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I finally brought up the issue of touch with T. He had already announced a "no hugs, no hand holding" policy. Touch wasn't even on my mind when he announced he policy and so from my point of view, it was out of the blue. And, so when he said it, I felt as though he must have said it in response to some desperate signal I was giving out that I was unaware of. Like, I must stave off this desperate girl because she's reeking neediness from every pore of her body and it's absolutely repulsive.

The whole touch thing has become such an issue for me because I feel like it's tied to my crying and my not being able to cry with T. This pain I feel just feels so primal, that's the only way I can describe it. And sometimes I shake when I cry. It's a whole body experience. I think like AG mentioned on another thread, it feels like I want to curl in a ball or kind of sit Indian style with my head in my knees. And, I'm just so uptight that I can't let go like that. I'm losing hope that I'll ever be able to cry in T's presence.

When I experienced my trauma, I cried every night for a year by myself. And so, sometimes I think that if I cry with T and he doesn't touch me in some way or form, that it will feel very isolating for me and may even retraumatize me to some extent.

So, I've been feeling a big need to talk about it with him but have been really scared to do so since his spontaneous boundary marking many months ago.

Today I got a little brave and brought it up this way. I told him that it's torture for me to be so near my H but not be able to reach out to him for physical comfort from him. (Things between H and I are strained.) And that I so need that but don't exactly have a mother who can stroke my hair. He jumped right on it and asked me what I can do, like can I cuddle with the kids? And, I said yes, that I try to be affectionate with the kids. But what I didn't tell him is that being affectionate with the kids isn't really what I need. I just really want someone to hold me steady when I shake. It doesn't even have to be a hug. Well, of course, I really want T to hold me steady in some way. I also told him that I think the fact that I don't have anyone who can do that for me now is made more painful by the fact that I didn't have anyone back then either.

Even when I try to imagine him holding me, it all seems so awkward and I'm wondering how comfortable I would really be with it if he ever did agree to say, even sit next to me. Sometimes I just want to lie on my side on his floor and have him sit near my head and I just want to cry and have him stroke my hair and tell my funny stories. Is that unusual? I guess it kind of reminds me of what a parent might do for a child, right? Comfort them, connect with their pain and then try to make them laugh.

T was smiling at the end of our session and I asked him why he was smiling. And he said, because I feel connected to you. And I asked him was it easy for him to connect? I meant it in a kind of general sense, like with everyone, not really talking about me. And he said something about all we've been through together. It was a nice moment. He could have given up on me trusting him a long time ago. It's taken us a long time to get to this point of trust. But he never gave up. And because he didn't give up, I didn't either. There were times when we knew something was working right but it was okay. We didn't know the answer then but we would figure it out. Gosh, what could be better than having someone stand by you like that? I should be satisfied with that but oh, this pain.

And even though I understand intellectually the "no touch" rule in therapy, it still makes me feel repulsive. Maybe I should talk to him about that? It's so hard to talk about but at least the door is open now, right?
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I understand how the no touch rule could leave you feeling repulsive, but from what I am understanding, its not at all that T finds you repulsive. Its simply a firm boundary to keep in place so that there is no confusion and it doesn't open things up to you feeling rejected on days when he fails to offer a hug versus days he did offer. His policy is keeping things very defined and pre-determined. Because it is pre-determined on his part, it has nothing to do with you. You are not repulsive.

However, I understand that you feel like you are not "hugable" or "touchable" to T. So I do think you should talk about this with him.

I also want to agree with you that this has some connection to a child wanting to be comforted by their parents through hugs, holding, etc. I find myself insanely jealous seeing pics of my T holding her son. I long to have her hold me and comfort me. I think its an aching in us that will probably never go away, but hopefully through talking about it with your T, you will get more reassurance that this has nothing to do with being repulsive.

I would feel the same way I saw pictures of him holding his daughter. He only has a picture of his dog and seeing that picture evoked a lot of jealousy. His dog is really cute. I don't know if I've ever seen a cuter dog. I can't even look at the picture anymore.

I *know* it's not becase I am repulsive but it feels like that. Frowner He used to walk next to me on the way out of his office and he doesn't do that anymore. I asked him if something happened or I got too close and he said no, that sometimes he just has to go back to make a phone call. But he used to be shoulder to shoulder and now he walks at least a foot away. Frowner


That's a good suggestion about somatic therapy. Do you talk about your stuff while she does it. How does it work?

What did your T have to say about touch? Only share if you want.

I'm editing this to add that yes, DF, it is a gray area and I can interpret his no hugs, no handholding comment to mean explicitly that but that there might be room for other things, like a pat on the shoulder. Half of me just toys with never mentioning it again and the other half toys with just asking, well can you put your hand on my shoulder when I cry because I will just feel too isolated if you stare at me.
Awww, DF, what a great story. The women T's seem to be a whole lot more touch feely than the men T's. I did read two things, I think, somewhat related but one I could be making up. That a woman client is more likely to experience transference with a male T than a male client with a female T. And also that of the T's who do cross the sexual boundary lines, it's the male T's. I think I did read that last part but I'm fuzzy on that one. So my T has at least two good reasons to have strong boundaries. And, even if for him it wasn't a sexual act, it could be on the part of the client and then that in and of itself could lead to disaster.

My last T, the woman, I hugged the first time I quit therapy with her and the second and final time I quit therapy with her. I remember really feeling a need to hug her but I don't feel a need to hug current T. I can't even imagine it. He's also kind of little and I probably weigh more than he does and I would feel very self-conscious doing it. I also can't imagine the full body thing and I don't know why but can't picture any other type of hug than a full body hug. How do you hug your T? Just arms around each other and bodies away from one another?

But, maybe after we talk about it all, he might consider working with some kind of touch if he's satisfied I've worked through my sexual feelings for him and I'm satisfied I've worked through my sexual feelings for him. It's so odd to me though, because I only have the sexual feelings for him out of session. I'm not aware of them in session although I do sit there sometimes and just think, he's so cute, he's so cute. But I'm not thinking, I want to jump his bones. I think I'm thinking, I want to be closer. Like I just want to snuggle and cuddle and feel safe.

He did spontaneously offer once that basketball players who high give each other a lot and touch each other's butts score more points and it has to do with bonding, etc. Maybe I should ask him if we could high five? I can really see now how powerful touch is in terms of bonding.
The first time I hugged my T was in the beginning of our working together. I asked him if I could hug him and he said sure. Then I was away from him for a while with his female colleague. She asked if she could give me a hug after our first session and always thereafter. Now I hug my T when I want to but I do worry sometimes what he thinks. I feel like I really need the hugs. There's so much more that I need. There are some sexual overtones to my feelings for him but I think that's a very human thing and I'm not going to act on them- neither is he. IT's still scary.

So brave you of to ask for a hug. I think I asked my last one for a hug when I quit therapy but didn't realize then how loaded the topic was. If T was uncomfortable with hugs, maybe he probably would have said no to begin with?

Butterfly, I know the no-touch thing has nothing to do with me. It was hard that he just announced it one day. I felt as though I must have been giving off some kind of signal that he felt like he had to say something, like I was going to ambush him or something.

I actually brought that up recently and asked him why he brought it up. He couldn't remember but said it must have been related to something we were talking about. I remember how shocked I was when he said it and how embarrassed I felt, so I don't think it was part of any conversation I was actually having, though that still leaves room for some kind of signal I was giving off that I was unaware of. I did tell him that it was out of the blue for me but left it at that. Who knows, maybe he was trying to open up the door to talk about it? Or just talk about touch in general. He was very empathic yesterday re: my needs but I didn't ask him for anything. I just said how hard it was to have H there but not be able to ask him for that. And he knows sometimes I just lie in bed and shiver about the big scary universe.

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