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Haven't logged in for a while, not sure if my old thread is still posted. Without going into details because I'm really not in the mood to post about it, my daughter's councelor has for whatever reason become a threat. I'm looking to take her to court if I can.

I don't know if there's such a thing as malpractice for counselors, but my daughter's councelor has screwed me and her. I may be losing time with her and having a large financial burden placed on me that I simply don't have the funding to handle. She's gone back on what she says, handed my ex everything she wants and needs to reduce my parenting time, prolonged the issues, not confronted those who are doing damage, potentially told me and my ex different things, and generally mishandled the situation. Anyone done it, heard about it being done, or have any ideas on making it happen?

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Spooky - I would for sure look into reporting the T to the licening board before seeking a civil malpractice claim. You can also pursue a malpractice claim - and consulting an attorney would be very important (and the case would be bosltered by reporting the T to the licensing board). Often, when a doctor or a T is sued for malpractice, all the medical/psychological records become public and/or lose some measure of privacy that they would otherwise be protected by. They generally become public record. This loss of privacy can be fixed, by a skilled attorney - but it is something to be aware of as it could potentially backfire.

It sounds like you are dealing with a divorce? Is this specific T court mandated? Can you go to another T? Having another T weigh in on this T would help in many ways - including reporting the bad T, and also helping to repair the damage. Is the T is involved in maing decisions about custody? Do you have legal help with that?

So sorry you and your daughter are having to deal with a crummy T making what sound like a rough situtation worse. Frowner
I'm planning on asking my new lawyer for the family stuff about this or getting a referral to someone more knowledgeable on this area of law.

Long story really. Not sure how to put it in a nutshell.

Been divorced a while, daughter is being alienated by her mother as well as my "dad" (after my mom died the things about him she held in check became too much of a problem and we haven't spoken in over a year) and his wife. Daughter is upset over my not having a relationship with her grandfather anymore, and the current counselor has been very passive and seems to be putting no effort into getting anyone else involved to put the kid's needs first. Counselor is the 2nd she's had, but the courts aren't involved in that aspect of things yet. I explored the idea of getting the 1st involved again, but (another long story short) given her mother's take on things I decided it would be a huge hassle. Now I see no other option, as the counselor seems to be more or less siding with my ex and has given her enough to make things very difficult for me legally and financially. Most of that was provided upon request, and though she agreed with me and indicated she'd back me up and undo some of the damage she did she hasn't and apparently won't.

Hope that makes some sort of sense. I might post the entire story once the current legal process gets started so others can read and learn from it.

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