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I'm new here and I'm so confused. I've been in therapy for 10 months and for the most part it has been really powerful but lately it has been so difficult. It's hard to summarize all the things that have happened but I guess I could explain that I've been in therapy to work on issues of healing from abuse that happened when I was a child and trying to sort out my feelings about my very dysfunctional family.

My relationship with my T has been really strong up until the last few weeks. I learned from reading stuff here that I had definitely attached to her as a mother figure and she really gets that and nurtures it. I have been feeling like she really understands me and I love having her support and kindness to count on. The last few weeks I've been feeling distant from her and so angry. There's no real reason for it.

Since starting therapy my feelings just keep getting huger and huger to the point where it scares me so much. I can call my T and email if I need her, and sometimes I do that, but I often feel really bad afterwards like I'm asking too much or taking too much time. I think the huge feelings are mostly from when I was young. But it's got to the point now that most of my feelings are about my relationship with my T, rather than my past. I understand that what's happening is the stuff from my past is playing out in my relationship with my T, but it's driving me crazy that I'm always either longing for my T, curious about my T's "real life", internet stalking her, or completely pissed off at her for no apparent reason. She's cool with talking about all this stuff but I feel dumb and can't admit some of it. And instead of working through this stuff it seems to just be getting stronger and scarier.

The other problem is I'm so overwhelmed with feelings that I'm exhausted. For the past few months I've been constantly trying to deal with one after another crisis that comes up. At first I was really gung ho and optimistic and determined to feel the feelings and work through it all, but after several months of hurting so much I am feeling like I can't take it any more.

I want to quit therapy or at least take a break. But I am not sure if that's a smart idea. I've worked so hard to get where I am (i.e. to be able to feel anything at all) that I am scared it'll be for nothing if I give up now. The other problem is that lately I've been so angry with my T for no reason and I can't figure out if that is part of the reason I want to quit instead of trying to face the anger. My biggest fear is that if I quit I'll feel so alone I'll do something scary like start self harming again or get really depressed which has happened before. The attachment to her is so strong sometimes and it hits me when I least expect it, so even though I think I'd be fine if I quit, I know it's possible I'll freak out again if I know I won't be able to see her any more. That scares me.

Has anybody taken a break when things were feeling too hard? Did it help? Did anybody quit altogether because it was too much?

Thanks for reading this. I'd appreciate your help.

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Hi Orbit

Welcome Welcome to the forums! I'm glad that you posted. This will be a little short as I am up against a deadline at work right now, but I want to reassure you that everything you are describing sounds pretty normal for someone healing from childhood abuse.

People who experienced abuse as children often learned to be scared of their own needs and feelings because they experienced things that evoked such an intense emotional response that they had no way to deal with it, so those emotions actually got "put away" so to speak until they were ready to deal with them. Now that you are letting them out, part of the feelings that are coming out are the memories of feeling like these emotions are so powerful they will destroy you (they won't but it can really feel incredibly threatening). 10 months is not a very long time at all to be in therapy when dealing with childhood abuse. Nor are the strong feelings you're having about your T.

You are at the most difficult stage in my opinion which is that you are allowing your feelings to emerge but have not yet learned how to regulate them, it can feel very overwhelming and it's very understandable that you do not want to be doing this. It can be hellish to heal from these injuries. I have been doing therapy over a series of 25 years and have come and gone several times during those years with two different therapists. My gut feel is that what you are experiencing, as overwhelming as it feels, is a sign you are healing.

And all the feelings coming up about your T really are old feelings surfacing in your relationship with her. And it can be crazy making but it's how you'll heal. It's normal for this type of therapy to start focusing in on the relationship.

There's a LOT on the forums about these topics. I'm going to give you a link below to a very long thread that has a lot on the topic, but i would also do a search on "transference."

Update on Transference

I also think there's a post on my blog you might find helpful:

Disorganized Attachment or Why You Think You're Crazy but You're Not

Hi AG,

Thanks for your reply. The way you explained it makes a lot of sense. I had actually read both your blog and the thread on transference but for some reason wasn't able to apply it to my own situation until you pointed it out so clearly Roll Eyes

One part of your blog that really rings true is this:

I know with the Boundary Ninja I have exhibited both the avoidant behavior of not wanting him to matter and wanting to flee the relationship alternating with terror that he wouldn’t be there and needing to contact him, sometimes multiple times between appointments to make sure he was still there. These behaviors could flip flop back and forth at a really high rate, sometimes within minutes of each other.

All this back and forth is driving me crazy! Even since I wrote the first post on the forum the other day I have decided to quit therapy because I am so mad at my T I don't think I can stand the sight of her again, and at the same time I've had to stop myself multiple times from calling her just to hear her voice and fallen asleep at night fantasizing about being near to her. Then I wake up in the morning right back to being mad and really wanting to prove somehow that I don't need her.

The other part of your blog that really helped was this part:

So you have two imperatives screaming at you “move closer or die” and “move closer, you die.”

When I look at how I'm feeling from this point of view I'm able to make more sense of it and I feel more inclined to show up at my session this week and talk about it all. Again.

But I'm still so exhausted.

You are at the most difficult stage in my opinion which is that you are allowing your feelings to emerge but have not yet learned how to regulate them

That makes sense to me. I guess that this happens on a different timeline for different people, but I'm wondering how long did this stage last for others? If I thought I had years of this ahead of me I don't know if I'd want to continue with therapy. I feel totally wrung out.

It occurred to me that the smart thing to do would be to just talk to my T about this and try to find a way to make things more manageable before giving up. If only I wasn't so determined to hate her guts right now.

Thanks again for your reply. I really appreciate it.

Hey Orbit,

Just wanted to say that I know how hard the feelings are and how easy it would be to stop therapy. The best thing to do would be to talk to your T. In my experience, it was really hard at first but does get easier though it can still be hard.

I'm in a bad spot myself right now and am staying in therapy only by hanging onto some faith that at some point, the worst will be over and a beautiful butterfly will emerge on the other side.

So, I am a believer in staying in therapy. However, at the same time, I do believe that if you are in severe pain, it needs to be addressed. Even moderate to severe pain needs to be addressed. I'm saying that because I think just the experience of being in therapy is going to cause some pain. But not so much that you can't handle it or it is ubearable.

Welcome to the forum. You have definitely found the right place.

Hey there,
I don't have a lot of experience here - But I was hoping to talk a bit about the 'exhaustion' you are feeling...

I felt this way too when I started getting into properly impossible things with my T...and so I told her about it - Told her that I was just completely and totally floored with exhaustion.

You know what she told me?

She smiled warmly...and told me that it was a good thing. She told me that the legitimate actual processing that goes down when you start this work - Is incredibly frickin exhausting.

All the stuff you feel like you work on during the day, the waking hours, the sessions etc... is simply the start of it - The things that we continue to work on, the pathways our brains reconstruct, the bridges that are being worked on... This all happens without us having any idea - And it's like running a marathon that you didn't know you were running.

So... in her words, and in hopeful support of what you are going through - Please know that the exhaustion MAKES SENSE and that it is a GOOD, TANGIBLE thing that means you're working really, really hard at this. exhausted. Go to bed earlier, nap on the couch, or in the sun under a tree... Take exceptional care of yourself...and just be...tired for a little bit.

In a little while... you won't be so completely exhausted...and other things will change to - And they will blow your mind.

I promise.
Hi again,

Liese, thanks for your feedback.

I do believe that if you are in severe pain, it needs to be addressed. Even moderate to severe pain needs to be addressed. I'm saying that because I think just the experience of being in therapy is going to cause some pain. But not so much that you can't handle it or it is unbearable.

I was glad you said this. I think I really needed a reminder that it's okay for me to need more help than I am getting. I am really fighting with myself about taking up space and time in the world right now. And I'm so used to feeling like if I'm in pain there's nowhere to turn to (because I'm the reason for it in the first place and nobody would want to help me anyways), I lost sight of the fact that in this case I need my T's help and that it's reasonable to ask for it given what I'm going through. So thank you for saying that.

And thanks NavyMe for the encouragement.

All the stuff you feel like you work on during the day, the waking hours, the sessions etc... is simply the start of it - The things that we continue to work on, the pathways our brains reconstruct, the bridges that are being worked on... This all happens without us having any idea - And it's like running a marathon that you didn't know you were running.

That was really well said and helped change my perspective. Another thing I am struggling with is taking care of myself and being nice to myself right now. I've been thinking of myself as weak and whiny for being so exhausted. Your message was a good reminder to go easy on myself.

I started freaking out this weekend about it all and emailed my T explaining that I've been thinking about quitting/taking a break because it hurts too much and I'm scared. She wrote back with a lot of encouragement and understanding. She's totally supportive of me taking a break if that's what I need, and reassured me she'll still be there when I'm ready to continue. She also offered additional support - more sessions, or whatever I need, etc. until I can get through this rough patch.

Reading her offer of more support gave me a huge sigh of relief and left me feeling a lot more safe than I have in weeks. So I think maybe all this wanting to quit was some part of me trying to ask for more help? After reading what she had to say I don't want to quit any more.

Thanks for the encouragement to talk to my T about things. This is a really great forum.


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