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Just out of curiosity, I was wondering what others have felt is their T's strongest or best trait. One of the reasons I was thinking about this, is because I continue to marvel about how patient my T is. She has stuck by me for so long I can hardly believe it. I have at times, railed against her patience, wanting her to push me more. She knows that won't work most of the time, so she just continues to be her steady patient self and for that, I am forever grateful.
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My T is also super patient with me. And I love that she's very forgiving and is able to see past all my crazy ways of dealing with things and just sees me. She is able to see that I'm not crazy even though I feel like it at times and just because something is happening that is out of my control, I don't have to let it affect me in a negative way. I swear, she has has some sort of crazy 6th sense about things...she may or may not have super powers Razzer
Hmm, when I first read the question my initial thought was, "T has the most adorable accent in the world!" which actually seems kind of lame as a best trait for a T, but it's true that she has a lovely accent. Just the slightest southern drawl, but the elegant pretty kind, not an annoying twang at all. I love hearing her voice and listening to her talk.

It's more than the accent, though. T's voice is wonderfully expressive and can contain a lot of subtlety of nuance, so the things she says seem to have more range of meaning than a lot of people's words. She can make her voice very gentle and soothing when my anxiety is out of control and needs regulating-- very effective for calming, grounding. She's also fabulous at reading out loud. I have her read things to me a lot, actually. She's really nice about it.

In addition to that, I will give her props for having an intelligent and nimble mind and a great intuition for conversational rapport. She doesn't understand everything I try to convey to her, but pretty close. That's been a rarity in my experience.
My list would be very long, but if I had to pick one, it is his non-defensiveness. No matter what I bring to him, even if I'm upset with him, the focus stays on MY feelings and understanding myself. The focus never shifts to him. It's quite remarkable really and I sometimes have fantasies of him going out behind the building and jumping up and down and screaming to get it all out before returning and being serene for the next client. Big Grin
It's quite remarkable really and I sometimes have fantasies of him going out behind the building and jumping up and down and screaming to get it all out before returning and being serene for the next client.

Big Grin Big Grin

OMG that is just too funny to imagine. If your T is doing that then I can't even imagine what mine is doing to maintain his sanity after one of our sessions.


PS... My T's best strengths are his intelligence, absolute consistency and sense of humor.
My list would be long, too. I can only narrow it down to two. No, three:

She's incredibly empathic in her facial expressions, her body language, and her words.

She's completely unflappable. But somehow she's still able to maintain her empathy even while presenting herself as unaffected by something that I may see as disgusting or whatnot.

Her patience. I have been worried that she thinks I'm disgusting since I have shared more with her, and she keeps saying she's not. I apologized for asking again, and she said that I could ask her every minute of the 50 minute session, and it'd be fine with her. Her answer kind of encompasses that quality in her.

It's heart warming to read all of the great Ts that many have. They are out there, even if we have to work a bit to find them.

Hugs to everyone.
Lots of things, but her memory is amazing. She recently forgot something trivial, but I think that was the first time ever in more than 2 years Smiler Makes me feel like she's so attuned and really listening and remembering. She's so good at being attuned. She's never had a bad day, never missed the mark majorly. She's never canceled one appointment. I feel like I'm so lucky to have her! She's not overly complimentary but she also does not make me feel foolish for what I say. I have felt so stuck lately but she doesn't make me feel like she's annoyed or wants me to just move on. Okay, I guess that's enough! Great thread Becca!!

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