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I am in the midst of a freak out about T's upcoming wedding. Its causing all kinds of anxiety. I have talked to her about it but I don't feel less anxious. I am bummed I don't get to share it with her at all. I am allowed to ask some questions but she quickly moves the topic aside to get to my stuff. But in a sense, this is "my stuff" too because I am so afraid she's going to stop working to start her family which I know she wants. She assures me she will always work because she loves what she does but I don't believe it. I know how getting married and starting a family changes plans. I saw her engagement photos yesterday and it makes me so sad for some reason. I feel so stupid and selfish. I guess I am wondering if anyone else has had to deal with their T getting married, having a kid, or other major life changes and how that affected their therapy.
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It's only natural to feel anxiety around this event. Your abandonment fears are kicking in!! Maybe you just need extra reassurance? And if she does take a break, it sounds like it will be very temporary.

Had some anxiety when my therapist told me he bought a house on the beach far, far away.. He has taken some extra time off, which was anxiety provoking...but reassured me he wasn't retiring or even planning on it! Though he is of retirement age, I trust him..but I could tell he is honest from his body language anyway (he knows he cannot fool me). My therapist absolutely loves his job too, and I believe him that he has no plans to retire.

So I think if she was planning on quitting, she would tell you about it...any ethical therapist would mention the possibility. For sure.

Sorry to hear she redirects the conversation; I agree, this definitely pertains to you and your feelings. Please tell her this!

Feelings are NOT selfish-only behavior is selfish...even so, your reaction sounds no where near the end of the selfish baromater..just natural anxieties.

Take care Hug two
Thank you Dragonfly. Your words were helpful so please don't discount your contributions. I too hate knowing that I won't be invited to her wedding (and I get why intellectually) even though I feel like she's my most significant relationship outside of my husband. I wish I could share such an important milestone with her. When I saw her engagement photos (on FB, she didn't share them with me) I felt so excluded and detached. I continue to work through these feelings with her but 50 minutes a week only gets me so far. I am glad she's not having her wedding here in town as I would be very tempted to spy. Smiler
I guess I am wondering if anyone else has had to deal with their T getting married, having a kid, or other major life changes and how that affected their therapy.

Hoosier, hi.

The only thing I can relate this to for me is a dream I had about my T was that she went to school and then quit being a therapist because of it. I waited a few weeks after I had the dream, but I did ask her, "Are you going to school?" She answered, without hesitation, because it was about psychological testing, then asked me why. I told her about my dream. She asked if I was worried. Yes, of course I was. I didn't want to lose her. She does seem to do more testing and supervision of students than actually therapy, so I worry, but what choice do I have, I have to just believe her at this moment.

I imagine the anxiety you are feeling and the 'redirecting' of the conversation would only heighten that. I do not think you are 'over-reacting'. Your feelings are your feelings.

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