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I don't get it. I dreaded her leaving and now have mixed feelings about seeing her now that she's back. Yes, we've already had several breaks before and she's returned every time. Why the anxiety? Why the desire to cancel all future appts already booked?

Brick wall

Li'l one has been angry since she left and now she's angry at the thought of her coming back like she said she would. I thought this would be easier by now.


The adult is totally confused, so is not able to help li'l one either.

Confused , ,

The Kid and li'l one
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The rational part of the brain gets it but ....

I feel like I've gone thru even more changes just this past week. My swirling internal weather system is on the move once again. Issues with drinking surfaced that I wasn't at all expecting, issues with parents that need to be addressed but don't know how to or have the energy for right now and dealing with feelings from all feels too overwhelming. It's taking every ounce of my energy just to make it thru each day.

I only want the pain to go away....sorry everyone, if this seems like a lot of self pity but the tears have been coming ever since I woke up this morning.

The Kid

and li'l one

After having dinner with the family last night, came home feeling utterly distressed. Today I see T. I left her a v/m last night and sent her an email so she knows how desperate things feel. She also knows li'l one and I are feeling quite anxious about seeing her after her vacation. She responded early this morning to say she understands how I feel and heard how upset I am and really looks forward to seeing both of us this afternoon. I just want to hide under the covers and not go to work. Face is swollen from crying on and off all night, little sleep and concentration is zip. It's gonna be a long day and I just want to hide from the world. How 's that for self-pity this morning???

The kid and li'l one

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