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Today I met one of the Ts that Em (My T) is recommending. Em was also there with me. I went into it anticipating it would be difficult but cannot believe just how difficult it actually was. I feel like a complete idiot. I froze. I was completely guarded, spent most of the session in a disociated state, and when I was present I was pissed off and rude. Really nice. The few syllables I was able to release sounded like they were coming from a toddler. I am sure she was *really* impressed with me! I finally told them both I was not going to be able to talk and asked Em to ask a few questions we had discussed. We were in the T's office for 15 minutes before I could not wait to get the hell out of there! I lasted another 15 and then met with Em is another space in the building.

So I am trying to process it. Trying to figure out whether it was simply not a good fit, I am not giving her a chance, and whether I will possibly *like* or at least not dislike anyone at this point. I guess it was unrealistic, but I was really hoping to at least feel some sort of positive feeling (hope)like maybe I can continue my journey with another T. I know it was just the first T and the first meeting, but I felt nothing. She was not Em.

She was very kind. Her office was filled with beautiful paintings (that I think she had done) and inspirational quotes, a couch, blanket. It felt like she is trying to inpspire creativity and expression. It felt like there was a lot of clutter and I am uncertain whether it was really too much or if it was too different and my brain couldn't process. I did not like that there were 2 large windows with nothing on them. I love natural light in my home but in therapy I need the safety of walls. I do need a window, but with something over it so I don't feel totally exposed and vulnerable.

Writing is helping me process the expereince. I am wondering if those of you who have had to find new T's knew right away whether or not they liked the new T, or if it took some time before liking anyone, or just how the process of accepting someone else as your T progressed.

Falling asleep as I just took 2 Advil PM's. I will write more tomorrow but would like to hear about other people's experiences.
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I have never had to get a new T, but with my T (who is my first since early childhood and was my H's T first), this was my experience:

-Every time I met him with H, I didn't feel at all connected.

-A couple weeks of seeing him on my own and I instantly felt pretty comfortable (compared to my usual ability to open up to people).
Seablue, I'm sorry it was so awkward and difficult meeting with a new therapist. It's so hard when you can't figure out if it's just the wrong fit or if your hurt about the separation is making *everything* feel wrong.

When Curly-T was leaving I met one of the potential new Ts with her. I was shocked at how young she looked, then everything went wrong. It was only supposed to be a 5 minute meeting but no-one knew what to say. Curly-T said "It's hard transferring, hard on the client but it's hard on the new T too". I'm sure she meant well but it really struck me wrong - I thought WTF? *I* have to look after *her*?

Then Curly T asked Young T to say a little bit about how she likes to work. Young T said - "I'm really interested in people, and how they relate to each other".

I nearly choked and died.... Call me psychic but somehow I had already picked up that information about her - her being a THERAPIST and all. Ordinarily I would just see a comment like that as not too significant... I mean, a conversation's got to start somewhere, even somewhere lame.... But it struck me right then as THE STUPIDEST THING ANY HUMAN BEING COULD POSSIBLY SAY IN THESE CIRCUMSTANCES and I nearly said so.

I didn't, but I decided on the spot that I couldn't work with her - no way. but the meeting was (for some dumb reason) set up at the beginning of a couples session, so then Young T left and my H and his T came in and I had to sit through the couples session feeling really upset about it and not being able to say so until my next individual appointment, which was my second to last with Curly T. It totally sucked.

Hmm, this may not be helping.... I guess I just want to say it is a terrible upheaval, it feels like crap because it's all so uncertain and unpredictable and you don't know how the future will be. But the future settles down at some point, it really does. Even if you have to go through what I and others have of trying other Ts out and finding they are NOT right. If you hang in there and hold on to your desire to heal you WILL get someone who is just right. I am quite quite sure of it.

Take care, Sea.

Thank you for you replies Monte, Yaku, and Jones.

I think you all are right that meeting alone the potential new Ts would be a goood idea. It makes me sad because I want Em to be with me for comfort not only in the sort of difficult situation of meeting a potential new T but also there is a feeling at an almost *need* level to be with her as much as possible until she goes.

I do think I will schedule a meeting with the potential new T alone to see how that feels. There is also the fact that at least for me there is something quite intimidating about sitting in a room with 2 T's....sort of feels like an interview. I am hoping that may have been a big part of my freeze reaction.

Jones, Thank you for relating to me. I know you have gone through this but am sort of wondering how you managed to get through it with so much dignity. I don't remember you falling to pieces in the least....I am amazed by your strength because....this feels truly agonizing and I feel like a child with these intense feelings so much of the time. I could also relate to your feelings about the comment made to you about the process being "hard on the new T." Em said to me that she was feeling a little bit badly for the potential new T after our meeting and I had the same reaction you did.....Though not until I got home, as I could not process *anything* at all while I was there. It's really bugging me now though!! I *DO NOT* want to feel like I have to be careful with her!!! It is not about her!! I go with the toddler-ish tantruming again. Roll Eyes

I also have 2 other Ts I will meet with, one from someone on the forum and another that Em knows well. I am feeling a need to do it quickly...sort of like ripping the band-aid off. I feel like I have been picking at it too long and just need to get on with it......and I still *hate* it. The thought of anyone else knowing me the way Em does does not seem possible at all.
I'm really impressed how you do all this sea! You just go out and meet new Ts! That is a big deal in my opinion. You could just as well hide at home and not do anything. But you are doing something and you're moving forward.

When I met consult T a week ago (holy... it seems like months) I wasn't too happy with it either. She was nice and all but she wasn't T. She wasn't familiar. I also didn't really like her office. I did like the cushions, they looked like grey stones with those white lines and they were firm and so cool! Not my style but I somehow loved them. Anyway, I really have no idea why I wasn't nervous at all. I'm the one who freaks out every week before session and I wasn't nervous waiting for consult T or talking to her. I just thought: "oh, wth, I'll just talk and listen" and it worked. I told her some things about me and she asked a few questions. It was a 50min session and I was really relaxed.

Maybe that helps you, too. Take the pressure off yourself. Just go and talk and observe and leave again. Don't think that this might be the person who will know you intimately, who will be there with you in your pain and joy and everything else. It's just a person and this person might be a right T for you or not. You can always decide afterwards. It also helps not to freak out because it's just a conversation.
I do that all the time to get a grip on my anxiety. It may sound stupid but in the end, I decide what I'm doing- all the time, always. It is completely up to me. I could go and live in a tree in a forest if I wanted to. So why can't I just talk to a person who happens to be a T and listen to what they have to say.
Well, I think you're doing great sea! I really do!
Thank you for supporting me and for saying those nice things. Smiler

I know it really is just a conversation, but I am so not good at that. I have a terrible time making small talk with most people and try to avoid it when possible, so talking about personal things with someone I don't know? Eeker I am introverted on top of HATING the circustances I am in.

I Apologize for feeling sorry for myself and being so negative. Frowner
Hey Seablue,

I think it may be too soon to say if it is a good fit or not. Any feelings you have about the termination of your therapy with previous T are going to put a filter on you interactions with new T for a while.

I also want to add that when I went to T2 for the first time, I wasn't sure if she was a good fit. She seemed a little stuffy that first session but now that I have been going to her for six months, I can say that she is not stuffy at all and is a very good fit. But it took some time to realize that.
wow seablue, I don't think I could have lasted 5 minutes, let alone 30 with two T's!

i don't have any words of advice or anything - i just admire your courage. i hope you do find a good t for you.

the first time i saw both of my t's i was terrified. i didn't think i would make it past a second session with either of them (and here I am a year later with both of them). I was transitioning at the time from my old T and it was tough. There were a few t's I ruled out pretty quickly, a few that ruled out me, but it took time for me to really "rule in" either of my t's now. I very deliberately took it one session at a time because trying to switch felt like such a hard task. i didn't think i could do it either, but i am much further along with my ts now than i ever was with my old t.

i hope you will find a really awesome t that is a great fit for you and can help you take the next steps in your healing journey. i'm sorry about having to face ending with Em.

I Apologize for feeling sorry for myself and being so negative.

Seablue... please do not apologize for feeling this way. This is a very major thing you are dealing with and going through. It is very hard. Leaving someone who you are very attached to feels like death and with good reason. Biologically leaving an attachment figure as a child would mean death. We as humans are hard-wired to stay close to our Attachment Figure. I felt like I was dying when old T abandoned me. I literally could not breathe or move. I felt paralzyled or in such awful pain I could not function.

I do think that you will need some time to grieve the loss of your T and it's important to find a new T that will allow you the time to grieve and miss her and will be patient enough to wait for you to be ready to attach again to someone new.

My experience... well I would say the first thing I thought about even in my grief was what exactly did I want in a T?? I wanted a male in his 50's or 60's... someone with experience but not too old who would retire on me. I wanted someone with an office close to my office since my appts are on lunch hour. I wanted someone who understood attachment and complex trauma, and who would allow outside of session contact via phone or email. This was important. It was also important that I felt comfy in their office space. My oldT had an office in a 200 year old farmhouse which had the aura of the past and a wonderful character. His office had this huge beautiful fireplace with handmade colorful tiles around it. I loved being in that office. It was not too big nor too small and not too light. The windows were small and 2 looked out into the grassy area with nice trees.

And so I went to see T1. I was so freaked out that day. It was only 3 days after the abandonment. I saw a T whose office was in an older building. It was an attic office. Small with low ceilings and very cluttered. I would not sit on his couch and he had to clear off a desk chair for me. He was nice but formal and stiff. In his 60's I would say. I mostly just cried and cried. And then I felt panicky about being alone with a strange man in an isolated office. I had to calm myself down. Basically, he said I needed better boundaries (which I heard as you are a wild crazy woman and need to be pulled in) and that he does not use the phone or have email and that I could only ever see him once per week. I felt he was too rigid for me and I never went back.

T2 was someone I knew slightly because he used to rent an office in oldT's farmhouse. He was a nice guy and now had a new office space. His office was HUGE. He sat so far away from me it felt like the Grand Canyon was between us. Probably it was 10 feet. He had nice new furniture, gave me all the appropriate paperwork and listened as I talked about oldT shaking his head in amazement. I cried a lot there too. He also told me no outside contact unless I had to cancel an appointment or I was suicidal. Gee thanks. I had to be suicidal to call him. Aside from that I remember I had to leave by an alternate door in his office which led directly into the parking lot. I felt like I was being expelled and it felt wrong. I sat in the car and cried for an hour after that. I never went back to him either. I did write him a note explaining a little and asked for my receipt which he forgot to give me. He wrote me back a very nice note as well.

T3 was "D"... you may remember she threw me under the bus in the "transition" session with old T. She had a nice office in a big office building. It as very feminine though which really threw me because I had never seen a female T before. We sat close and she was very casual, not a clock watcher and didn't mind calls or emails from me. But she seemed clueless about attachment and at our last session she told me I should learn to attach to myself. That was when I walked away. I didn't need to deal with that again. She totally mishandled that session with oldT, never defending ME but worrying about him. I saw her for 10 sessions and then left, despite knowing that she was the last connection to oldT. I felt strongly that she would end up hurting me at some point.

T4 was a male, 46, who was a Christian counselor and who promised me we could do therapy without the religious aspect which is what I wanted. He was well versed in complex trauma and followed Briere someone who I respect in the trauma field. The thing was I had to meet him in an old church office that he used on the ONE day per week he was in my town. My appointments would rotate either at 6pm or 9 pm. the 9pm was late for me with a child at home. He was smart and nice and empathic. I did like him and felt he was knowledgeable and he asked good questions and also shared a lot of info about ethical terminations. He seemed very open and honest. I hated the old shabby, messy office, sitting on hard chairs and surrounded by the church pastor's belongings. It could never feel like home, like my oldT's office did to me. It was too impersonal. He never offered outside contact and I didn't ask about it. But he WAS in my insurance plan (the others were not) and I was so broke from paying all the other Ts I hung in there for a bit.

But at the same time I had an appointment with my current T. I had one appointment and then he left for a week of vacation. I can't say I like him immediatly. Actually, I never believed I could ever like another T ever again. I tried to look at it from a totally intellectual viewpoint. Sort of meeting criteria that was in my head. Actually, I felt a higher degree of comfort with him right away from our first phone call...he told me attachment was perfectly normal and even desired in psychodynamic therapy. He understood complex trauma and abuse and how it relates. He understood about my abrupt and harmful termination and he was warm and friendly on the phone. When I met him he seemed really happy to meet me. He shook hands, told me to call him by first name, told me I could call, beep or email him anytime. He was in my insurance plan too! HIs office was modern but not too big or small and close to me. What brought me a lot of comfort was the huge wall of books he had and all the knick knacks (which I rightly assumed was from clients). I figured he was loved by many others.... good sign.

The strange part of this is... he was the T of my work friend who was the one who I called that horrible day my oldT called the police on me. She came with me to the ER and came home w/me and took all my painkillers. She was pretty freaked out by the whole thing and ended up calling my T/her T and told him the entire story. So he actually knew OF me before he met me and was actually very happy I showed up at his door. He seems to specialize in those with prior failed treatment experiences. He told me that he was so impressed with my courage in calling him because he knew I knew he knew OF me from my friend (if that makes sense).

The rest is history. I had to suffer through not having a regular appointment for 4 months. That was hard. He was somewhat similar to oldT in age and coloring and body shape so that it was hard to look at him and know he was not my oldT. Eye contact was difficult. It was really hard at times to stay with him. But he never changed. He answered my emails and remained consistent. I allowed him to know me more an the more he knew the more connected we became and the more invested HE became in me and in wanting the best for me and in moving closer to me.

It took about 3 months of seeing him sometimes 2x per week to get to the point of feeling something for him. Feeling the possibility of connection. I remember because it was around Christmas. It was like a miracle.

You pretty much know the rest. I'm still with him. He is wonderful and amazing and so much better than oldT. I am blessed.

So that is my SAGA. It can be done. It takes work and courage and stamina and risking gettinig attached to someone new. It's scary at times but we will all be here to support you.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Your meeting with the other T and your T sounds similar to what happened to me when I met back-up T. Do you remember that? I showed up to a session and she was there and suddenly I had to meet this person and boy do I know what you mean about having 2 T's in the room. I later described it to my T as feeling like a fish in a fish bowl. It was as if I was being watched, examined and studied and it sucked. The room suddenly was much smaller than it feels with just me and T. I felt utterly speechless and at the same time I was dizzy, angry, petulant and crushed. All I could see when I looked at this T or thought about dealing with her was that she would be necessary only if my T wasn't available. That was hard to face because the idea of my T not being around was too much to think about.

We met another time with this T and once again I had a reaction I wasn't prepared for. I couldn't bring myself to talk or participate much and we ended up asking her to leave. Again. I really thought it was all because of the way we first met and that younger parts must have been too scared of her. Well, I ended up taking my son to her for therapy and guess what? I still didn't like her. I felt she was too disorganized and the way she did things felt a bit unprofessional. She had a habit of going off on tangents telling us stories about other people, she was nearly always late and almost always ended my son early so as to get back on her time schedule for the next client. I just didn't like her! Oh and I didn't like her office space. It was overstimulating and made me a bit nuts!

Anyway, my point is that part of your feelings might be due to what the other T represents. In order to embrace another T, you have to admit that your T is leaving and accept that and that is heart breaking. No wonder you are feeling upset by meeting the other T's. On the other hand, it may just be that this T isn't a good fit. It's hard to tell and I think perhaps meeting with her without your T could give you more info about that.

Anyway, I'm sorry that this is so painful. I can only imagine and if I even allow myself to think about it I get very emotional. So I can only imagine how intensely painful this must be for you. (((hugs)))
I agree that it might be too soon to know especially when I consider the conditions we met under. Thank you for your support.

jane, was a very looong 30 minutes!! Thank you for saying I am courageous and for your good wishes.

[QUOTE]Biologically leaving an attachment figure as a child would mean death. We as humans are hard-wired to stay close to our Attachment Figure. I felt like I was dying when old T abandoned me. I literally could not breathe or move. I felt paralzyled or in such awful pain I could not function.

The amount of pain I feel right now scares me so much. I am so afraid of what will become of me when she is gone. My separation anxiety is out of control when Em is gone for a week. The panic is awful right now and it truly does feel like life and death....I need to be with her to feel ok. That is embarassing to admit, though I am sure I have admitted to worse here. I guess I am terrifed of what's to come and really question whether I will survive it...really.

I followed your story closely when you went through oldT's horrible abandonment. I talked about it with my T, I was so upset about it.
I remember the hope I had for you everytime you posted you were going to be checking out another new T. I thought you were so brave and so determined. I just could not be happier for you that you are with such a wonderful T now. Smiler

I do remember when you met the potential back-up T by surprise. I really felt for you and I now understand why you said at one point that you wished you had met her one-on-one first. Fish in a fish bowl...yes! ish!! I could hear them chatting when I arrived and could not bring myself to go anywhere near the door for fear of overhearing something I didn't want to hear. And in the session, everytime they exchanged fear-o-meter went bananas! Thanks for reminding me of your experience, and for your support.

I can of course see that others have found wonderful new Ts and in many cases were able to go even further than with their previous Ts....but when it comes to me I feel so hopeless and undeserving and weird and gross....especially after the meeting. I can;t stop thinking about how when Em goes, the child parts will be all alone....No one will know them or even know they are there anymore. How can I possibly show them to anyone else? This really sucks bad.

I really hate myself for doing this and I am so sorry for this constant negativity. I just don't know where else to go. No one else gets this pain. I can barely breathe sometimes and many days I don't even get myself dressed. I haven't worked out in weeks. It is really pathetic.

Thankful for this forum full of caring people.
I can;t stop thinking about how when Em goes, the child parts will be all alone....No one will know them or even know they are there anymore. How can I possibly show them to anyone else? This really sucks bad.

Hi sea... thank you for being so happy for me that I found my new T and for thinking I'm brave. Don't know how brave I felt back then, it was more just plunging ahead without thinking too much about the future. Just one day at a time. Knowing I needed to find someone to help with the pain.

sea... you will eventually be known by someone else. You will be able to share all your parts with a new T that you will come to trust and care about as she will care about you. But it takes time and does not happen in any kind of linear fashion I'm discovering. I go back and forth and because in my case I have the complication of dealing with some leftover stuff from oldT, my therapy sometimes gets derailed by his nonsense.

Do you remember my thread about despairing about everything being a "do-over". I was stuck trying to figure out how to do this all over again with someone new. How was I supposed to do this again? I didn't want to do it again and at times was angry at my sweet new T because he didn't know me and I didn't want to make the effort to allow him to know me. Not sure I wanted him too close to me. I didn't trust him (he was a T after all) and I was sure he would do something to hurt me too. I felt like a porcupine sitting in his office... with the spines out so he could not get near to me. I had to protect myself at all costs. And I was still SO DAMN ANGRY at my oldT for putting me in this position of having to do a "do-over" or rerun of everything.

But when I told my new T about this struggle I was waging and how I just didn't know how to do this, how it felt unfair to him that he was getting everything second hand and it felt wrong. It was like giving him oldT's old clothes to wear. He told me something I will never forget. He told me "well maybe I'm a master tailor and I will take his old clothes and make a beautiful new suit out of them". That knocked me out of my seat. I was so amazed in how he turned it all around and made it "beautiful" for me.

So many little things that he did and said that began to melt the block of ice around my heart. I saw his care and his intelligence and how furious he would get at old T. He began to really know me. He would remember to close the blinds each session. He allowed me to leave my blanket there and he puts it on my chair for me. He reminds me to call him or email him. He can tell my emotional state just by looking at me in reception.

You will find this too. I know you will if you just hang in there. I actually think it would be easier to meet Ts alone without Em there. I think that causes you to divide your feelings and makes it more confusing. It makes you feel somehow disloyal too. Would it be possible to interview Ts that you find on your own instead of referrals from Em?

I know you will come through this. And I know you won't believe it right now because I did not either. It was my dear friend and my sister who kept insisting I would be okay and so I had to believe them because I had no belief myself.

Keep posting seablue. It will help you to get through this horrible time.

Do you remember my thread about despairing about everything being a "do-over". I was stuck trying to figure out how to do this all over again with someone new. How was I supposed to do this again? I didn't want to do it again and at times was angry at my sweet new T because he didn't know me and I didn't want to make the effort to allow him to know me. Not sure I wanted him too close to me. I didn't trust him (he was a T after all) and I was sure he would do something to hurt me too. I felt like a porcupine sitting in his office... with the spines out so he could not get near to me. I had to protect myself at all costs. And I was still SO DAMN ANGRY at my oldT for putting me in this position of having to do a "do-over" or rerun of everything.

I do remember this thread. The feeling of being a porcupine resonates with me....I am pretty sure the T I met Friday hates me already. It is exhausting to think about the effort it will take for a new T to know me. Seems impossible.

Thank you for your kindness, TN. I am sorry I can't write more. Having trouble forming a thought.

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