I've read a lot about this subject by experts on-line and books I've ordered, and treatment techniques have such different approaches. Some don't even deal with Transference, and some of the old Freudians believe in treating it like it's a bad thing. So, I asked my T what she thinks and found that she believes the modern way...that it's good and OK and is a way to work through childhood abuses and fears.
I'm so relieved we talked a whole hour about it. My inner child has the fear of death if her need for the T becomes known. The child in me could never trust until I could tell her T believes it's OK to talk about it and feel it. Really hard to work with but now we can get started.
I'm so glad my T never let me get off the hook about inner child. Every session, she would gently ask questions but not be pushy. Now I know I'll get over all those problems I have with emotions by bringing this out in the open.
I'm glad that all of your have encouraged me and showed how all this works.