out of there. And then there is the reality that when I reenter the workforce, I NEED to be able to pull myself together better than I have been able to in the past.

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