I am fairly new here, although I do admit to creeping on forums here for a bit.
Yesterday I was having a session with T. I have been seeing her for just over 2 months about every 3 week. I had been seeing another T every month or so for the past 3 years but had to terminate that relationship due to moving away.
So I haven't been too impressed with current T yet and yesterday didn't help with it. It started with her setting up things for us to work on. Great. But she has these sheet of information that she has. That is good for me to take home and use a reference. Except that she reads directly from them. And doesn't stop to ask me questions from them. For instance, yesterday we were working on self esteem. There is questions about "Do I like myself, Do I think I am a good human being" etc. Now I would assume that she would of had me answer those questions in session and explore them. But no, she just read them off the sheet and continued.
As well, she was trying to provide examples, which is fine, but she started to share personal examples. Not necessary bad, but she went in detail of what was going in her life and went on for about 10 minutes about this one example. It seemed more like a vent to me and wanted to get it off her chest. And it didn't just happen once. There were also 3 or 4 other short stories.
And she also had some examples about some of her other clients. For example she would say "I have this client who gets depressed and then gets drunk.... etc". She did this about twice. Now I have no idea who these clients are, thank goodness, but who knows if she is talking about me to other clients.
I'm not exactly sure what to do about this. I'm not really attached to this particular T. It is nice because it is paid for by work but there is another organization that is also paid by my work that I could switch to. I'm not sure how to terminate with this T because I have never been in this situation before. Any advice would be helpful.