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Sorry for the long title. I have no idea what else to call this. I'm really surprised about something that happened - and I'm surprised it's hitting me now in the way it is.

My old T, one time, a couple of months into our 10 months of work together, she did something that just hit me yesterday.

She brought in a photo album. Of hers. About her being at a political campaign. Then she drove me to a doctor's appointment, in her car, that I was scared to go to alone - and she bought me a bagel on the way.

Yes, there is context to this...

but does that make this ok?


At the time, I felt weird about it, but said yes anyhow and went along anyhow.

Her being w me at the doctor's seemed fine, and still does. It was a rare thing - and a docor that was evaluating me emotionally in terms of neurologically. So THAT seemed fine.

The rest?

um, doesn't seem so ok now. I think I should have said no. I think my T should have never have gone there.

I had my own car to drive...

and the bagel? ok small gift but still...

and the photo album? of her, her family, ecterta. It wasn't like she was trying to convince me of anything politically - she was excited about it - and that's just it. It was about her. Well, maybe she was trying to help connect to me - but still...

it was weird.

the album. and showing me it.



The T I saw before her was a disaster. My primary T now has confirmed the old-old-T was intentionally was trying to cause regression (long story) - and thankfully, I only saw her for 11 very intense weeks.

and now? My primary T never would do any of that. Never ever pushes my boundaries and does stay mindful of her own. Nothing like this has ever come up. I can be in an office alone with her ok. I have to numb out some of her caring of me - I've told her and she knows that, and the mess I went through with the old T.

I'm scared to be in an office alone with my eq T. It's partly because the focus is more on me, and partly because... I'm scared of her. I'm scared of any T.

My primary T saw me strugge with this. She saw me also do really well in group therapy. She thought eq t - one on one with a t, plus animals - might be a good place for me.

dang, she was right.

And I gotta let my eq t be responsible for her own boundaries, and be responsible for mine too. I gotta let go. It's just so freaking hard.

... and now I am sitting here thinking... when would it be ok for T to show me a photo album of them and their family at a political event... like a whole album, a scrapbook...

is that wierd?
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your comment that 'you are scared of any t' made me remember awhile back meeting a friends husband who is a p, and well, i just avoided him. i felt he could read me like a book, just seeing me. and i realized that translates to most any t or c or p, i feel shamed and i wonder if that 'mind reading' element means anything to you, too. y'no? they can't mind read...i keep telling myself...

i would say, too, weird boundaries, not sure that was 'just right' of her to do, 'kind', but, errr, ummmm, unexpected and confusing...jill

Well, I think the fact that it made you feel weird is a sign that it was crossing your boundaries. I think the doctor visit and driving you etc. could be ok depending on the circumstances at the time. It is unusual, but I wouldn't say for sure that it is crossing a boundary. I think the most important thing about that would have been to discuss it with T at the time and talk about what that all meant and clarify any boundary issues that might have come up as a result. I had a T in my teen years that used to use my session time to run errands. She would take me with her to pick up her kids (try having "therapy" with kids in the car..,ya right!), took me out to eat etc. Very much a violation in so many ways. She sucked. So, I think your situation could have been the beginning of some boundary crossing or it could have been her making sure that you were safe. Hard to tell.

On the photo album, I think it is a bit odd. If it weren't therapeutically applicable in some way then perhaps it was an overstep. On the one hand it would be nice to connect to T in that way, but I think it could also be confusing and difficult and is definitely a gray area.

So, it is no wonder that you find it hard to trust any T. I think that is expected and ok right now. It takes time to build trust and it isn't something that she be forced.

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