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The PsychCafe
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Hi Guys,
I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm going to be taking a break from posting. I'm not particularly happy about this, and it was a difficult decision, but I had a very long talk with my younger daughter and husband and both of them, but especially my daughter are upset over my computer use and online involvement so I think I need to take a break for awhile to figure out where the boundaries are and how to handle this.

I want to assure everyone that it has NOTHING to do with anyone here but is definitely about my own stuff. I will miss everyone and am sorry to not be around. I'm not sure how long the break will be but I will be back at some point.

Thank you all for all your friendship and support and invaluable help on my journey.

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I will so miss your posts. Frowner

I have always appreciated your courage to post your therapy journey online. Your insight has helped so many individuals here.

I can also certainly appreciate the need for you to balance your real-life with your online life.

I just had an evil thought.... we need Shrinklady to offer you a job - so you can quit your current employment and make replying to all our posts your new paid career!! Wink

Seiously, take care - I do hope we see you back here on the odd ocassion so we can continue to share in your ongoing successes in therapy.

Big hugs
I'm OK
(((((AG))))) I agree with everyone else, this is totally understandable. Actually it is a testimony to your healing, that so many people want some of your time, that you find yourself having to step back and rethink how you are going to divide and prioritize that. Big Grin And it is also a sign of healing that you can recognize the need to do it, and then do it. So it is all good! I wish you the best in re-evaluating those boundaries and finding the new right balance. Smiler

That said...I will also miss your "missives", long and short. Wink I would selfishly like to second I'm OK's motion for Shrinklady to hire you on here. Razzer

Take care, AG. I look forward to your return.

Big hugs,
AG I’m really sorry you’ve been put in a position where you have had to choose between something that’s helpful and positive to you (posting on this forum) and wanting to do the best for your family. That can’t have been easy and while I’m glad you’ve been able to make a decision that (hopefully) suits everyone - I have to say I shall miss your presence on these boards.

Want to wish you all the best Smiler


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