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It's been a year and a half I've tried to get up the courage to discuss transference with my therapist. So much shame because my adult self is so capable and so dislikes weakness and dependency. It helped to remember it's my inner kid that has the dependency and fear. I found a way by asking what T believes about Transference.

I've read a lot about this subject by experts on-line and books I've ordered, and treatment techniques have such different approaches. Some don't even deal with Transference, and some of the old Freudians believe in treating it like it's a bad thing. So, I asked my T what she thinks and found that she believes the modern way...that it's good and OK and is a way to work through childhood abuses and fears.
I'm so relieved we talked a whole hour about it. My inner child has the fear of death if her need for the T becomes known. The child in me could never trust until I could tell her T believes it's OK to talk about it and feel it. Really hard to work with but now we can get started.
I'm so glad my T never let me get off the hook about inner child. Every session, she would gently ask questions but not be pushy. Now I know I'll get over all those problems I have with emotions by bringing this out in the open.
I'm glad that all of your have encouraged me and showed how all this works.
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Awesome work, Sky.

It does feel so good when we are able to speak, become vulnerable. The hardest thing in the world to do. But,the relief it brings feels so damn good and freeing. I fought tooth and nail to not let this man "in". I was only torturing myself and to actually tell him I cannot stand the fact he matters to me and I miss him. I don't want him to be important to me, but he is and now it's all on the table. This can really be a turning point for you. I am kind of scared right now, because my feelings are really getting stronger towards him. He's been extremely kind and giving the last few sessions and he usually maintians strict boundaries. I know he wanted to physically hug me as he left for his vacation across the planet, but he would not dare and his ass was firmly planted in his chair for our safety. Good work!
That is so awesome skylynx

It feel so much better aye, being able to talk about it with our Ts. I've NEVER talked about it, I've actively avoided tLing about it with every single T until this one. I took the risk and she is awesome. She never leaves me feeling ashamed. I still FEEL shame but I ow it comes from within me, it's not from her.

,y only regret I guess is not brining it up sooner - but maybe the other Ts weren't the right people

Once I let my T know how the therapeutic relationship mirrors that of my abusive mother, and how it leaves me feeling pretty sad and it's painful - I have definitely been more able to open up and actually let my walls down.

This is such a huge step skylynx - starting to talk about it means you can be more readily able to feel her support. It's awesome she understands and 'gets' it too. Cos as you'll ow from reading about it - some Ts run a mile (which is pretty self centred since therapy is meant to be about the client and their feelings, not the Ts!)

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